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Christopher Rundle

Full Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics

Head of Department of Interpreting and Translation


Christopher Rundle; Natascia Barrale (a cura di): Nicholas Jacobs, Antonio Sellerio, Susan Bennett, Laurence Courtois, Mario Rubino, Ritradurre Kleiner Mann – was nun? di Hans Fallada, Bologna, Università degli Studi di Bologna. Dip. di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture, 2013, pp. 30 . [Editorship]

Christopher Rundle; Natascia Barrale, Ritradurre Kleiner Mann – was nun? di Hans Fallada. Per uno studio contrastivo delle traduzioni, «INTRALINEA ON LINE TRANSLATION JOURNAL», 2013, 15, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]Open Access

christopher rundle, The Relationship between the Censorship of Translations and Official Racism in Fascist Italy, in: НАУКОВІ ЗАПИСКИ Studia in honorem, Kirovograd, Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University, 2013, pp. 182 - 191 [Chapter or essay]

Giovanni Nadiani; Chris Rundle, The study of dialect as an opportunity to redefine what we mean by multimedia translation studies, «INTRALINEA ON LINE TRANSLATION JOURNAL», 2012, 2012, pp. 1 - 1 [Scientific article]Open Access

Chris Rundle; Giovanni Nadiani, The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia: Round Two, FORLÌ, Università di Bologna (DIT), 2012, pp. 120 . [Editorship]

C. Rundle, Translation as an approach to history, «TRANSLATION STUDIES», 2012, 5, pp. 232 - 240 [Scientific article]

R. Baccolini; D. Chiaro; C. Rundle; S. Whitsitt, a joyceful of talkatalka from friendshapes for Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli Volume I, BOLOGNA, Bononia University Press, 2011, pp. 412 . [Editorship]

c. rundle, “Fanyi: Dui Faxisi zhuyi de weixie” 翻译:对法西斯主义的威胁 [Translation as a Threat to Fascism], in: Studies in Translation History (2011) Volume 1, Shanghai, Fudan University Press, 2011, pp. 317 - 324 (STUDIES IN TRANSLATION HISTORY) [Chapter or essay]

Christopher Rundle, History through a Translation Perspective, in: Between Cultures and Texts. Itineraries in Translation History/Entre les cultures et les textes. Itinéraires en histoire de la traductionWith an Introduction by Theo Hermans/Avec une introduction de Theo Hermans, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Peter Lang GmbH, 2011, pp. 33 - 43 [Chapter or essay]

R. Baccolini; D. Chiaro; C. Rundle; S. Whitsitt, Minding the Gap: Studies in Linguistic and Cultural Exchange for Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli Volume II, BOLOGNA, Bononia University Press, 2011, pp. 604 . [Editorship]

C. Rundle, Resisting Foreign Penetration in Fascist Italy: the Antitranslation Campaign in the Wake of the Ethiopian War, in: Khyst i Gluzd: teoria i praktyka perekladu, Kharkiv, Akta, 2011, pp. 10 - 27 [Chapter or essay]

Christopher Rundle, Translation as a Threat to Fascism, in: Translation and Opposition, BRISTOL, BUFFALO, TORONTO, Multilingual Matters, 2011, pp. 295 - 304 [Chapter or essay]

Rundle Christopher, Review of: Billiani, Francesca: Culture nazionali e narrazioni straniere. Italia, 1903-1943, «TRANSLATOR», 2010, 16/2, pp. 349 - 355 [Review]

Christopher Rundle, Publishing Translations in Fascist Italy, OXFORD, Peter Lang Publishing, Incorporated, 2010, pp. 268 (Italian Modernities). [Research monograph]

Christopher Rundle; Kate Sturge, Translation and the History of Fascism, in: Translation Under Fascism, BASINGSTOKE, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 3 - 12 [Brief introduction]

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