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Andrea Segrè

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences


Desiderio, E.; García-Herrero, L.; Hall, D.; Segrè, A.; Vittuari, M., Social sustainability tools and indicators for the food supply chain: A systematic literature review, «SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION», 2022, 30, pp. 527 - 540 [Scientific article]

Iori, Elisa; Masotti, Matteo; Falasconi, Luca; Risso, Enzo; Segrè, Andrea; Vittuari, Matteo, Tell Me What You Waste and I’ll Tell You Who You Are: An Eight-Country Comparison of Consumers’ Food Waste Habits, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2022, 15, Article number: 430 , pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vittuari, Matteo; Masotti, Matteo; Iori, Elisa; Falasconi, Luca; Gallina Toschi, Tullia; Segrè, Andrea, Does the COVID-19 external shock matter on household food waste? The impact of social distancing measures during the lockdown, «RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING», 2021, 174, Article number: 105815 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]

Vittuari, Matteo; Falasconi, Luca; Masotti, Matteo; Piras, Simone; Segrè, Andrea; Setti, Marco, ‘Not in My Bin’: Consumer’s Understanding and Concern of Food Waste Effects and Mitigating Factors, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2020, 12, Article number: 5685 , pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vittuari M.; De Menna F.; Garcìa Herrero Laura; Pagani Marco; Brenes Peralta L.; Segrè A., Food systems sustainability: The complex challenge of food loss and waste, in: Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Planning, Design, and Control through Interdisciplinary Methodologies, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2019, pp. 249 - 260 [Chapter or essay]

Luca Falasconi, Clara Cicatiello , Silvio Franco, Andrea Segrè, Marco Setti, Matteo Vittuari, Such a Shame! A Study on Self-Perception of Household Food Waste, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2019, 11, Article number: 270 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fontana, Paolo; Costa, Cecilia; Di Prisco, Gennaro; Ruzzier, Enrico; Annoscia, Desiderato; Battisti, Andrea; Caoduro, Gianfranco; Carpana, Emanuele; Contessi, Alberto; Dal Lago, Antonio; Dall’olio, Raffaele; de Cristofaro, Antonio; Felicioli, Antonio; Floris, Ignazio; Fontanesi, Luca; Gardi, Tiziano; Lodesani, Marco; Malagnini, Valeria; Manias, Luigi; Manino, Aulo; Marzi, Gabriele; Massa, Bruno; Mutinelli, Franco; Nazzi, Francesco; Pennacchio, Francesco; Porporato, Marco; Stoppa, Giovanni; Tormen, Nicola; Valentini, Marco; Segrè, Andrea, Appeal for biodiversity protection of native honey bee subspecies of Apis mellifera in Italy (San Michele all'Adige declaration), «BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY», 2018, 71, pp. 257 - 271 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Setti, Federico Banchelli, Luca Falasconi, Andrea Segrè, Matteo Vittuari, Consumers' food cycle and household waste. When behaviors matter, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2018, 185, pp. 694 - 706 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gaiani, Silvia; Caldeira, Sandra; Adorno, Valentina; Segrè, Andrea; Vittuari, Matteo, Food wasters: Profiling consumers' attitude to waste food in Italy, «WASTE MANAGEMENT», 2018, 72, pp. 17 - 24 [Scientific article]

De Menna, Fabio*; Malagnino, Remo Alessio; Vittuari, Matteo; Segrè, Andrea; Molari, Giovanni; Deligios, Paola A.; Solinas, Stefania; Ledda, Luigi, Optimization of agricultural biogas supply chains using artichoke byproducts in existing plants, «AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS», 2018, 165, pp. 137 - 146 [Scientific article]

Andrea Segrè, Mangia come sai. Cibo che nutre, cibo che consuma, Bologna, EMI, 2017, pp. 96 . [Research monograph]

Vittuari, Matteo; De Menna, Fabio; Gaiani, Silvia; Falasconi, Luca; Politano, Alessandro; Dietershagen, Jana; Segrè, Andrea, The second life of food: An assessment of the social impact of food redistribution activities in Emilia Romagna, Italy, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2017, 9, Article number: 1817 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Falasconi, Luca; Cicatiello, Clara; Franco, Silvio; Segré, Andrea; Setti, Marco; Vittuari, Matteo; Cusano, Ilaria, Consumer approach to food waste: evidences from a large scale survey in Italy, in: The Value of Food. Internazionalization, competition and local development in agro-food systems, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2016, Vol 71, pp. 266 - 277 (atti di: 52 Congresso della Società Italiana di Economia Agraria - The Value of Food. Internazionalization, competition and local development in agro-food systems, Roma/Viterbo, 17-19 Settembre 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Setti, Marco; Falasconi, Luca; Segre', Andrea; Cusano, Ilaria; Vittuari, Matteo, Italian consumers’ income and food waste behavior, «BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL», 2016, 118, pp. 1731 - 1746 [Scientific article]Open Access

Segrè, Andrea; Azzurro, Paolo, Spreco alimentare: dal recupero alla prevenzione Indirizzi applicativi della legge per la limitazione degli sprechi, Milano, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2016, pp. 80 . [Research monograph]

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