Foto del docente

Riccardo Amorati

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-05/A Organic Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Born in Bologna on May 7th 1975, he obtained his laurea degree in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Bologna on October 7th 1999 with final mark of 110/110 summa cum laude, under the tutorship of Prof. G. F. Pedulli. He got his Ph.D. in 2004, discussing a thesis about the antioxidant activity of polyphenolic compounds. Since 2006 he is Researcher at the University of Bologna. From 2019 he is Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department "G. Ciamician".

Member of the editorial board of "Antioxidants".

His main research interests are: spectroscopic, kinetic and thermodynamic studies of the reactions of polyphenols with peroxyl radicals. He is actually investigating the role of hydrogen bonding in modulating the reactivity of simple phenolic antioxidants. He is also developing and testing novel nanomaterials with antioxidant properties.