1) Intellectual History of Colonial India: religious controversy; Elaboration of a discourse on religion; aesthetics and the theory of rasa in the colonial period;
2) Ancient and medieval philosophies and religions of India: in particular logic, aesthetics, doxography, interpretations of the Bhagavad Gita, Sāṃkhya (Yuktidīpikā), Theravada Buddhism and Madhyamika, relations between skepticism and mysticism, aesthetic categories in the description of mystical experience (theory of bhakti-rasa);
3) Interpretations of Indian thought in the West: Herder, Humboldt, Hegel, P. Deussen, S. Weil;
4) Philosophical historiography about India : Hegel, Deussen, Schweitzer Hauer, Frauwallner, Halbfass.
5) European philosophical history of Orientalism (starting from its origins in Giovanni Pico to get to Voltaire, Anquetil Duperron, Forster, A.W. and F. Schlegel, Novalis, to include Italian thinkers like S. Gatti, P. Martinetti, F. Ciliberti).
6) New canonization of ancient Indian texts by Indian religious thinkers of the nineteenth century (particularly Rammohan Roy and Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay), often motivated by the need to respond to the challenges brought European Orientalism.
7) Trans-cultural implications of the philosophical-religious hermeneutics of Indian texts, addressing in particular the issues of the mystical-ethical value and aesthetics.
8) Relationship between violence and non-violence in Indian religions and philosophies.