Daniele Scarpi de Claricini has been associate professor of marketing since 2014 and qualified for full professorship in 2017 (national habilitation). Previously, he served as assistant professor (2004–2013). He is the director of the open program in Sales & Marketing at Bologna Business School, and former coordinator of the master's degree course in economics and management, he was visiting scholar at Toulouse Business School (FR) and Kingston University, London (UK).
His research activities relate to consumer behavior, analyzing how consumers relate to and interact with technologies, physical and digital store environments, brands, places, and time. His papers have appeared in leading journals such as the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Tourism Management, Travel Research, Marketing Letters, Annals of Tourism Research, and several others.
Some of these researches have been divulged by the European Commission - DG Environment News Alert Service, others picked up by The Conversation (UK), and others included by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease database.
He is expert in structural equation modeling, experimental design, and qualitative comparative analysis. He received several best-reviewer and best-paper awards, is on the board of several Journals, and is the principal investigator of a Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN 2022) on new technologies, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.