1999: degree in mechanical engineering at the University of
2000-2003: she took her PhD in Machine and Energetic Systems
Engineering in 2003 with a thesis titled “Development of
methodologies for simulating high pressure and fast-actuation
injectors”. During her PhD she spent 6 months at the Engine
Research Centre in Madison, Wisconsin, working together with Prof.
R. D. Reitz.
2003: she won post-doc biennial scholarship in Industrial
Engineering at the University of Bologna.
2004: she won the concourse for becoming a researcher at the
University of Bologna sited in Forlì in the disciplinary scientific
sector ING-IND 08 (Fluid Machine) and she got under way in April
She taught lessons in fluid machinery field ING-IND/08
periodically since 2001. Since 2006 she is supply teacher of three
Her research activity is mainly devoted to two fields: 1.
mono-dimensional simulation of pneumatic and hydraulic systems for
automotive and industrial applications; 2. three-dimensional
fluid-dynamic simulations of combustion process for gasoline
high-performances engines, with a particular care to ignition
process. The first branch of research concerns the development of
models for simulating high pressure and fast-actuation solenoid
injection systems equipping Common Rail Diesel engines. Moreover
she is involved in mono-dimensional simulations of pneumatic and
hydraulic circuits, plus external gear pumps characterized by
unitary transmission ratio.
In the second research field she studies the combustion process
modelling in high-performances gasoline engines. A particular care
was devoted to the study of critical issues related to the ignition
process. She is involved in the study of alternative
fuels in SI engines.
Currently, she is studying modern Miller and Atkinson cycles applied to modern turbo-charged GDI engines, plus she is performing thermodynamic and fluid-dyamics analysis of last generation engines like 'SACI' engine concept.
She performed joint collaborative projects with following
companies: VM Motori, Magneti Marelli Bologna, Ferrari, PIAGGIO, FAR,