49335 - Medical Anthropology (L-Z)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquires theoretical-methodological tools to consider adequately the socio-cultural dynamics enrolled in the disease experience and in the forms of care. Starting from the consideration that the process of translating signs of illness into disease symptoms is mediated by cultural reference frameworks, ignorance of the patient's perspective means taking the risk of misunderstanding the meaning of his experience and hindering his participation in the therapeutic process. By means of long-established tools on these issues, it is possible to produce better efficiency of the services provided (reducing drop out, non-compliance and access barriers) and greater therapeutic efficacy (thus promoting the health of the population). In particular, the student has knowledge of: - cultural design of the disease experience; - medical-patient communication; - impact of socio-economic processes in the production of risk factors and pathologies; - implementation of models to make these instances operational in the context of the medical-patient encounter and in the general promotion of his health.


Texts for the examination are published on AMS Campus.

The following books can be considered as useful material for the course and as food for thought, but without prejudice to the possibility for students to propose additional materials and contributions related to their experience and according to their interests:

E.Freidson, La dominanza medica. Le basi sociali della malattia e delle istituzioni sanitarie, Franco Angeli, Milano

M.Foucault, Nascita della clinica. Una archeologia dello sguardo medico, Einaudi, Torino

P.Cornaglia Ferraris (Medicus Medicorum), Camici e pigiami, Laterza, Roma-Bari

E.Colombo, P.Rebughini, La medicina contesa. Cure non convenzionali e pluralismo medico, Carocci, Roma

T.Nathan, I.Stengers, Medici e stregoni, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino

I.Cavicchi, Il rimedio e la cura, Editori Riuniti, Roma

L.Corradi, Salute e ambiente. Diversità e disuguaglianze sociali, Carocci, Roma

V.A.Zelizer, Vite economiche. Valore di mercato e valore della persona, il Mulino, Bologna

L.Valdrè, Medicina muta. La malattia tra oggettività e sentimento, Rusconi, Milano

U.Curi, Le parole della cura, Cortina, Milano

G.Erba, La malattia e i suoi nomi, Meltemi, Roma

F.Manattini, P.Stauder (a cura di), Il silenzio per dirlo, Quattroventi, Urbino

G.Donini, Come si ascolta una conchiglia, Il senso capovolto della medicina moderna, Quattroventi, Urbino

G.Donini, Complessità sociale, memoria e cellule. Nuove forme di creatività umana, Quattroventi, Urbino

U.Galimberti, Il corpo, Feltrinelli, Milano

R.Beneduce, Archeologie del trauma. Un’antropologia del sottosuolo, Laterza, Roma-Bari

A.Morrone (a cura di), Oltre la tortura. Percorsi di accoglienza con rifuguati e vittime di tortura, Ed.Magi., Roma

F.Leboyer, Per una nascita senza violenza, Bompiani

Ph.Ariès, L‘uomo e la morte in Occidente, BUR Rizzoli, Milano

I.Health, Modi di morire, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino

S.de Beauvoir, Una morte dolcissima, Einaudi, Torino

Teaching methods

lectures, discussions and active participation

Assessment methods

final written exam with multiple choice questions

Teaching tools

movies, internet connection

Office hours

See the website of Marco Grilli