Foto del docente

Sandro Moraldo

Full Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: GERM-01/C German Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae

Sandro Mario Moraldo was born in Bordighera (Italy) and grew up in Heidelberg (Germany). Studies at the Universities of Heidel­berg, Berkeley and Florence in Com­parative Literature, German Phi­lology and Romance Languages and Lite­ra­tures. M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Hei­delberg in Com­parative Literature, German Phi­lology and Romance Languages and Lite­ra­tures. 1989/1990-1992/1993: Lecturer of German, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy). 1993-1999 Professor of German Literature, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy). 1999/2000-2003/2004 Professor of Comparative Literature, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy). 2000/2001- 2013 Research Fellow and Professore aggregato of German Literature, Culture and Linguistics at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures at Bologna University. 2009/2010 and from 2011/2012 to 2017/2018 Professor of Comparative Literature (Catholic University, Milan). Main fields of research: Thematic Criticism, Theory of Literature, German linguistics and German literature of the 19th/20th centruy and contemporary Migrant Literature. Form 2014-2019 he was Associate Professor for German Studies at the Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione (DIT) of the Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione University of Bologna/Campus Forlì. Since December 20th 2021 he is Full Professor at the Department of Interpretation and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna/Forlì Campus.

1997-2003 and 2005-2006 member of the Directory Board of the Italian Comparative Literature Association (Società Italiana di Comparatistica Letteraria; S.I.C.L.). Since 2008 member of the Editorial Board of Studi Comparatistici. From 2010-2013 he has also been member of the Editorial Board of TodoModo (Olschki Editore, Florence), journal of the Association Amici di Leonardo Sciascia.

Fellowships and Visiting Scholarships January-May 1987 Fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley: Italian Foreign Ministry and the Foundation Residenze Universitarie Internazionali (RUI); July 1988 Long Vacation Resident at King's College (Cambridge University); March-May 1989 Fellowship at the Centro Nazionale di Studi Pirandelliani (Agrigento, Sicily): Italian Foreign Ministry; October 8-11, 1990 Fellowship for the Seminar of Leo Löwenthal (University of California, Berkeley): Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Naples); May-August 1991 Fellowship at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa): Italian Foreign Ministry; September 22.-28, 1991 Fellowship for the seminar Berlin und die Mauer in Berlin: Goethe-Institut; October 14-16, 1991 Fellowship for the workshop Similarity: Centro Internazionale di Studi Semiotici e Cognitivi (University of San Marino); July13-24, 1992 Fellowship at the University of Bayreuth for the seminar Kulturthema Essen: Goethe-Institut; June-July 1992 Erasmus (Azione Lingua II)-Fellowship at the Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilolo­gie (University of Heidelberg): European Community; August 21-September 1, 1993 Fellowship for the European Forum Alpbach: Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani; June13-17, 1994 Fellowship for the seminar of Stephen Greenblatt (University of California, Berkeley; Harvard University) Shakespeare and the New Histori­cism: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Naples); June-July 1996 Research Fellowship at the University of Bamberg from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Aus­tausch­dienst); August 2-14, 1999 Villa Vigoni-Fellowship; September/October 2002 Visiting scholar at Brown University, Providence/R.I. (USA); May-September 2004 Marco Polo-Research Fellowship: University of Bologna; July-August 2005 Leonardo Da Vinci-Research Fellowship: European Union; September/October 2005 Visiting scholar at Brown University, Providence/R.I. (USA); July 2008 Fellowship from the Goethe-Institut München; April-May 2009: Research Fellowship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). In 2010 he had a Fellowship by the Summer School of the Heidelberg Alumni International of the University of Heidelberg and one by the Austrian Ministry of Teaching, Arts and Culture for the seminar DaF on air: Radioarbeit und Podcasting im DaF-Unterricht und internationale Radiopartnerschaften (Raach am Hochgebirge). In 2011 he had a Fellowship by the Austrian Ministry of Teaching, Arts and Culture (Section Culture and Language) for the Grundtvig workshop Radio als vielfältiger Lebensraum (Lernwerkstatt) in Graz (Austria). 2012 Fellowship of the Goethe-Institut for the Seminar MDE 2.1 Studienbegleitender DaF-Unterricht (Munih, Germany). In the Winter-Semester 2014/2105 he has been Visiting Professor at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) for German Studies and Comparative Literature. In the Spring Semester 2017 he has been Max-Kade-Dinstinguished Visiting Professor for German Studies at the University of Rhode Island (Kingston, R.I., USA)