Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.
- Implementation of a 0D numerical model (python / matlab) of a bench for the characterization of the distillation properties of biofuels
- Implementation of a 0D numerical model (python) for the simulation of the thermo-fluid dynamic behavior of an internal combustion engine operating at low temperature
- Implementation of a virtual bench (python) for the characterization of anti-knock indices of biofuels
- Evolution of a numerical model (python) for the study of the lubricant-fuel-piston ring interaction in internal combustion engines for the assessment of the risk of pre-ignition
- 3D CFD modeling and characterization of a CRF engine for RON and MON measurement
- Experimental survey and statistical analysis based on images of the dispersion of the electric ignition arc and of the evolution of the first moments of combustion in internal combustion engines (Activities to be carried out in part at the CNR-Istituto Motori of Naples)
- Numerical-experimental study of innovative ignition systems for internal combustion engines
- 3D CFD analysis of the partialized performance of a positive ignition engine equipped with a passive pre-chamber
- 3D CFD analysis of the behavior of a positive ignition engine fueled with hydrogen gas based mixtures
- 3D CFD analysis of the behavior of a dual fuel spark ignition engine
- Methodological comparison between phenomenological and detailed chemistry combustion models implemented in a 3D CFD code for internal combustion engines
- 3D and 0D CFD numerical simulation of a hydrogen fuel cell
- 3D CFD modeling of the effect of water injection and Miller / Atkinson cycles on the combustion process of a high efficiency SI engine
Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.
First cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Analisi dell’errore nella valutazione del consumo energetico dei moderni veicoli elettrici calcolato applicando il metodo di Willans
- Analisi energetica dei moderni propulsori e modellazione secondo il metodo di Willans
- Confronto energetico fra propulsori full hybrid e plug-in tramite codice Matlab
- Scenari sulla futura richiesta di energia da parte del parco automobilistico italiano
- Stima del costo energetico derivante dall'introduzione di veicoli commerciali elettrici in Italia
Second cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Combustibili alternativi al 2050: valutazione numerica energetica di possibili scenari per il settore dei trasporti