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Paola Minardi

Assistant professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-05/B Plant Pathology

Useful contents

Xylella emergency: science at the center of solutions

Xylella fastidiosa has created strong environmental and landscape impacts as well as social tensions and economic damage in Southern Italy (Puglia region). The CNR has played a leading role first in the study of the pathogen and, subsequently, in the search for solutions aimed at containing its spread ...

Emerging molecular technologies for phytosanitary surveillance through point-of-care diagnostics based on miniaturized sensors

Early and rapid detection of foodborne pathogens is essential to prevent any epidemics while ensuring human health. The use of simple, automatic and portable miniaturized devices are being tested for a transition to precision diagnostics based on advanced molecular techniques applicable directly in ...

Science diplomacy for plant health.

The battle between humans and plant pests is as old as agriculture, but the movement of pests as a consequence of human activities has been exacerbated only recently. International research collaboration is increasingly important to tackle pests causing serious damage to economies. Giovani B. et al. ...

Genetic strategies for improving crop yields

The current trajectory for crop yields is insufficient to nourish the world’s population by 20501 []. Greater and more consistent crop production must be achieved against a backdrop of climatic stress that limits yields, owing to shifts in pests ...

Drones as agriculture tool to early pest detection

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations projects that by 2050 humanity’s ranks will likely have grown to nearly 10 billion people. Farmers will need to produce more with less, while preserving our environment for future generations. And society has a duty to help them achieve ...

Tracing the evolutionary routes of plant–microbiota interactions

The microbiota thriving at the root-soil interface plays a crucial role in supporting plant growth, development and health. The interactions between plant and soil microbes can be traced back to the initial plant’s colonisation of dry lands. Understanding the evolutionary drivers of these interactions ...

The Plant Microbiome at Work

Unravelling the net result of microbial activities encoded in the extended plant genome-the plant microbiome-will be key to understanding and exploiting the full yield potential of a crop plant. In this perspective, the authors summarize first achievements of plant-microbiome research, they discuss ...

Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests

A key uncertainty in climate change models is the thermal sensitivity of tropical forests and how this value might influence carbon fluxes. Science 368

Azioni integrate e innovative per la gestione delle micotossine nella catena alimentare e dei mangimi

MycoKey 2020 International Conference will be held on-line from 19 to 21 October 2020. See the programme at the link The conference will be streamed via social media. Links will be published and shared with participants one week before the event.

A global surveillance system for crop diseases

A Global Surveillance System (GSS) to improve responses to unexpected crop disease spread. GSS will extend and adapt established biosecurity practices and networking facilities enabling countries and regions to quickly respond to emerging disease outbreaks. Science 364 ...

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