M.Tarozzi, Former efficacement les enseignants dans les écoles urbaines et multiculturelles, in: Les pratiques enseignantes entre instruire et socialiser. Regards internationaux, Laval, Presses de l’Université Laval., 2012, pp. 353 - 375 [Chapter or essay]
M.Tarozzi, Intercultural or multicultural education in Europe and in the United States, in: Languages in a global world: learning for better cultural understanding, PARIS, OECD, 2012, pp. 393 - 406 [Chapter or essay]
M.Tarozzi, Dall'educazione interculturale alla social justice education, in: Apprendimento e istituzioni educative. Storia, contesti, soggetti, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 159 - 190 [Chapter or essay]
M.Tarozzi, Foreword, in: Stern, P.N. & Porr, C. J., Essentials of accessible grounded theory, Walnut Creek, Ca, Left Coast Press, 2011, pp. 7 - 11 [Preface]
M. Tarozzi, Formare insegnanti politicamente impegnati. Urban schools a Los Angeles., «ETNOGRAFIA E RICERCA QUALITATIVA», 2011, 3, pp. 368 - 392 [Scientific article]
M.Tarozzi, O que é a grounded theory. Metodologia de pesquisa e de teoria fundamentada nos dados, Petropolis, Editora Vozes, 2011, pp. 189 . [Research monograph]
M.Tarozzi, On translating grounded theory. When translating is doing, in: Grounded theory: the philosophy, method and work of Barney Glaser, Boca Raton, FL, BrownWalker Press, 2011, pp. 161 - 175 [Chapter or essay]
M. Tarozzi; B. Glaser, Vierzig Jahre nach "The Discovery": grounded theory weltweit, in: Grounded theory reader, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011, pp. 53 - 67 [Chapter or essay]
M. Artoni; M. Tarozzi, Fenomenologia come metodo e filosofia di ricerca nelle scienze umane, «ENCYCLOPAIDEIA», 2010, 14, pp. 11 - 21 [Scientific article]
M. Tarozzi; L. Mortari, Phenomenology and human science research today, Bucharest, Zeta Books, 2010, pp. 325 . [Editorship]
L. Mortari; M. Tarozzi, Phenomenology as philosophy of research, in: Phenomenology and human science research today, Bucharest, Zeta Books, 2010, pp. 14 - 43 [Chapter or essay]
TAROZZI M (trad.): La scoperta della grounded theory. Strategie per la ricerca qualitativa, Roma, ARMANDO, 2009, pp. 272
. Opera originale: Autore: Glaser, B; Strauss, A. - Titolo: The Discovery of grounded theory [Book (translation)]
M. Tarozzi, Che cos'è la grounded theory, Roma, Carocci, 2008, pp. 128 . [Research monograph]
M. Tarozzi, Per una cittadinanza planetaria, attiva, interculturale, in: Educare alla cittadinanza partecipata, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2008, pp. 121 - 140 [Chapter or essay]
M. Tarozzi, Tribute to Piero Bertolini, in: New Frontiers of Phenomenology. Proceedings of the International Human Science Research Conference 2007, Trento, Università di Trento Editore, 2008, pp. 1 - 3 (atti di: International Human science research conference, Rovereto, giugno 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]