Foto del docente

Vincenza Andrisano

Full Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Director of Single Cycle Degree in Pharmacy

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 248KB )

Prof. Vincenza Andrisano received her Doctorate Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology from the University of Bologna (Italy) and a 2 years post-lauream Diploma from Scuola di specializzazione in Scienze e tecnologie cosmetiche Università di Ferrara (Italy). In 1998 she is associate professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Bologna and carries out her research at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. As part of her postdoctoral training, she spent two years as a research assistant at the Sydney University Australia (Department of Biochemistry), researching on the enzymatic properties of new mechanism based substrates and inhibitors for dihydrofolate reductase in the search of anticancer drugs (1987-88). She has been visiting professor at McGill University, Division de Pharmacocinétique, Department D'Oncologie, Montréal (Canada) (1995) (stereoselective interaction between drug-target protein by biochromatography) and at the Department of Pharmacology Georgetown University Medical Center Washington DC (USA) (2000)(enzyme immobilization for the development of glyceraldheyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors in the search of anti-tripanosomial drugs). 

Since 2012 she is full professor in medicinal chemistry at the Department for the Quality of Life, University of Bologna.

She has published more than 230 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals (HI=56, Scopus) and a similar number of contributions in conference proceedings. She delivered lectures in several international symposia.

VA's present research covers four main lines: (i) development of new drugs for the treatment of degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease and cancer) : structural characterization of protein targets (i.e. amyloid peptides) and candidate leads (circular dicroism in solution, HPLC-MS), enzyme kinetics, determination of mechanism of action of new potential acetylcholinesterase inhibitors with dual function, inhibition studies of b-amyloid fibril formation by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy (ii) development of analytical methodologies in the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new bioactive compounds (iii) characterization of the ligand/target peptide/protein/enzyme interactions (classical and multiwells spectroscopic kinetic methods, biochromatography, analysis through optical biosensor, HPLC-MS) (iv) Immobilisation of target enzymes on solid matrices which are then inserted in fluidic and chromatographic systems for binding studies.

Since 2005 she is scientific coordinator of local research programs (RFO) financed by the University of Bologna ‘Metodologie avanzate per l'analisi di farmaci e composti biologicamente attivi'. Since 2003 she partecipated to the MIUR supported FIRB project (FIRB2003, RBNE03FH5Y, ‘Sviluppo di metodologie innovative per l'identificazione e la sintesi di nuove molecole a scopo terapeutico: applicazioni nel campo della malattia di Alzheimer'). In 2007-11, she coordinates a young scientists research project financed by the the University of Bologna  (p53 e patologie non neoplastiche nell'anziano: uno studio multidisciplinare sul ruolo del polimorfismo al codone 72 del gene TP53). In  2008-11, she is the coordinator of the italian  unit of the european FP7 reasearch project ‘BISNES: Bio-Inspired Self-assembled Nano-Enabled Surfaces' in the call NMP-2007-1.1-1 “Nano-scale mechanisms of bio/non-bio interactions” NMP-2007-1.1-2 “Self-assembling and self-organisation”. She is also coordinator of the University of Bologna unit for PRIN 2007and PRIn 2099: ‘Metodologie analitiche avanzate nelle ricerca e sviluppo di farmaci'.

She was  Director of the Summer School on Pharmaceutical Analysis SSPA ( since 2008 to 2013.