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Office hours:
-- Monday, September 16th, 12:00 - 1:30pm, OFFICE, via Zamboni 33.
Please, send a text message or whatsapp message to the number + 39 338 681 53 78.
Students writing their final dissertation, for emergencies, can text me at any time.
Students are kindly asked to refrain from sending emails or text messages or WhatsApp messages that contain:
- the request to know the dates of the exams in advance (if the dates are not published it means that they have not been set);
- the request to know the dates of the exams when you do not have access to "Almaesami" (the dates are also on my teaching website);
- the request for confirmation of the teaching program (the programs are on the teaching website: consult the program of the academic year in which the teaching was attended);
- the request for a program for non-attending students (follow what is indicated on the teaching website)