Foto del docente

Riccardo Manzini

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-05/A Industrial Mechanical Plants

Curriculum vitae

Riccardo Manzini is:

Full Professor of Logistics and Industrial & Manufacturing Systems at the Department of Industrial Engineering, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Bologna University ( founded in 1088.


·      Director of the "Food Supply Chain Center & LAB" at Bologna University -

·      Director of the "Warehousing Center" at Bologna University

·      Director of the "LogiTransport Center" at Bologna University.

·      Scientific Director of the Center of Research on Logistics and Transportation, Bologna University and Arcese Trasporti Group.

·      Member of the international team work on Innovation within the European consortium "FoodBEST" ( and the kic food "food4future" ("sustainable food supply chain, from farm to fork") selected for the European Institute of Technology (EIT) 2014-2020.

·      Member of the inter-department Center of Industrial Research in Advanced Mechanics and Materials – Unit on “Advanced materials for the photonic design and application” , Network Tecnopoli High Tech Regione Emilia Romagna.

·      Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate School in Mechatronics and Product Innovation – Padova University.

·      Partner of the "Wine Supply Chain Council", Georgia Tech Institute (Atlanta, USA) - Professor John Bartholdi III director,

·      Founder, organizer and Chair of the International Workshop on Food Supply Chain “The Food Journey” (first event in Bertinoro-Orvieto June/July 2011, second event in Chile 2013) - WFSC,

·      Scientific Committee of the following International Conferences:

__ Second International Workshop on Food Supply Chain (WFSC 2013), Chile 2013
_The International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL) 2012, Zadar Croatia – June 2012
_The First International Workshop on Food Supply Chain 2011, Bertinoro
_Member of Program Committee of the Business and Industry Symposium (BIS) nell'anno 2004, Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (SCS - The International Society for Modeling Simulation).

·      Reviewer for many International ISI and non ISI Journals


Scientific activities as editor (or member of the board) of BOOKS and JOURNALs

·      Special Issue Guest Editor for the International Journal of Production Economics (ISI Journal, Impact Factor, 5-year Impact Factor: 2.411), Elsevier: “Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Operations and Technology” (published 2013)

·      Editor and first author of the Book for Springer London Ltd.:

MANZINI R. (Ed.) (2012) Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain. Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems. 1st Edition., 2011, XII, 436 p. 166 illus., 25 in color. ISBN: 978-1-4471-2273-9

·      Editor of proceedings of the first International Workshop on Food Supply Chain (WFSC) "The Food Journey. Sustainable transport: quality of food products at the consumer's location" (254 pagine),

·      First author of the book: Manzini R., Regattieri A., Pham H., Ferrari E. (2010) Maintenance for Industrial Systems. London: Springer London Ltd., 978-1-84882-574-1.

·      Member of the Editorial Board of the following Journals:

_ Polish journal of Chemical technology (ISSN: 1509-8117, SCOPUS-ISI journal Impact Factor: 0.337 ),

_ ISRN Economics (ISSN: 2090-8938), doi:10.5402/ECONOMICS,

_LOGISTICA, Tecniche Nuove Ed.




·      Author of the most cited paper for the Journal of Food Engineering (Elsevier, Impact Factor 2.616), "Award One of the Top 5 cited articles 2006-2010": Traceability of food products: General framework and esperimental evidence Journal of Food Engineering, 81(2), 2007 (Regattieri, Gamberi e Manzini)

·      Top Researcher “Class A”(best scientific production in last 5 years) Panel OR RFO – “Osservatorio della Ricerca (Università di Bologna)” since 2008, in agreement with a Pareto ABC classification within all researchers in CUN Class 9.

·      Medal and Award from Giorgio Napolitano, President of Italian Republic for the Food Supply Chain initiatives and the First International Workshop on Food Supply Chain 2011 (chairman Manzini Riccardo).

·      Most visited (Top Hottest Articles) article "Strategic design and operational management optimization of a multi stage physical distribution system" Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Manzini, R.; Bindi, F.




·      Coordinator and partner of many recent European, national and regional founded projects for a global budget of about euro 900000,00.

·      Recent national and international projects on public calls:

o    FP4 EC Programe FAIR-Cooperative Research No. FAIR-98-9557 "ARTUPIC": A Ready To Use Pizza Cheese. Process optimisation, advanced technology and development of environmentally friendly procedure for the production of ready-to-use pizza-cheese (EU project Italy-Spain-Germany).

o    "Facility management in regime di global service per un distretto industriale", prot. 2001095983_002 Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca.

o    "Generator" - Progetto Industria 2015 (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico nell'ambito del Bando "Efficienza energetica" - D.M. 5 marzo 2008) – Domanda n. EE01_00054. Azienda Capofila Prastel (Bologna).

o    "Agritech LAB Laboratorio di tecnologie avanzate dedicate alle macchine agricole innovative" - Gallignani by Regione Emilia Romagna DGR n. 1631/2009.

o    Progetto Regionale (Emilia Romagna) "Realizzazione di un sistema di assemblaggio completamente automatizzato ad elevata efficienza dedicato all'assemblaggio di valigie tecniche ad alte prestazioni, con processo ad estrema flessibilita" Programma Regionale per la Ricerca Industriale, l'Innovazione e il Trasferimento Tecnologico ANNO 2004.

o    "Affidabilità e manutenzione dei sistemi complessi nell'industria e nel terziario (Reliability systems for industrial and service applications)" - Progetto Finanziato da CARISBO - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna ANNO 2009.

o    Coordinatore dell'unità di Bologna (UniBO) nel dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale per il progetto Cluster AGRIFOOD (progetto 4 Sostenibilità della filiera agroalimentare – SO.FI.A). "Recupero e riutilizzo di sottoprodotti e scarti delle trasformazioni agroalimentari (prodotti freschi IV gamma, industria vinicola, lattiero-casearia e della carne) per la produzione di molecole ad alto valore aggiunto, nuovi alimenti ed energia", nell'ambito dei progetti MIUR "Sviluppo e potenziamento di cluster tecnologici nazionali" - Decreto Direttoriale 30 maggio 2012 n. 257. Progetto approvato a dic. 2012.


·      A not exhaustive list of private companies and enterprises recently involved in researches/contracts by the coordination/pa rticipation of Riccardo Manzini.


RESEARCHES ON FOOD: Giorgio Gori s.r.l (international logistic provider distributor of wine and oil for food all over the world), CAMST Ristorazione Italiana (food & catering), Olitalia s.rl (food sector), Consorzio Casalasco del Pomododoro (tomato production), Alplast (packaging for food), Sacmi Beverage & Packaging, Conor s.r.l(fruits & vegetables), Donelli Vini (wine producer), Arcese Trasporti (intern. logistic provider), Magazzini Generali delle Tagliate SpA CREDEM (food: Parmigiano Reggiano), several producers and distributors of Italian wine and oil.


IN OTHER SECTORS (NO FOOD): Ferrari Auto (automotive), GD S.p.A, CNH - Fiat (automotive), Lamborghini Auto (automotive), CAT – Caterpillar (manufacturing), Saeco International Group SpA (coffee machines) Corghi SpA (automotive & manufacturing), Panaria Ceramica (tile industry), Poltrona Frau (furniture), Meloni Beauty & Trade (beauty home & person), Intertaba (Philip Morris International), IRST (Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori) Acciaierie Beltrame (steel production), Samo (shower boxes), Sauer Danfoss (manufacturing), etc.



His academic research deals with planning, design, optimization and control of production systems (both industrial and service systems) with particular reference to logistics systems, storage systems, supply chain and distribution networks, reliability modelling and maintenance system management, safety assessment and sustainability/life cycle assessment., packaging, food industry.



Authors/co-authors of more than 150 publications

for a complete list of papers see:



·      Professor of Logistics at the Engineering Faculty, Bologna University (since 2004)

·      Professor of Industrial Plants & Facility Planning, Bologna University (since 2003)

·      Professor of Safety in Production Systems, Bologna University (2002/2003)

·      Professor of Reliability, Maintenance, Safety and Quality at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy (since 2002).

·      Professor of Management Engineering, UniBO (from 2002 to 2006)

·      Professor in University Master Courses (e.g. Alma Graduate School UniBO, Cofimp Bologna, Efeso Bologna) on Logistics, Safety & Reliability and Operations, for many Italian universities and institutions.

Member of the AIDI - Italian Association Professors of Industrial Mechanical Plants and Operations.