
Borate Free Cleaners for Aluminum Alloys

The project propose to analyse four new borate-free agents (cleaners), able to remove any grease or solid soils or contaminants adsorbed or chemically bonded to the surface of the parts from previous operations. Different borate-free formulations will be tested and investigated in a pilot line evaluating the cleaning efficiency compared to formulations containing borates and also evaluating the impact in term of corrosion or damage of these new formulations on two of the most critical aluminium alloys utilized in aeronautics. Together with the identification of the optimal cleaner and its processing window the project will provide indications on the analytics to be performed on the bath and the limiting values for selecting bath maintenance or replacement of the full solution. Finally, an evaluation on small and medium size parts of the whole anodizing sequence will be performed with particular reference the major requirements of the processes, like adhesion, corrosion properties and fatigue life.

- Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Aeronautica-    CIRI Aeronautica
- Resp. Scientifico: Prof. Luca Tomesani

Other participants
Italtecno S.r.l. (Italy)

Start date 01/01/2012
End date 30/06/2013
Duration 18 months
Project Reference 296687
Project cost 99.998 EURO
Project Funding 66.279 EURO  
Subprogramme Area JTI-CS-2011-1-ECO-01-019: Borate-free cleaners used in anodizing processes
Contract type Joint Technology Initiatives - Clean Sky