Michela Schenetti BA (hons), PhD
Didactics and Special Education (University of
Bologna) Department of Educational Sciences
- 2002 Degree (Master equivalent) in Education at the University
of Bologna. Mark 110/110 summa cum laude
- 2003 – 2006 Doctorate PhD in Education at the University of
Bologna. Final thesis: ‘Understanding children's pain: an
empirical research' (supervisor prof. P. Bertolini)
- November 2007 – present: Researcher (assistant
professor) in Didactics and Special Education (M-Ped/03),
University of Bologna, Department of Education
- Visiting Research Scholar – Stockholm University –
January/April 2010
- 2006 (august) – 2008 (january) Post-doc Research
Yellow, University of Bologna, Department of Education
- 2003-2004 Member of the research group “Pedagogy, human
sciences and teachers' identity” coordinated by Prof. P.
Bertolini, University of Bologna, Department of Education
- 2005-2006 Member of the research group “Childhood, Adolescence
and Educational Institutions” coordinated by Prof. P. Bertolini,
University of Bologna, Department of Education
- 2005-2006 Member of the research group “Local
Authorities, Youth and Politics” promoted by Piero Bertolini
Study Center and Department of Education – University of
- 2005 Coordinator of the project “The network of ECEC
services in Portugal” promoted by promoted by Emilia-Romagna Region
(Area of Family affairs, Childhood and Adolescence) and Department
of Education, University of Bologna
- 2006-2008 Coordinator of the project ‘The role of children
and parents centres in parenting education' , supervisor prof.ssa
M. Manini, Department of Education, University of Bologna
- 2008- 2012: Member of the research group “Professionalism
and care in childcare settings: perspectives on educators
in-service training ”, coordinated by Prof. ssa Manini, Department
of Education, University of Bologna
2008- present: Member of the research group on ‘The
educational museum', coordinated by Prof. ssa Manini, Department of
Education, University of Bologna
- 2010 Coordinator of the project ‘Education for
sustainability: the challenge of yearly childhood services in
Bologna's preschools
- 2010 Coordinator of the project ´The
relationship between kindergarten and environmental education´
(Department of Special Education – Stockholm- Sweden)
- 2011-2012 Action research project ‘The secret
Garden' in Bologna's preschools
- 2011/2012 Member of the research group on ‘The preschool
in the wood' with Fondazione Villa Ghigi, Bologna
- 2013-2014 Member of the research group on ‘Outdoor
Education' in collaboration with the Department for Life
Quality Studies and Bologna's Municipality
2004 – 2007 ‘Qualitative research methods', University of
2006 – 2007 “Team-working among practitioners in early years
services” (30 h) University of Bologna
2007 – 2008 “Epistemological analysis of scientific
knowledge processes: the matter of the “point of view” in the
procedures of observation and
description”(with L.
Caronia),University of Bologna
2008 – 2009“Skills for professional development of
kindergarten teachers”, (24h) University of Bologna
2008/2009 –2009/ 2010- 2010/2011-2011/2012 Environmental
Education, (30 h each)University of Bologna
- 2010/2011 Educational responsibilitiesand
urban security. The educational relationship with the offender:
experiences and operational responses, (30 h) into
Master organized by the Interdipartimental Centre for Research on
Vitimology and security, University of Bologna
- 2011/2012- 2012/2013- 2013/2014 Didactis, (30 h
each)University of Bologna
- 2012/2013- 2013/2014 Methodologies of play, (30 h
each) University of Bologna
Member of the Editorial Board of Encyclopaideia' (2008
Member of governing body of Piero Bertolini Study
Member of Final Evaluation Committee of Master degree
‘Research Methodology in Education', University of Trento,
Member of CREI (Centre for Research in childhood education
‘Piero Bertolini') (2010 - 2013)
Member of the Editorial Board of Infanzia
Member of the Scientific Board of ‘Encyclopaideia', Journal
of Phenomenology and Education (2012-present)
Member of Special Interest Group (SIG) for Outdoor Play and
Learning in Early Childhood Education within the European Early
Childhood Education Research Association (2012- present)
Member of CRESPI ( Centre for Research in teacher
professionalism) (2012 – present)
- Psycological pain in Infancy ECER International Conference
“European Educational Research Association”, University of Crete,
September 2004
- ECEC services in Portugal: the professional role of
childcare coordinator, at the 3rd Regional Conference “Il
coordinatore pedagogico per l'infanzia e gestione pubblica e
privata dell'Emilia Romagna: dal coordinatore al coordinamento,
Castel San Pietro, November 2005
- The organization of educational setting in childcare
services, at “Sguardi del bambino per il bambino. La bottega
dell'educazione” Regional Workshop, Salsomaggiore terme, December
- How to understand pain in infancy in IHRSC – International
Human Sciences Conference, Rovereto (TN), June 2007
- The world of emotions in childhood: finding an answer to
the hidden needs of children, at “Incontri con la pedagogia”
conference, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, April
- Lived-experiences earthquake. Children memories and drawings,
ICERI 2009, Madrid, Spain
- Lived-experiences earthquake. Kids lived experiences. Centro
studi Erickson, University of Trento, November 2009
- Making experience: Preschool teachers professional
development, c/o EECERA Conference, Birmingham University,
settembre 2010
- Growing education for sustainability. A new
professionalism, c/o OMEP Conference, Goteborg
University, agosto 2010
- Formare all'outdoor education, Teatro Testoni, 2013,
- La scuola nel bosco – ricerca e innovazione,
2013, Casalecchio (Bologna)
- La scuola nel bosco, 2011, Bologna
- Le emozioni dei bambini. Il ruolo dell'adulto per
comprenderle e gestirle, 2011, Frassinoro
- Professionalità dell'insegnante nella scuola
dell'infanzia. La voce della ricerca, 2011, Dip. Scienze
dell'Educazione, Bologna
- L'esperienza del dolore. Il ruolo degli adulti per
comprenderlo e gestirlo, 2010, Sassuolo
- Il dolore dei bambini. Il ruolo degli adulti per
comprenderlo e gestirlo, 2009, Forlì
- Il mondo emotivo dell'infanzia: rispondere al disagio
nascosto, in Incontri con la pedagogia,
2008, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, 2008.
Sguardi nei contesti quotidiani: ripensando luoghi, spazi,
arredi, materiali e tecnologie. 2007 Salsomaggiore terme
- Servizi per l'infanzia portoghesi: funzioni e figure
di coordinamento , 2005, Castel San Pietro