87385 - International Supply Chain Management Laboratory

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Business Administration (cod. 0897)

Learning outcomes

The student understands contemporary issues in supply chain management, and knows the role of technology as the enabler of its design and management. By the end of the course, the student is able to: - Describe how a supply chain functions within organizations, in meeting enterprise and inter-company goals; - Formulate a vendor selection and evaluation plan that can be used to effectively manage a supplier network; - Describe key functions of logistics and explain its role in the supply chain; - Familiarize with the design and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as the backbone of the enterprises information needs; - Explore the functions of e-Procurement and the virtual marketplace in the supply chain.

Course contents

This course aims at providing an in depth understanding of the basic principles and practice of supply chain management. We will develop a dynamic approach to supply chain design and practice that is well suited to nowadays turbulent competitive environment. The course will cover the following topics:

  • What is Supply Chain Management
  • Global Supply Chain Management
  • Global Sourcing
  • Triple-A Supply Chain


Required readings consist of case studies and the relevant articles. A full list of readings will be distributed in class by the lecturer at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

This is an applied, case study based course. Conceptual understanding is developed through:

  • Lectures by the instructor
  • Readings from books and articles
  • Case studies
  • Class discussions to help students practice and evaluate their effectiveness at strategic problem solving and decision making in a setting that resembles a real working environment where management teams are typically responsible for such tasks.
  • The team case analysis is intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply the core learnings from this course to other relevant contexts.
  • Guest lecturers by expert practitioners are intended to enable students to familiarize and appreciate the complexity associated with the many challenges of designing and managing supply chains.

Please, note that this is a laboratory. Do not expect conventional frontal lectures. An active and lively discussion will be a permanent feature in every session.

Assessment methods

This course is part of the "INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT" I.C. The final grade of the I.C. is the weighted average of the scores obtained in the two courses which have different credits (6 for Strategic Alliances, 3 for ISCM Laboratory).

For this ISCM Laboratory, assessment is by: a final test, team case analysis, class participation and discussion.

Final test and teamwork

Students with teamworks

Students will be evaluated with an oral exam (maximum score: 18) and in-depth teamwork analysis and discussion of case studies (maximum score: 12).

The exam will cover all the assigned readings. As to team case analyses, students will be requested to distribute in groups of 4/5. The list of group members is due at the end of the first lecture. The team is expected to (criteria for grading): a.- analyze the case, identify key problems/strategic issues, and logically apply the course material to the phenomenon under investigation; b.- provide a thorough and rigorous quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of the phenomenon; c.- draw implications and suggest realistic, workable, well-supported recommendations for high-level executives; d.- outline an implementation plan and discuss which insights are generalizable and under what conditions.

The outcome of the team analysis is a report (Word document) and a Powerpoint presentation. The project report should have no more than 3,000 words (tables, graphs and references do not contribute to the word count). Students can decide the format and the structure of the report. The PPT presentation should convey the key messages to an audience of high-level businessmen and potential investors (approximately 15 slides). Detailed guidelines for project works will be delivered during the very first session.

Students must successfully complete both elements of the teamwork.

Students without teamworks

Students will be evaluated with an oral exam (maximum score: 30). The exam will cover all the assigned readings

Class participation and discussion. Informed and engaged participation is an essential part of this course and is expected from everyone. Students will be required to participate in lively class discussions that will be personally challenging. Students are expected to prepare the assigned cases and readings prior to each class. Discussion questions for the case will be set prior to each session, to enable you to focus your attention. Some of the cases are subjected to a number of interpretations. Thus, meeting with a study group will therefore be an integral part of your learning. Evaluation of class participation will emphasize the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of application, synthesis, and evaluation. Active engagement means that student is listening carefully to the comments of his peers and seeking opportunities to make comments that move the class discussion forward.

Detailed information can be obtained from the tutor of the course: Roberta Gabrielli roberta.gabrielli@bbs.unibo.it

Teaching tools

The lecturer will provide students with further readings and insights on critical topics related to the management of innovation and technology.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Lipparini


No poverty Zero hunger Affordable and clean energy Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.