46479 - Corporate Communication (1)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Biagio Oppi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Communication Sciences (cod. 8885)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has acquired the basic knowledge of business communication tools, new trends in unconventional marketing and the development of a communication plan.

Course contents

  • Business communication and public relations landscape
  • The communication plan: theory and practice
  • Internal and external communication
  • Operational areas and tools: media relations, corporate communication, events, sponsorships, corporate social responsibility (CSR), institutional relations, crisis communication, unconventional marketing, neuromarketing, advocacy

Monographic part of the course focuses on Crisis Communication, with a focus on environmental disasters, resilience, social responsibility.


Required Texbooks


Recommended books

  • Capeci Federico (2017), Post Millennial Marketing. Marketing di nuova Generazione, Franco Angeli Ed.
  • Diegoli Gianluca (2020), Svuota il carrello. Il Marketing spiegato benissimo, UTET
  • Ferrari Tino (2016), Comunicare l'impresa. Realtà e trend polisensoriale-emozionale. Bologna: CLUEB (Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna) - Versione eBook
  • Ferrari Tino (2009), Marketing e comunicazione non convenzionale. Guerrilla, virale, polisensoriale emozionale. Bologna: Clueb. / Cap. 1-2-3
  • Grandi Roberto, Miani Mattia (2006), L'impresa che comunica. ED. ISED / Cap. 6 "Pubblici e stakeholder"
  • Martello S., Vazzoler S. (2020) Libro bianco sulla comunicazione ambientale, Pacini Editore
  • Martello S., Oppi B. (2017) Disastri Naturali: una comunicazione responsabile? L'Aquila, l'Emilia-Romagna e il centro Italia. Verso un modello strutturato di ascolto e resilienza attiva, Bononia University Press
  • Testa Annamaria (2007), La Pubblicità, Il Mulino


Documents & Articles (downloadable)


Recommended Websites



Teaching methods

The course will be structured in lessons divided into theory and concrete cases, which will be accompanied by group exercises on the elaboration of communication plans and development of communication tools.

There will be a series of interventions with real case histories, presented by Italian and foreign communication professionals, in the form of an interview / interview led by the teacher (in Italian and English).

A working group, Comm To Action, is active, in which it is possible to participate if really motivated, which also carries out ad hoc project work during the A.Y. For info visit the site.

Assessment methods

Exam methods

Verification of learning takes place through one of the following two ways:

1- The paper, an analysis work (about 10 word pages) on topics agreed with the teacher - only for attending students;
2- the written test, in which analyzes of communication cases or communication plans are proposed - for attending and non-attending students.


1. Paper paper (for attending students only)
This is an analysis work on a business communication theme that will be agreed with the teacher in class or via email; the paper must be delivered on the day agreed with the teacher.

2. Written test
Attending students will be asked to develop a paper, in two hours, with the possibility of choosing between the following tracks:
1- Communication plan to be developed;
2- Analysis of a case of crisis communication;
3- Analysis of a communication campaign.

NON-Attending students will be asked a single question at each exam, with two hours to develop their own paper.



Erasmus students will be able to write the paper (and/or the exam document) in English.

Teaching tools

The lessons will be supported by the projection of slides and videos, the presentation and analysis of concrete cases, the use of specialized websites and the testimonies of professionals.

Further bibliography and in-depth sitography will be communicated during the lessons.

Office hours

See the website of Biagio Oppi


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.