Point of Care Diagnostics for rapid and cheap pathogen detection of companion animals.

Veterinary diagnostics is a key tool in the prevention and control of infectious diseases in animals. POC4PETS aims at delivering an innovative set of technologies for sample preparation and enrichment for rapid point of care (POC) diagnosis of companion animals pathologies. For each of the selected animal species, POC4PETS focuses on emerging, endemic or zoonotic diseases, which are currently characterised by a lack of reliable diagnostic tools or that need improved diagnostics. The research activities aim at identifying the agents via different nucleic acid detection technologies: on site PCR, isothermal amplification and mini-array probing. POC4PETS products will contribute to reach the CAHP 2007-2013 objective of reducing the direct socio-economic effects of animal diseases, through the development of an innovative set of knowledge based solutions translated into diagnostic technologies. The research activities will be accompanied and followed by strong dissemination and exploitation actions carefully designed for EU member and third countries interested stakeholders and end-users, including veterinary practitioners and medical doctors in case of zoonoses. POC4PETS will provide the involved SMEs with new tools and effective detection systems characterised by the potential of a high market acceptance that will enhance their competitiveness. The POC4PETS consortium involves 3 multidisciplinary RTD performers with expertise in virology, microbiology, parassitology, chemistry and molecular biology and 3 SMEs involved in veterinary diagnostics manufacturing, laser technology and veterinary services.

- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie
- Resp. Scientifico: Prof.ssa Alessandra Scagliarini

Other participants
Vetgenomics Sl (Spain)
Universita Degli Studi Di Verona (Italy)
Catalan Institute Of Nanotechnology (Spain)
Skuldtech Sas (France)
Ennebi Elettronica Srl (Italy)

Start date 01/09/2012
End date 31/08/2014
Duration 24 months
Project Reference 315653
Project cost 1.060.870 EURO
Project Funding 733.000 EURO  
Subprogramme Area SME-2012-1: Research for SMEs
Contract type Research for the benefit of specific groups