Current position (since Sept 2014): Full Professor
Disciplinary area: L-LIN 04: Lingua e traduzione-Lingua francese
Affiliation: Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus)
Past positions:
2001-2014: Associate professor at the University of Bologna.
1995-2001: Tenured researcher at the University of Bologna.
Academic qualifications:
1996: PhD in French-Language literature, University of Bologna.
1990: BA in Modern languages and literatures, University of Bologna.
Teaching Experience:
1995- the present: I have taught the courses in the following subjects in the under- and post-graduate degree programmes in translation at the University of Bologna, Forlì campus: French language, French literature, Translation from French to Italian, and Translation for the publishing industry.
I have also taught courses in the following post-graduate programmes:
1996-2002: PG Vocational course in Multimedia Translation, Univ. Bologna
2002-2009: MA in Audiovisual and Multimedia Translation, Univ. Bologna.
2003-2009: MA in Publishing, Univ. Bologna
2017: 3rd edition of the Summer School in Translation, organized by the Société Française de Traductologie and the Società Italiana di traduttologia.
Involvement in PhD programme:
2002-the present: Member of the Doctoral college of the Department of Interpreting and Translation (and its earlier denomination: Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Language and Culture).
PhD Supervision 2003-2020:
June 2006: Roberta Pederzoli: La traduzione della letteratura per l'infanzia in Italia, Francia e Germania: problemi e strategie
September 2011: Sara Amadori: Yves Bonnefoy traduttore di Shakespeare: il poeta e la prova del dialogo
September 2011: Marie-Line Zucchiatti: La traduction des textes de théâtre. Analyse comparée des réalités contemporaines française et italienne
September 2013: Yannick Hamon: Les TICE pour la production écrite et la traduction de l'italien vers le français: le cas de la SSLMIT de Forlì
September 2017: Valeria Illuminati: Traduzione per l’infanzia e questioni di genere: viaggio tra i classici francesi e inglesi tradotti in italiano.
September 2020-: Enrico Faltoni: La traduzione della letteratura sulla Shoah tra pratica linguistica ed etica culturale.
Involvement in European doctoral programmes:
November 2016: External examiner for the thesis of Aurora Fragonara “La pratique de l’adaptation : approches sémio-linguistique et cognitive”, École Doctorale en Linguistique Française, University of Metz, France.
April 2015: “Rapporteur” for the thesis of Gabriella Serrone “Figement juri-linguistique : étude des collocations dans deux corpus juridiques français et italien » at the University of Brescia, Italy and the École Doctorale en Sciences du Langage Paris-Diderot, France.
October 2012: External examiner for the thesis “Poésie et traduction poétique en Italie pendant les années 30 et 40 du XXème siècle”, at the École Doctorale en Langues, Littératures et Sciences Humaines, Université Stendhal Grenoble III, France.
Research Management:
2014-the present: Coordinator of “MeTRa”, the Centre for the Study of Translation and Mediation for/by Young People of the Department of Interpreting and Translation. URL: .
2012-2017: Coordinator of the Research Fellowship “Le nuove forme di diffusione culturale nelle società post moderne: analisi linguistica e discorsiva del genere della video-intervista in ambito francese nel contesto delle scienze umane”, University of Bologna.
Participation in international research projects:
2020-2022: research team member for the Project G-BOOK 2: “European teens as readers and creators in gender-positive narratives”, PI Raffaella Baccolini, financed under the programme Creative Europe, European Commission.
2017-2019: research team member for the Project G-BOOK “Gender Identity: Child Readers and Library Collections”, PI Raffaella Baccolini, financed under the programme Creative Europe, European Commission.
2019-: research team member for the Project “Establishing a Regional Research Team Europe in the Framework of the World Humanities Report”, Volkswagen Foundation, with The Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI), the International Council of Philosophy and the Human Sciences (CIPSH), in collaboration with UNESCO and the Artificial Intelligence Center, University of Bologna
Institutional responsibilities at the University of Bologna:
2015-2021: Pro-vice-Rector for Human Resources.
2012-2015: Head of Research for the Department of Interpreting and Translation.
2008-2015: Deputy director of the Department of Interpreting and Translation (and its earlier iteration: Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Language and Culture).
2006-2015: Member of the university Research Evaluation Panel for the Arts and Humanities (Area 10).
External institutional responsibilities:
November 2020: Member of “Jury d’habilitation à diriger des recherches”, University of Angers, France.
2019-: Appointment of Minister of Education, University and Research to the National Commission for the Evaluation of High Schools for Linguistic Mediators.
Referee for the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale”, the Italian university promotions process.
Referee for the VQR 2004-2010 and VQR 2011-2014, the Italian National research evaluation exercise.
Referee for the Italian universities ministry (MIUR): “Albo Reprise”.
Eligible to act as Commissioner in the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale”, 2016; 2018.
External referee for the Collège Européen de Traduction Littéraire, Seneffe, Belgium.
2007-the present: Coordinator for the Department of Interpreting and Translation of the Master Européen en Traduction Spécialisée (M.E.T.S.).
Editorial positions:
2005-the present: Editor of the online journal “MediAzioni”, ISSN 1974-4382, URL: .
2008-the present: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “L'écriture à l'écoute. Revue Internationale Henry Bauchau”, UCL Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
2011-the present: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal “Linguae &, Rivista di Lingue e Culture Moderne”, ISSN 1724-8698.
2016-the present: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal “Équivalences”, ISSN 0779-5599, Institut Supérieur de Traduction et Interprétation de Bruxelles.
Membership of International University Associations:
2019-: Member of Governing Council of the Observatory of the Magna Charta ( )
2019-: Co-coordinator in IAU (International Association of Universities) – UNESCO, Global Cluster HESD “Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development” del Cluster SDG5 (Sustanainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls).
2019-: University of Bologna representative in the group “Gender and Diversity in Focus – Diversity Council” in UNA Europa (University Alliance Europe
2016-: Member of the Board of “Representación en la República Argentina”, argentinian Campus of the University of Bologna.
Membership of Italian academic associations:
From 1996: Società Universitaria per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Francese.
From 2009: DO.Ri.F, Centro di Documentazione e di Ricerca per la didattica della Lingua francese nell'Università Italiana.
From 2017: Member of the Executive Council of DO.Ri.F
From 2016: Member of the Executive Council of S.I.T., Società Italiana di Traduttologia.
Other memberships:
From 1988: Enrolled in the Italian Register of Journalists.
Research profile:
My main research interest has always been in translation studies. I participated in numerous international conferences with a special focus on the following themes:
1. Self-translation: studies about Nancy Huston, a contemporary Canadian author.
2. Poetry translation: investigation of the thinking of the French poet Yves Bonnefoy. In 2012 I edited an anthology of Pascoli’s poems, selected and translated into French by Bonnefoy and myself using a “collaborative translation” methodology. The volume was accompanied by a CD with recordings of Bonnefoy reading the translations.
3. Translation of children’s literature.
4. Translators and the publishing industry: relations between translator strategies and publishing policies, with a particular focus on translation and paratextual spaces. I have also published a number of studies in which I put forward an innovative interdisciplinary approach to the sociology of translation which I call “socio-editorial-translational”. The aim of this approach is to integrate the insights from sociological studies on translation, their implications for the publishing world, and the more recent insights from translation studies.
My work as a researcher is complemented by my practice as a translator. I have translated novels (e.g. “Il compagno di scalata by Henry Bauchau, E/O Edizioni, Rome), children’s books (e.g. “una bibbia”, published by Rizzoli with illustrations by Rébecca Dautremer), and I recently translated a selection of essays on poetry that were part of the important volume on the work of Yves Bonnefoy published by Mondadori in the highly respected “Meridiani” series. I have recently translated several plays by Pascal Rambert, with whom I have also collaborated on the production in Italy. In 20'19 I was a juror for the Translation Prize “In alter parole” organised by Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
Third Mission activities:
2011-2014: participation with Professor Licia Reggiani and Marie-Line Zucchiatti to the cultural project promoted by the French Embassy “Face à face Paroles de France pour les scenes italiennes”: translation, with the students of the translation course, of theatrical pieces that were represented in some italian theaters.