00867 - Psychiatry

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

After completing this module, the student will have knowledge, to the extent of its competence, relating to the field of psychiatry, medical psychopathology, psychosomatic, psychotherapy, psychiatric pharmacotherapy, psychiatric aspects of medical psychology, and social psychiatry

Course contents

Basics of Psychiatric Epidemiology

Psychiatric Care in Italy, Psychiatric Legislation

Etiopathological Overview

Interviewing the Patient

Mental State Examination - Psychopathology

Classification of Mental Disorders

Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses

Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Anxiety and the Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders

Eating Behavior Disorders


Intellectual Disability

Personality Disorders and

Somatoform Disorders

Abuse and Dependencies

Emergencies in Psychiatry

Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapies


Recommended book:

Lia, Loredana ; Serretti, Alessandro (2014) Psichiatria per Professioni Sanitarie. Bologna: Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie - AlmaDL Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, p. 223. ISBN ISBN 978-88-980-1019-6. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/4051.

How to Access the Teaching Materials:

The textbook 'Psichiatria per Professioni Sanitarie' can be downloaded for free at the following link: http://amsacta.unibo.it/4051/

The teaching materials, text, and slides, are available on the platform https://virtuale.unibo.it/

Teaching methods

Lectures, video projection and discussion of clinical cases.

Assessment methods

Written exam with multiple-choice quizzes. The quizzes cover all the educational points listed in the curriculum.

Midterm test (optional, remote): after the end of the lessons, a midterm test will be available for 10 days on the site https://virtuale.unibo.it/ (the student must register for the Psychiatry course to view it), consisting of 16 multiple-choice quizzes. The result will be considered supplementary to the final exam. The midterm consists of 3 attempts of the test (with different questions) carried out via Moodle, and only the third attempt produces a score. A score lower than 9 in the third attempt does not allow to pass the test. The 3 attempts can be made at different times but cannot be interrupted.

The final exam will be conducted on the EsamiOnLine (EOL) platform on dates published on AlmaEsami under the conditions and locations reported there and consists of 16 multiple-choice quizzes.  Each quiz has 5 answers, only one of which is correct. Questions are projected one at a time. Click/select the answer you believe is correct for each question and then click/select "Next page" at the bottom. Repeat the same activity until question 16. At the end, click/select "Submit all and Finish"; then confirm one more time: "Submit all and Finish." Duration: The quiz (a single set of 16 questions) will be visible for 20 minutes; after this time, the test automatically ends. In case the midterm test was not taken, the 'Exam for those who did not take the midterm test', also with 16 questions, must also be taken. Each question with a correct answer scores one point, and a total (midterm + exam) higher than 30 will be considered as 30 with honors. A score lower than 9 on the exam does not allow to pass the exam.

The grade will be visible immediately after the test is closed. The final grade of the integrated module is the average of the grades obtained in the individual courses.

Teaching tools

pc, video

Office hours

See the website of Giuseppe Fanelli


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