Assistant professor
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Academic discipline: AGRI-05/B Plant Pathology
Course of “Quality and safety of food of plant origin in the animal diet”: Lectures of the first week (from 13th to 17th January).
Published on: January 07 2025
Emerging molecular technologies for phytosanitary surveillance through point-of-care diagnostics based on miniaturized sensors
Science diplomacy for plant health.
Genetic strategies for improving crop yields
Drones as agriculture tool to early pest detection
The Plant Microbiome at Work
Tracing the evolutionary routes of plant–microbiota interactions
Healthy plants for a healthy life and sustainable agriculture "- November 18, 2020
Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests
2020: International Year of Plant Health (IYPH)
A global surveillance system for crop diseases
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