Foto del docente

Renata Galatolo

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/A General Psychology


Keywords: Discursive psychology Conversation analysis Multimodal communication Video analysis of interaction Doctor - patient communication Trial interaction Family interaction Interaction with blind people Story telling

1. Multimodal analysis of medical interaction: activity transition management, modalities of body's representation, body parts' exhibition, collective professional decision making, treatment recommendation,description and evaluation of pain.

2. Family interaction: family identities construction, interactional construction of moral and cultural values, scaffolding activities.

3. Interaction in juridical settings: examination and cross-examination, discursive contruction of evidences, culpability and agency representation, witnesses' defensive conversational practices.

4. Interaction with blind people: the research focuses on the co-construction of space references  and body movements  in interaction with blind people.