59257 - Pedagogy of Deviance and Educational Activities to Counter Addictions

Academic Year 2012/2013

  • Docente: Laura Cavana
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: M-PED/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in PEDAGOGY– Science of education (cod. 0998)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student – KNOWS suitably the technical frame and the main openings of re-educational intervention which phenomenological pedagogy point of view identifies to understand and intervene toward difficult subjects; - OWNS deep knowledge about re-educational strategies of relational kind addressed both to the individual and to a group of individuals, and has competencies to address the re-educational process toward experiences of mindfulness and responsibility taking; - IS ABLE TO apply the knowledge acquired about care practices, counselling, help relations; - OWNS knowledge and competencies suitable to interact with difficult subjects with reflective and problematical attitude, because he knows the risks resulting from different forms of prejudice, conditioning and social and cultural stigmatization, of ideological drifts

Course contents

Regarding the theme of “deviance and addiction”, the course tends to favour problems linked to the abuse of drugs in young people and adults, highlighting the modern nature of consumption and the most significant repercussions in educational terms.
The theoretical-interpretative reading of the themes under study and the operative hypotheses linked to recovery programmes for drug addicts will be dealt with in the context of the phenomenological paradigm and the autonomy-addiction dialectic. During the course these two perspectives will also be discussed in reference to wider-ranging difficulties, not always linked or linkable to the abuse of toxic substances.


-L. Cavana, Pedagogia fenomenologica e interpretazione della devianza, in "Rivista on line di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza, Vol. III n. 3 / Vol. IV n.1- Settembre 2009 / Aprile 2010, pp. 204-213.
- A. Augelli, Erranze. Attraversare la preadolescenza, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011

- P. Bertolini, Le direzioni intenzionali originarie
dell'esperienza educativa, in P. Bertolini, L'esistere pedagogico,
La Nuova Italia, 1988 (cap. IV paragraphs 50-62)

- ENCYCLOPAIDEIA, Journal of Phenomenology and Education, Bononia University Press, n. 31, 2011 (Introduction and Essays of: V. Iori, A. Contini, A. Augelli, E. Musi, L. Zannini, N. Migliorino, R. De Monticelli/D. Bruzzone)


- V. Pranzini (a cura di), Leopardo spensierato. Piero Bertolini
e lo scautismo, Roma, Edizioni fiordaliso, 2011

- one book as you like:

or * G. Magro, La comunità per tossicodipendenti, un progetto
educativo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2004

or * R. Bisi (a cura di), Tossicodipendenze, comunità e
trattamento, Bologna, Clueb, 2006 (pp. 1 – 115; 169 – 195; 299 – 313)

or* D. Pennac, Diario di scuola, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2007

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Office hours

See the website of Laura Cavana