90619 - Art and Museum Education (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Visual Arts (cod. 9071)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will acquire historical, theoretical and critical-methodological knowledge about education and communication strategies which can promote long-lasting relations between visitors, museums and the historical-artistic heritage. During the course, they will be able to use transversal skills in order to assess communication, diffusion, divulgation, non-formal and informal museum educational actions, in compliance with European guidelines and international recommendations.

Course contents

The course consists in two parts: an introductory/theoretical part (Museums&Audience: barriers and mediations) and a single-subject part (Communicating in museums: writing texts for exhibitions). The topics are approached through an integrated perspective focusing on museum education’s theories and practices, visitor’s experience, museum texts and actions shaped by the participatory web.



Three texts at your choice from the following list:

A. Andreini (a c. di), La parola scritta nel museo. Lingua, accesso, democrazia, Regione Toscana - Direzione generale politiche formative, beni e attività culturali, 2009 [available on "Virtual learning"].

D. Antelmi, M. Logaldo, Testi brevi di accompagnamento, Universitas Studiorum, Mantova 2019, pp. 1-63.

M.T. Balboni Brizza, Immaginare il museo. Riflessioni sulla didattica e sul pubblico, Jaca Book, Milano 2006 (2018; 2021).

M. C. Ciaccheri, A. C. Cimoli, N. Moolhuijsen, Senza titolo. Le metafore della didascalia, Nomos, Busto Arsizio 2020, pp. 1-58.

M. E. Colombo, Musei e cultura digitale. Fra narrativa, pratiche e testimonianze, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano 2020.

C. Da Milano, E. Sciacchitano, Linee guida per la comunicazione nei musei: segnaletica interna, didascalie e pannelli, Quaderni della valorizzazione – NS 1, MIBAC, Roma 2015 [available on "Virtual learning"].

M.V. Marini Clarelli, Pezzi da museo, Carocci, Roma, 2017.


N.B. Attending/non attending students

The reading list is the same for all the students, attending or not.

Nevertheless, further bibliographical suggestions will be provided throughout the course: only for attending students some suggested texts could stand in for one book listed above.



Teaching methods

Lectures with PowerPoint and video; participatory approach; teaching material uploaded to Virtual learning environment.

Assessment methods


Students are required to demonstrate the proper knowledge and critical understanding of the selected texts.

Assessment system

  • It will be assessed as excellent the performance of those students achieving an organic vision of the course contents, using a proper specific language and demonstrating originality of reflection.
  • It will be assessed as good the performance of those students demonstrating a correct knowledge of the topics, good analysis and synthesis capabilities, and using an appropriate language.
  • It will be assessed as sufficient the performance of those students showing mostly mnemonic knowledge and a not always appropriate language.
  • It will be assessed as insufficient (failing grade) the performance of those students demonstrating learning gaps, inappropriate language and lack of orientation within the topics.

To take the exam students shall register on AlmaEsami respecting the deadlines.

N.B. Students already registered who decide not to take the exam are kindly required to unregister before the deadline (see Exam sessions - Subscriptions list: opened from …. to ….). This will facilitate the organisation of the session for the benefit of those students who will take the exam.

Teaching tools

Power point; videos; teaching material uploaded to Virtuale.

Office hours

See the website of Chiara Tartarini


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.