Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Journal of Interactive Marketing»
Raggiotto, F.; Confente, I.; Scarpi de Claricini, D.; Russo, I., Consumer reactions to circular packaging: The impact of disgust, guilt, and value on adoption intentions, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2024, 479, Article number: 143937 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access
Scarpi D., Strangers or friends? Examining chatbot adoption in tourism through psychological ownership, «TOURISM MANAGEMENT», 2024, 102, Article number: 104873 , pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]Open Access
Scarpi de Claricini, D.; Raggiotto, F., These Were the Days of Our Lives! A Self-Enhancement Model of Revisit Intention for Warfare Heritage Tourism, «JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH», 2024, on line first, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access
Scarpi, Daniele; Pantano, Eleonora, “With great power comes great responsibility”: Exploring the role of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) for Artificial Intelligence Responsibility in Retail Service Automation (AIRRSA), «ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS», 2024, 53, Article number: 101030 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Scarpi, Daniele; Raggiotto, Francesco, A construal level view of contemporary heritage tourism, «TOURISM MANAGEMENT», 2023, 94, Article number: 104648 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access
Raggiotto F.; Compagno C.; Scarpi D., Care management to improve retail customers' and employees’ satisfaction, «JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES», 2023, 72, pp. 2 - 10 [Scientific article]
Scarpi D.; Pantano E.; Marikyan D., Consumers' (ir)responsible shopping during emergencies: drivers and concerns, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT», 2023, 51, pp. 791 - 806 [Scientific article]Open Access
Zarrin Mahdizadeh, Annamaria Tuan, Daniele Scarpi, How Does Corporate Sociopolitical Activism (CSA) Affect Consumers' Purchase Intention? A Self-congruity Perspective, in: Atti del convegno XX^ SIM Conference Firenze, Società Italiana Marketing, 2023, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura, Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Martina Benvenuti, Daniele Scarpi, Lia Zarantonello, Information Technologies and Consumers’ Well-Being: Latest Research and Future Research Directions, «JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING», 2023, 58, pp. 109 - 114 [Scientific article]Open Access
Raggiotto F.; Scarpi D., It’s Not Just a Game: Virtual Edgework and Subjective Well-Being in E-Sports, «JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING», 2023, 58, pp. 185 - 197 [Scientific article]Open Access
Marikyan D.; Pantano E.; Scarpi D., Should I stay or should I go? Benefits of crowd-checking technology for a face-to-face shopping experience, «SPANISH JOURNAL OF MARKETING-ESIC», 2023, 27, pp. 20 - 38 [Scientific article]Open Access
Scarpi D.; Pizzi G.; Matta S., Digital technologies and privacy: State of the art and research directions, «PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING», 2022, 39, pp. 1687 - 1697 [Scientific article]Open Access
Pantano E.; Scarpi D., I, Robot, You, Consumer: Measuring Artificial Intelligence Types and their Effect on Consumers Emotions in Service, «JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH», 2022, 25, pp. 583 - 600 [Scientific article]Open Access
Pantano, E., Scarpi, D., Vannucci, V., Bilotta, E., & Pantano, P., Probability-density risk-maps for tourism during emergencies, «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2022, 92, Article number: 103259 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access