Foto del docente

Renata Galatolo

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/A General Psychology

Curriculum vitae

Since 2001, I have been researcher, then Associate Professor in Psychology.  

Teaching responsibilities

"Narrative Psychology", "Discursive Psychology" and "Etnography and video-analysis of the interaction" - Degree in Sciences of Communication

"Psychology and Social Interaction" - Master in Semiotic

"Psychology of interaction and socialization" – Master in Pedagogy.


MAIN RESEARCH THEMES: 1. Doctor-patient communication. 2. Family interaction. 3. Interaction with blind people. 4. Trial interaction. 5. Multimodality. 6. Situated and ditributed cognition. 7. Discursive psychology. 8. Conversation analysis.

I published papers, in national and international journals and books, on trial interaction, doctor-patient communication, family interaction, identities, story-telling, apologies and invitations in ordinary interaction.

My current research activity focuses on doctor-patient communication, family interaction and communication with blind people in sport setting.


Member of scientific associations and committees

Member of the International Pragmatic Association

Member of the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia

Member of the International Association Conversation Analysis

Member of AIM, Association for the study of the interaction and the mediation

Member of the scientific committee of the Centre of Research on Ethics, Culture, Epistemology and Language (CRECEL), University of Bologna


