Foto del docente

Saverio Marchignoli

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ASIA-01/B History, Religion and Philosophies of South and Central Asia


"Immediacy, Consciousness, Knowledge". Convegno di filosofia indiana ed europea 27 e 28 novembre. Valido per l'attività "SEMINARI" di ARCO e di Scienze Storiche e Orientalistiche

CONVEGNO internazionale di filosofia indiana ed europea, 27-28 nov 2023

The international conference

Immediacy, Consciousness, Knowledge. A symposium on South Asian and European Philosophy

will be held on November 27th and 28th, 2023 in Aula Manfredi, Accademia delle Scienze, via Zamboni 31, Bologna. Free entrance.

Alex Watson (Ashoka University, Sonipat, India),
Birgit Kellner (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien), Madhucchanda Sen (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India), Francesco Sferra (Università di Napoli "l'Orientale"),
Serena Saccone (Università di Napoli “l'Orientale"),
Lorenzo Pizzichemi (Università di Verona),
Saverio Marchignoli (Università di Bologna).

Discussants include:
Sebastiano Galanti Grollo (Università di Bologna); Marco Franceschini (Università di Bologna); Giovanni Ciotti (Università di Bologna);
with the collaboration of Luigi Singh (Università di Bologna)

With the participation of Ram Sharma (vice-chancellor, UPES University, Dehradun, India)

Participants are invited to present materials from their current or recent research broadly related to the concepts of
"Immediacy", "Consciousness", “Knowledge”, “Experience”, “Perception”.
This will allow us, primarily, to explore some areas of the most advanced research in the historical-philosophical and philosophical fields. Secondly, based on the analysis of significant examples, we will try to examine the relationship between philosophical investigation and history of philosophy, both South Asian and European.

 A question underpinning this symposium is whether there can be new ways of thinking about the interrelations between philosophy on the one hand and philosophical historiography on the other, keeping in mind the peculiar contribution provided by South Asian philosophy.

Is there the possibility of an actual philosophical history of philosophy, that is, one that arrives at formulating philosophical problems starting from the way in which they were addressed historically in South Asia and Europe? Or, to put it differently, under what conditions can the history of philosophy provide materials for current philosophical reflection? Conversely, can contemporary philosophical theorization provide methods and points of view that are indispensable for a correct formulation of the questions that are posed in the history of thought?
The thematic area identified by the terms "immediacy", "consciousness", "knowledge",
"experience", "perception", "overcoming duality"
seems particularly suitable for this type of analysis, with the aim of understanding and bringing into foreground the philosophical significance of the
history of South Asian thought

Il simposio è aperto a tutti ed è valido per l'attività "SEMINARI" di ARCO e di Scienze Storiche e Orientalistiche


MONDAY November 27th

14:00 Introduction

14:15 Birgit KELLNER (IKGA, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien),


Consciousness, Knowledge

Can You See a Non-Existence? Immediacy and Mediacy in the Knowledge of Absences According to South Asian Buddhist Epistemologists

15:15 Madhucchanda SEN (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India),

Why and Where Immmediacy Matters

16:15 coffee break

16:45 Serena SACCONE (Università di Napoli l’«Orientale»),

Seeing Something, Saying Something. Mediacy and Immediacy in the Proof of the Buddha’s Omniscience

17:45 Discussion


TUESDAY November 28th

9:30 Alex WATSON (Ashoka University, Sonipat, India),

Immediacy and Consciousness in the Buddhist/Brahmanical Self/No-Self Debate. Three New Arguments from Rāmakaṇṭha

10:30 Lorenzo PIZZICHEMI (Università di Verona),

Questioning the Immediate Perception of Motion, in the East and in the West. The Struggle between Perceiving and Reasoning and Its Unexpected Philosophical Virtues

11:30 coffee break

11:45 Saverio MARCHIGNOLI (Università di Bologna),

Persisting in Immediacy. The Philosophy of Aesthetic Experience in Colonial India

12:45 Francesco SFERRA (Università di Napoli "l'Orientale"),

title to be defined

13:45 Final Discussion

Published on: November 14 2023