- 2014 - today: Associate Professor in “Food Science and Technology”, Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL), University of Bologna
- 2002 – 2014: Assistant Professor in “Food Science and Technology”, Department of Food Science (DISA), University of Bologna
- 2018: Enabled as Full Professor by a national competition.
- 1993: Master Degree (M.S.) in Agricultural Science (5 curricular years), University of Bologna.
- 1993 – 1999: Scholarships and Research grants at the Department of Agro-Food Protection and Valorisation (DIPROVAL), University of Bologna.
- 1999 – 2002: Ph.D. student in Food Biotechnology
- 2002: Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology at the University of Bologna. Dissertation title: Influence of storage conditions and pre-treatments on enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning in potatoes for industry processing.
Research activity involve several aspects related to processing, quality and stability of foods using a multidisciplinary approach and is mainly focused on the following topics:
- Optimization/innovation of processing conditions to obtain foods (e.g. minimally processed vegetables) with high quality and sustainability levels;
- Evaluation of food quality and safety changes due to conventional and novel processing and during storage;
- Formulation of new and novel foods: development and physico-chemical characterization (e.g. bakery products);
- Development and optimization of traditional and innovative packaging solutions (e.g. modified atmosphere; active; edible coatings) and storage conditions to improve processing performances, shelf-life and quality of fresh, partially-processed and processed food;
- Shelf-life studies and assessment of differently packed foodstuffs: physical, chemical, enzymatic and sensorial decay modelling;
- Characterization of the state of water and its effect on properties and stability of food materials;
- Study of the chemical and physico-chemical characteristics of roasted coffee and coffee beverages as a function of processing and storage conditions;
- Study of chemical, physical, rheological and sensorial properties of dough, bread and bakery products as a function of different formulations and / or processing and storage conditions;
- Study of occurrence, prevention and minimization of toxic compounds (e.g. acrylamide) in foods (fried potatoes, coffee, bakery products).
Current research interests are focused on:
- Study on the application of emerging technologies (Pulsed Electric Fields, Vacuum Impregnation, Osmotic Dehydration, Ultrasound) for the processing of fruit and vegetables, with the main objectives to: improve safety, quality and functional properties of processed foods; induce targeted modification in food structures; improve the mass transfer processes, also of valuable compounds from biological matrices (food and food by-products and wastes).
- Study on the application of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions (edible coating, active, biodegradable) with the main objectives to: increase of shelf-life and quality level of different foods; reduction of food waste; increase the technological suitability of biodegradable materials; increase the food-packaging sustainability.
- Study on the application of innovative strategies for acrylamide content mitigation in different food products (fried potatoes, coffee, bakery products).
- Author of more than 200 scientific papers, published on national and international journal and congresses and conferences proceedings of the scientific sector, of which more than 90 full articles published on peer-reviewed international journals (Scopus Author ID: 7006795539; h-index = 23 and total citations = 2368, from Scopus database accessed on Feb. 17th, 2020).
Co-author of one patent in the food processing area.
- 1994 – today: Collaboration with numerous national and international research groups in the development of several research projects funded by the European Union (Flair Flow Europe II e III, VI FWP, FP7, FP7 Era-Net,H2020), Italian Ministry of University (PRIN project), Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Emilia-Romagna region.
Most significant Projects:
- HEATOX, Heat-generated foods toxicants – Identification, characterisation and risk minimisation. STREP Project VI FWP. Partner: UNIBO (2003-2007). Role: component of Research Staff.
- RESCAPE, Reducing Egg Susceptibility to Contaminations in Avian Production in Europe (Funded under: Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 5, Food Quality and Safety). Partner: UNIBO (2006-2009). Role: component of Research Staff.
- TEPASS - Technologies for Safe and Sustainable Agribusiness. Emilia-Romagna region Project (2010 – 2012). Role: component of Research Staff.
- CHANCE - Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty - Call: FP7-KBBE-2010-4. (2011-2014). Role: component of Research Staff.
- FIRB project ("Futuro In RIcerca") - Innovative approach for the study of minimally processed fruit: functional, metabolic and qualitative aspects. (2012 – 2014). Role: component of Research Staff.
- ECOPROLIVE - Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products. (Call: H2020-SFS-2014-2). Partner: UNIBO (2015-2017). Role: Tasks Leader.
- ECOBERRIES - Innovative and eco-sustainable processing and packaging for safe and high quality organic berry products with enhanced nutritional value. FP7 Era-Net CORE ORGANIC PLUS (Funding body in Italy, Mipaaf) (2015-2018). Role: component of Research Staff.
- ECOPACKLAB - Advanced technologies for active and eco-friendly packaging. Regional project co-funded by the European Regional Development fund POR FESR 2014-2020 ASSE1 of the Emilia Romagna region (2016-2018). Role: Coordinator.
- BIOADAPT - Adaption of variety mixtures and evolutionary populations of common wheat for organic farming in the Emilia-Romagna region. Regional project (PSR 2014-2020, MISURA 16.01) Rural development program. Bando RER (ER, FOCUS AREA 2A) (2016-2019). Role: Responsible of Unit Operations.
- INGREEN - Production of functional innovative ingredients from paper and agro-food side-streams through sustainable and efficient tailor-made biotechnological processes for food, feed, pharma and cosmetics. H2020-BBI-JTI-2018, Topic: BBI.2018.SO3.D5. Type of action: BBI-IA-DEMO. Scientific coordination: UNIBO. (2019 – 2022). Role: component of Research Staff.
- PLASMAFOOD – Study and optimization of cold atmospheric plasma treatment for food safety and quality improvement. PRIN 2017 − PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE. UNIBO. (2019 – 2022). Role: component of Research Staff.
- NEWTECHAQUA - New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture. H2020-EU. UNIBO. (2020 – 2023). Role: component of Research Staff.
- 2005 - 2014: Participation in working groups of international projects for the Development of Teaching and Research activities in the Food Sector:
ISEKI Food e ISEKI Mundus - Lifelong Learning Program – Education and Training; TRACK_FAST - Training Requirements And Careers for Knowledge-based Food Science and Technology in Europe; EU -Tempus DEFRUS - Development of Qualification Framework for Food Science Studies at Russian Universities.
- Several scientific collaborations at international level with: Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition, LTH - Technical University of Lund (Sweden); Department of Food Engineering and Process Management, Faculty of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland); Institute of Food Engineering for Development, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain); Food Biotechnology Department, Institute of Food Chemistry and Technology of Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland); Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Granada (Spain); Institute of Food Technology of University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Wien (Austria).
- 2012 – today: Food Packaging (6 credits), at 2nd Level Degree Course in Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna.
- 2012 - today: Food Technology And Principles of Packaging (2 credits) at 1st Level Degree Course in Food Technology, University of Bologna.
- 2016 – today: Food Waste and Loss Management and Valorisation in Food industry (2 credits) at 1st Level Degree Courses in Food Technology and Viticulture and Oenology and 2nd Level Degree Course in Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna.
- 2016 – today: Food plant sanitation and Hygienic design (2 credits) at 1st Level Degree Courses in Food Technology and Viticulture and Oenology and 2nd Level Degree Course in Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna.
- 2004 - 2015: Teacher of the following Bologna University courses: Conditioning and Packing Technologies (3 cfu), Physical and Rheological Properties of Foods (3 cfu), Cold Technologies in Catering Industry (2 cfu), Quality management in the food industry (5 cfu); Quality systems (4 cfu); Cold Chain And Packaging Technology (5 cfu), Food packaging (4 cfu), Food packaging (6 cfu), Cleaning and Sanitation of Food Industry Plants (4 cfu), at 1st levels degree courses in Food Technology and Food Consumption and Catering Sciences and at 2nd level degree course in Food Science and Technology.
- 2001-2002: Contract Professor of the following university courses: “Cereal, bakery products and pasta processing” (University of Foggia); “Bakery products and pasta processing and technology” (University of Teramo).
- 2000-2001: Contract Professor of the following university course: “Cereal, bakery products and pasta processing” at University of Foggia.
- 1996-2001: Teaching assistant in Food Science and Technology university courses at University of Bologna.
- 1994 – today: Tutor of 70 Master and Bachelor experimental Thesis in Food Science and Technology at the University of Bologna.
- 2007 – today: Scientific adviser of 5 Ph.D. Students (Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology), University of Bologna.
- 2018 – today: Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Cesena of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2018 – today: Member of Dept. of Agricultural and Food Sciences Direction Board, at University of Bologna
- 2013 – today: Member of Ph.D. Board of “Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology” at University of Bologna.
- 2008 - 2009: Assistant of President (prof. Marco Dalla Rosa) of Food Science and Technology degree course at University of Bologna.
- 2004-2010: Member of the Direction Board of the Department of Food Science at University of Bologna.
- 2009 - today: Responsible of Erasmus Bilateral Agreements of Bologna University with: the Department of Food Engineering LTH, Technical University of Lund, Sweden – (2009 – 2013); Department of Biotechnology and Food Analysis of Wroclaw University of Economics (Erasmus Plus - Key Action 1), Poland – (2015 – today)
- 2003 – today: Member of Italian Society of Food Science and Technology (SISTAL);
- 2012 – today: Member of European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain (ISEKI-Food Association).
- 2014 – today: Review Editor for Nutrition and Food Science Technology (Frontiers in Nutrition)
- Reviewer of international refereed scientific journals: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS Publication, USA), Food Additives and Contaminants (Taylor & Francis, LTD), Food Chemistry (Elsevier), Journal of Food Science (Wiley-Blackwell), Journal of Agricultural of Science and Technology (Tarbiat Modares Univ.), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (Wiley), Italian Journal of Food Science (Chiriotti Ed.), LWT - Food Science and Technology (Elsevier), International Journal of Food Engineering (De Gruyter), Journal of Food Quality (Wiley).
- 2011 - today: Member of Inter-Departmental Centre for Industrial Agri-Food Research (CIRI- Agrifood) of Bologna University (OU4 – Food products and processing), devoted to the technology transfer to food industry.
- 1995 – today: Participation and scientific responsibility in several research projects and partnership contracts with food industries.