65977 - Agricultural Economics and Rural Appraisal

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Felice Adinolfi (Modulo 1) Felice Adinolfi (Modulo 2) Alberto Ceccacci (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Aquaculture and Fish Production Hygiene (cod. 8834)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the teaching the student has the theoretical tools to reach a critical view of the main national and international economic problems that allow him/her to express adequate evaluations on macroeconomic problems. At the end of the teaching, the student knows the economic tools to allow an efficient planning of production and agro-food chain. In particular, the student is able to solve microeconomic problems, knows the methods of business management, knows the community agricultural policies. For the estimation part, at the end of the teaching, the student is able to face the professional problems related to the economic evaluation of economic and environmental goods related to the agro-livestock activity. The guiding principles of the discipline will also be tackled in a critical function in order to be adapted to emerging issues.

Course contents

The course consists of 3 modules:
The key concepts that will be addressed are:
- Enterprise, environment and market
- Economy, income and capital of the agro-industrial enterprise
- Analytical management accounting
- Planning and control
- The business plan concept and the phases of the implementation of the business plan
- The Common Agricultural Policy and the EMFF

The agro-food system (AFS) in the wider economic context. AFS structure: firms and farms, supply chains, agro-food districts.

Production theory. Production operations. Natural production laws. Production function (one and two variable inputs). Sector decision. Cost of production. Production function.

Market models. Market structure and behaviour. The Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm. Real markets in the AFS. Organization and integration of animal food supply chains.

The Italian AFS. Food consumption models in real societies. Socio-economic drivers of food consumption models. Food supply models- Co-evolution of demand and supply in the national AFS from the '70s.

Non attending Students are warmely adviced to put particular attention to the following issues: production theory and production cost calculation (Zucchi, 2006), AFS organization (Mariani and Viganò, 2002) (see Reading/Bibliorgafy section).


Lecture notes and slide


Brue S.L., McConnel C.R., Flynn S.M. Essenziale di economia. McGraw-Hill, 2010

Zucchi, G. Zooeconomia. Economia del sistema delle produzioni animali. Ed. Avenue media, Bologna, 2006

Mariani A., Vigano' E. (2002) Il sistema agroalimentare dell'Unione Europea, Carocci Editore, Roma

Readings (available at IOL)

Belletti G., Marescotti A. Agricoltura e sistema agro-alimentare (cap 4) in Economia dell’impresa agro-alimentare, Università di Firenze, CdL Economia Aziendale

Belletti G., Marescotti A. Le nuove tendenze dei consumi alimentari, in Berni P., Begalli D. (a cura di), “I prodotti agroalimentari di qualità: organizzazione del sistema delle imprese”, SIDEA-Il Mulino, Bologna, pp.133-152

Benetti S. (2015) Distretto della pesca e filiera ittica: un parallelo con riferimento all’Alto Adriatico. Unversità di Ferrara Argomenti, terza serie, 2/2015, pp. 93-118

EUMOFA (2017) Il mercato ittico dell’UE

ISMEA (2008) I consumi ittici nei principali paesi Europei. Spagna, Francia, Germania, Regno Unito, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia. ISMEA, Roma

Malorgio G., Selvatici M.A. (2001) L’economia della filiera dei prodotti ittici in Emilia-Romagna: un’analisi della struttura e delle performances dell’industria di trasformazione. Medit n 4/2001

Trevisan E. (2012) Analisi dei consumi ittici in Italia. Il caso dei prodotti freschi e trasformati, Tesi di Laurea Università Ca’ Foscari, CdL Economia e gestione delle aziende. Venezia a.a. 2011/2012

Teaching methods

Front courses

Case study analysis and problem solving approach

Participatory teaching methods. 1) During the classes, Students are regularly required to apply the basic economic concepts and analytical schemes to practical cases and problems, suggested by the Sudents or by the Teacher himself. 2) At least once during the course (mid/final part) a review session is developed, based on Teacher instruction, where Students are demanded to recall the arguments treated during the classes, structure them according to logical criteria, identify functional links among concepts and analytical schemes. In case of remote learning, this activity can be substituted by mid-term test (multi-choice test).

Students with special needs are invited to contact by email the professors of the different modules in order to illustrate them and better organize teaching and exams

Assessment methods

The examination procedures will be agreed with the students themselves during the year.


Oral examination: The aim of the oral examination is knowledge assessment.

Examination list will be published on Alma Esami. On-line examinations are performed through institutional platforms (Teams), directly linked to the public examination list (e.mail convocation and participation link).

No support material is allowed during the examinations.

Examination result will contribute to final votation in relation to course credits.


A very thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with high skills of critical analysis, linkage and confident mastery of specific terminology will be evaluated with the highest score (30-30L).
A thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with good marks (27-29).
A technically adequate preparation and sufficient analytical skills, even if not particularly articulate, expressed in a correct language, will produce discrete evaluations (23-26).
Sufficient preparation and analytical skills, expressed in a barely formally correct language, will determine sufficiency (18-22).

Teaching tools

Slide presentation

Case analysis

Exercises and test based on web applications and Excel

Course materials are available on platform VIRTUALE. Students are invited to e-mail the Teacher for any problem concerning the access, the organization or the content of published materials.

Office hours

See the website of Felice Adinolfi

See the website of Alberto Ceccacci


Decent work and economic growth Responsible consumption and production Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.