Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeships: what is it and how to apply

Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeships is the EU-promoted student mobility programme which gives students a chance to broaden their vocational and training curriculum by working abroad in any public sector company or a private commercial enterprise located in European countries that have joined the Erasmus+ Programme. The Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeships Call for applications is published every year by the University of Bologna.

Call for applications to Erasmus+ mobility for traineeship

The call for application for AY 2024/25 is closed and no information is currently available on the a.y. call. 2025/26.
However, you may consult the call for AY 2024/25 to get a general idea of the application methods. Remember that the application requirements and attachments may be modified for AY 2025/26. The updated documents will be available in the new call.

Lenght of traineeship and financial contributions

The duration of traineeships under this programme is from 2 to 12 months and students may receive a EU grant up to a maximum of 6 months.

Where can you go

The countries of destination are:

  • the 26 European Union Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Hungary;
  • the 3 Countries of the European Economic Area: Island, Liechtenstein and Norway;
  • the accession candidate countries: North Macedonia, Serbia Turkey;
  • some non-EU countries participating in the Erasmus+ Programme: The United Kingdom and Switzerland. 
    (Starting from the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027, the United Kingdom and Switzerland are Partner Countries. The mobilities towards these countries are therefore guaranteed, but student grants will be covered by European funds equivalent to those foreseen for Programme Countries). 

Who can take part?

Students enrolled in first, second, third cycle degree programme and single-cycle degree programme, who can carry out the traineeship before or after graduation.


Erasmus Student Charter [.pdf 1280 KB]


AFORM - Area Formazione e Dottorato - Settore Accordi e mobilità Erasmus+ "UE" - Ufficio Mobilità per tirocinio e mobilità docenti e personale TA

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