Foto del docente

Maria Jesus Gonzalez Rodriguez

Assistant professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: SPAN-01/C Spanish Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae

 She graduated from the University of Granada, Spain, in interpreting and translation.  Since 1990 she has been working as a professional interpreter and translator, translating texts into Spanish in the fields of law and public administration, business, tourism, and technical and scientific subjects, and interpreting (simultaneous, consecutive, liaison or whispered) in Spain, Germany and Italy.

 Since 1995 she has been working at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Bologna, where she has taught courses in the fields of Spanish language and linguistics,  and Spanish-Italian interpreting and translation in business settings. In 2007 she was appointed research fellow for the department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Language and Culture (SITLEC, University of Bologna), where she teaches liaison interpreting between Italian and Spanish.

Current Research fields

She is working on concerns dialogue interpreting, especially in the field of public services and, within this discipline, judicial interpreting, telephone interpreting and interpreting of wiretapped conversations.


Other research fields

Initially, her main research field was the analysis of major translating processes in the field of science and technology, with a special focus on specialized terminology and software text translation in the areas of mechanization and management of industrial processes (programmable logic controller, PLC). She also carried out research concerning the didactics of translation, and the analysis of cultural backgrounds in texts of a variety of genres -tourist brochures, manuals, catalogues, exhibition leaflets, and advertising. Her work follows the lines of pragmalinguistics, cultural anthropology, verbal and non-verbal communication, and sociolinguistics.

She has conducted research from a methodological point of view on some aspects of oral communicative processes (both verbal and non-verbal) in the didactics of interpreting, translating narrative texts and audioguides.

Current research projects

SHIFT in Orality - SHaping the Interpreters of the Future and of Today is an Erasmus+ 3-year project funded by the European Commission in 2015, within Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership in Higher Education.



Resumen en español:

Licenciada en traducción e interpretación por la Universidad de Granada (España), compagina estudios desde 1991 con el ejercicio profesional de la traducción (jurídica-administrativa, comercial-empresarial, manualística, técnico-mecánica, PLC, turística) y la interpretación (simultánea/consecutiva, susurrada y de enlace)  en España,  Alemania e Italia. Desde 1995 imparte  docencia en la Escuela Superior de Traductores e Intérpretes de la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia) en varios campos: lengua y lingüística española, traducción comercial e interpretación (italiano-español). Nombrada en 2007 profesora-investigadora , pertenece al cuerpo docente del DIT, (Departamento de Interpretación y Traducción) de la Universidad de Bolonia, Campus de Forlì  y es profesora de interpretación (italiano-español) en la Carrera de grado "Laura Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale" y en el Máster "Laura Magistrale in Interpretazione di Conferenza" de la Scuola di Lingue, Letteratura, Traduzione e Interpretazione, Campus de Forlì, de la Universidad de Bolonia.

Actualmente, sus líneas de investigación son dos: la interpretación bilateral en servicios públicos, en particular en ámbito jurídico-judicial, y la interpretación bilateral en modalidad a distancia (interpretación telefónica, interpretación remota, escuchas telefónicas).

Proyecto de investigación actual

SHIFT in Orality - SHaping the Interpreters of the Future and of Today es un proyecto Erasmus+ trienal financiado por la Comisión Europea en 2015, en el marco de la Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership in Higher Education.

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