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Pier Luigi Martelli

Full Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: BIOS-07/A Biochemistry


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Publications prior to 2004

1 E1  Emanuela Occhipinti, B Gambirasio, Pier Luigi Martelli, Francesco Spinozzi, Paolo Mariani, Rita Casadio
"3D Structure Of Sulfolobus solfataricus Carboxypeptidase developed by Molecular Modeling"
The 4th International Congress on Extremophiles (Napoli, 22-23/9/2002) a cura di Rossi M, et al.
pp. 25-25, SIB, Napoli, 2002 2 A0  Emanuela Occhipinti, Pier Luigi Martelli, Francesco Spinozzi, Federica Corsi, Cristina Fomantici, Laura Molteni, Heintz Amenitsch, Rita Casadio
"3D structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus carboxypeptidase developed by molecular modeling is confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and small angle X-ray scattering"
BIOPHYS J, 85, pp. 1165-1175 (2003)
[ISI: 20; IF: 4.643] 3 E1  Gianluca Tasco, Pier Luigi Martelli, Maria Luisa Agostoni Carbone, Rita Casadio
"A critical assessment of model building by homology: the test case of human GTP cyclohydrolase"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica, X ciclo (Bressanone (BZ), 10-13/9/2002) a cura di Rigo A, et al.
pp. 54-54, Universita' di Padova, Bressanone (BZ), 2002 4 E2  Gianluca Tasco, Pier Luigi Martelli, Maria Luisa Agostoni Carbone, Rita Casadio
"A critical assessment of model building by homology: the test case of GTP cyclohydrolase I"
Gruppo di Cooperazione "Bioinformatica" (Pontignano (SI), 17-18 /2/2001) a cura di M. Helmer-Citterich, G. Valle
pp. 12-12, Universita' Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, 2001 [cod. 1094053/01] 5 C4  Rita Casadio, Mario Compiani, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli
"A data base of minimally frustrated alpha helical segments extracted from proteins according to an entropy criterion"
7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB 99) (Heidelberg DE, 6-10 agosto 1999) a cura di LENGAUER et al.
pp. 68-76, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, 1999 [cod. 1094003/99] 6 E2  Rita Casadio, Mario Compiani, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli
"A data base of minimally frustrated alpha helical segments extracted from proteins according to an entropy criterion"
Structural characterization of proteins by NMR, X-ray diffraction and computational methods (Verona, 17-20/2) a cura di SCI
pp. 14-14, Universita' di Verona, Verona, 1999 [cod. 1094008/99] 7 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Carlo Raia, Antonella Giordano, Mose Rossi, Rita Casadio
"A homology based 3D model of the tetrameric alcohol dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus"
THIRD EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM (GARMISCH, 19-22/9) a cura di Protein Society
pp. 44-44, University Press, Cambridge, 1999 [cod. 1094005/99] 8 A0  Rita Casadio, Pier Luigi Martelli, Antonella Giordano, Mose Rossi, Carlo Raia
"A low-resolution 3D model of the tetrameric alcohol dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus"
PROTEIN ENG, 15, pp. 215-223 (2002)
[ISI: 21; IF: 2.718] 9 C4  Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio
"A neural network based method for predicting the disulfide connectivity in proteins"
Knowledge based intelligent information engineering systems and allied technologies (KES 2002) (Ombriano, Settembre 2002) a cura di Damiani E et al
pp. 464-468, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002 10 C4  Piero Fariselli, Andrea Zauli, Ivan Rossi, Michele Finelli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio
"A neural network method to improve prediction of protein-protein interaction sites in heterocomplexes"
2003 IEEE 13th Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, NNSP'03. (Toulouse (FR), 17-19/9/2003) a cura di Ferran E et al
pp. 33-41, IEEE, Toulouse (FRANCIA), 2003 11 A0  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Anders Krogh, Rita Casadio
"A sequence-profile-based HMM for predicting and discriminating beta barrel membrane proteins"
BIOINFORMATICS, 18, pp. S46-S53 (2002)
[ISI: 19; IF: 3.421] 12 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio
"An ENSEMBLE machine learning approach for the prediction of all alpha membrane proteins"
Gruppo di cooperazione "Bioinformatica" (Frascati (Roma), 28-29/3/2003) a cura di Helmer-Citterich M., Valle G
pp. 16-16, Universita' Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, 2003 13 A0  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio
"An ENSEMBLE machine learning approach for the prediction of all-alpha membrane proteins"
BIOINFORMATICS, 19, pp. I205-I211 (2003)
[ISI: 21; IF: 4.615] 14 E2  Martelli P.L., Fariselli P., Compiani M., Casadio R.
"An entropy criterion to design stable alpha-helical structures"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica: III Workshop della Societa' Nazionale di Biofisica (Bressanone, 5-8 ottobre 1998) a cura di Rigo A.
pp. 29-30, Uni Padova, Padova, 1998 [cod. 1094093/98] 15 A0  Compiani M., Fariselli P., Martelli P., Casadio R.
"An entropy criterion to detect minimally frustrated intermediates in native proteins."
P NATL ACAD SCI USA, 95, pp. 9290-9294 (1998)
[ISI: ; IF: 9.04] [cod. 4094122/98] 16 E2  Anna De Maio, Marianna Portaccio, Sergio Di Martino, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Valentina Diano, Sergio Rossi, Umberto Bencivenga, Damiano Gustavo Mita
"Attivita', in condizioni isoterme e non-isoterme, della beta-galattosidasi immobilizzata su membrane di nylon trattate con glicidil metacrilato: dipendenza dal tipo di amminoacidi coinvolti nella immobilizzazione"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica, X ciclo (Bressanone (BZ), 10-13/9/ 2002) a cura di Rigo A, et al
pp. 33-33, Universita' Padova, Bressanone (BZ), 2002 17 E1  Anna De Maio, Marianna Portaccio, Sergio Di Martino, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Valentina Diano, Sergio Rossi, Umberto Bencivenga, Damiano Gustavo Mita
"Attivita', in condizioni isoterme e non-isoterme, della beta-galattosidasi immobilizzata su membrane di nylon trattate con glicidil metacrilato: dipendenza dal tipo di amminoacidi coinvolti nella immobilizzazione"
V Convegno Nazionale INBB (Catania, 3-5/10/2002) a cura di Mita DG, et al.
pp. 80-80, INBB, Roma, 2002 18 C4  Martelli P.L.; Fariselli P.; Casadio R.
"De novo design of proteins: the alpha-helix engineer."
Italian Biochemical Society Transactions IBST vol.8 (Ferrara, Giugno 1997) a cura di SIB
pp. 38-39, Italian Biochemical Society, Ferrara, 1997 [cod. 1094024/97] 19 E2  Mario Compiani, Rita Casadio, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli
"Detecting the folding initiation sites of globular proteins: implications for helix design and the mechanism of protein folding"
International Scientific Congress of the Belgian Biophysical Society (Gembloux, Belgium, 14-17/6) a cura di Begian Biophysical Society
pp. 24-24, Belgian Biophysical Soc, Gembloux, Belgium, 1999 [cod. 1094006/99] 20 B0  Ettore Bismuto, Pier Luigi Martelli, Anna De Maio, Damiano Gustavo Mita, Gaetano Irace, Rita Casadio
"Effect of molecular confinement on internal enzyme dynamics: Frequency domain fluorometry and molecular dynamics simulation studies"
BIOPOLYMERS, 67, pp. 85-95 (2002)
[ISI: 20; IF: 1.845] 21 E2  Antonella Giordano, Pier Luigi Martelli, Mose Rossi, Rita Casadio, Carlo Raia
"Experimental approaches for validation of a homology-based 3D model of tetrameric alcohol dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus"
SIB 2000 (NAPOLI, 20-23/9/2000) a cura di D'Alessio G et al.
pp. 110-110, Biomedia, MILANO, 2000 22 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Gianluca Tasco, Emidio Capriotti, Rita Casadio
"Fishing new outer membrane proteins with neural networks"
Gruppo di Cooperazione "Bioinformatica" 2002 (Certosa di Pontignano (SI), 15-16/3/2002) a cura di Helmer-Citterich M., et al.
pp. 13-13, Gruppo di cooperazione Bioinformatica, Roma, 2002 23 B0  Rita Casadio, Piero Fariselli, Finocchiaro Giacomo, Pier Luigi Martelli
"Fishing new proteins in the twilight zone of genomes: The test case of outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli K12, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and other Gram-negative bacteria"
PROTEIN SCI, 11, pp. 1158-1168 (2003)
[ISI: 16; IF: 3.546] 24 C0  Ettore Bismuto, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Gaetano Irace
"Fluorescence emission properties of hyperthermophilic beta-glycosidase from molecular dynamics simulation"
ITAL J BIOCHEM, 49/1, pp. 20-20 (2000)
[ISI: 14; IF: 0,185] 25 E2  Sirangelo I., Tavassi S., Martelli P.L., Casadio R., Irace G.
"Folding and stability of tryptophanyl substituted apomyoglobins investigated by molecular dynamics simulation and denaturation experiments"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica: III Workshop della Societa' Italiana di Biofisica (Bressanone, 5-8 ottobre 1998) a cura di Rigo A.
pp. 43-44, Uni Padova, Padova, 1998 [cod. 1094095/98]
26 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio
"Hidden Markov Models in cascade with neural networks generate a better predictor of segments of protein secondary structures"
Gruppo di Cooperazione "Bioinformatica" (Certosa di Pontignano SI, 3-4 /3/2000) a cura di Helmer-Citterich M et al.
pp. 34-34, UNI Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, 2000 27 A1  Rita Casadio, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli
"In silico prediction of the structure of membrane proteins: Is it feasible?"
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 4, n. , pp. 341-348 (2003)
28 B0  M.M. El Masry, Anna De Maio, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, A.B. Moustafa, Sergio Rossi, Damiano Gustavo Mita
"Influence of the immobilization process on the activity of beta galactosidase bound to nylon membranes grafted with glycidyl methacrylate. Part 1. Isothermal behavior"
J MOL CATAL B-ENZYM, 16, pp. 175-189 (2001)
[ISI: 30; IF: 1.448] [cod. 4094084/01] 29 A0  Piero Fariselli, Michele Finelli, Davide Marchignoli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Ivan Rossi, Rita Casadio
"MaxSubSeq: an algorithm for segment-length optimization. The case study of the transmembrane spanning segments"
BIOINFORMATICS, 19, pp. 500-505 (2003)
[ISI: 21; IF: 4.615] 30 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Carlo Raia, Antonella Giordano, Mose Rossi, Rita Casadio
"Modelling della struttura 3D del tetramero di alcool deidrogenasi da Sulfolobus solfataricus"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica, VIII Ciclo (Bressanone (BZ), 12-15/9/2000) a cura di Rigo A et al.
pp. 39-40, Uni PADOVA, PADOVA, 2000 31 E2  Rita Casadio, Mario Compiani, Piero Fariselli, Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Ivan Rossi
"Molecular modelling of free and immobilized enzymes with different computational approaches"
Progetto Finalizzato Biotecnologie (Genova, 28-30/10/2001) a cura di M. Brunori et al.
pp. 223-223, Litoprint, Genova, 2001 [cod. 1094051/01] 32 A1  Rita Casadio, Mario Compiani, Piero Fariselli, Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli
"Neural Networks predict protein folding and structure: artificial intelligence faces biomolecular complexity"
SAR and QSAR in environmental research, 11, n. , pp. 149-182 (2000)
33 A0  Mario Compiani, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio
"Neural Networks to study invariant features of protein folding"
THEOR CHEM ACC, 101, pp. 21-26 (1999)
[ISI: 29; IF: 2.431] [cod. 4094018/99] 34 E2  Compiani M., Fariselli P., Martelli P., Casadio
"Neural networks to model early events of protein folding- Invited Seminar -"
194 WE Haereus Seminar:Scientific Applications of Neural Nets (Bad Honnef,Germania, 11-13 May 1998) a cura di Ristig ML, Clark JW
pp. 14-14, WE Haereus Stiftung, Bad Honnef,Germania, 1998 [cod. 1094075/98] 35 E2  Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Ivan Rossi, Rita Casadio
"Optimizing the location and the number of the maximal scoring subsequences with constrained segment lengths with MaxSubSeq"
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2003 (Brisbane (AUSTRALIA), 29/6-3/7/2003) a cura di Myers G et al
pp. 126-126, ISCB, Brisbane (Queensland, Australia), 2003 36 E2  Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio
"Predicting the structure of membrane porins"
8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2000) (La Jolla, California, USA, 19-23/8/2000) a cura di Bourne P et al.
pp. 89-89, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, USA, 2000 37 E2  Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio
"Predicting the structure of membrane porins"
4th Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP 4) (Asilomar, California, USA, 3-7/12/2000) a cura di Moult J et al.
pp. 152-152, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USA, 2000 38 A0  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Luca Malaguti, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the disulfide bonding state of cysteines in proteins with hidden neural networks"
PROTEIN ENG, 15, pp. 951-953 (2002)
[ISI: 21; IF: 2.718] 39 A0  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Luca Malaguti, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the disulfide-bonding state of cysteines in proteins at 88% accuracy"
PROTEIN SCI, 11, pp. 2735-2739 (2002)
[ISI: 16; IF: 3.472] 40 A0  Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Vito De Pinto, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the transmembrane regions of beta barrel membrane proteins with a neural network based predictor"
PROTEIN SCI, 10, pp. 779-787 (2001)
[ISI: 16; IF: 3.869] [cod. 4094076/01] 41 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Irene Jacoboni, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the transmembrane regions of beta barrel membrane proteins with a neural network based predictor"
Gruppo di Cooperazione "Bioinformatica" (Pontignano (SI), 17-18/2/2001) a cura di M. Helmer-Citterich, G. Valle
pp. 8-8, Universita' Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, 2001 [cod. 1094052/01] 42 E1  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Anders Krogh, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the transmembrane regions of beta barrel membrane proteins with a predictor based on HMM and neural networks"
V Convegno Nazionale INBB (Catania, 3-5/10/2002) a cura di Mita DG, et al.
pp. 49-49, INBB, Roma, 2002 43 E2  Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Vito De Pinto, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the transmembrane regions of beta-barrel membrane proteins with a neural network-based predictor"
3rd International workshop on " Structural characterization of proteins by NMR, X-ray diffraction and computational methods (San Vito di Cadore (BL), 27-30/9/2001) a cura di E. Peggion, S. Mammi, H. Molinari, P. Spadon
pp. 18-18, Universita' di Padova, Padova, 2001 [cod. 1094048/01] 44 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Anders Krogh, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the transmembrane regions of beta-barrel membrane proteins with a predictor based on HMM and neural networks"
The 3rd Georgia Tech-Emory International Conference on Bioinformatics: "Bioinformatics after the human genome" (Atlanta, Georgia (USA), 15-18/11/2001) a cura di M. Borodovski et al.
pp. 69-70, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia (USA), 2001 [cod. 1094049/01] 45 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Irene Jacoboni, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio
"Prediction of the transmembrane regions of beta-barrel membrane proteins with a predictor based on HMMs and neural networks"
Meeting Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (Roma, 18-22/6/2001) a cura di Luciano Pietronero
pp. 280-280, INFM, ROMA, 2001 [cod. 1094040/01] 46 A0  Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Mario Compiani, Rita Casadio
"Predictions of protein segments with the same amino acid sequence and different secondary structure: a benchmark for predictive methods"
PROTEINS, 41, pp. 535-544 (2000)
[ISI: 72; IF: 3,58] 47 E2  Gianluca Tasco, Ludovica Montanucci, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio
"Protein structure and thermostability"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica, XI ciclo (Bressanone (BZ), 8-10/9/2003) a cura di Rigo A et al
pp. 49-49, Universita' di Padova, Bressanone (BZ), 2003 48 A0  Rita Casadio, Mario Compiani, Antonio Facchiano, Piero Fariselli, Irene Jacoboni, Pier Luigi Martelli, Ivan Rossi
"Protein structure prediction and biomolecular recognition: from protein sequence to peptidomimetic design with the human beta 3 integrin"
SAR QSAR ENVIRON RES, 13, pp. 473-486 (2002)
[ISI: 28; IF: 2.044] 49 E2  Compiani M., Fariselli P., Martelli P., Casadio R.
"Reconstructing early events of protein folding with neural networks"
Eur Conf on Computational Chemistry and the living world: from sequence to function (Chambery, 20-24 aprile 1998) a cura di Smith JC, et al.
pp. 18-18, French Chemical Society, Division of Physical Chemistry, Chambery, 1998 [cod. 1094088/98] 50 A0  Ivana Sirangelo, Simona Tavassi, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Gaetano Irace
"The effect of tryptophanyl substitution on folding and structure of myoglobin"
EUR J BIOCHEM, 267, pp. 3937-3945 (2000)
[ISI: 14; IF: 3,307] 51 A1  Pier Luigi Martelli, Piero Fariselli, Gianluca Tasco, Rita Casadio
"The prediction of membrane protein structure and genome structural annotation"
Comparative and Functional Genomics, 4, n. , pp. 406-409 (2003)
52 E2  Pier Luigi Martelli, Antonella Giordano, Mose Rossi, Carlo Raia, Rita Casadio
"Tryptophan fluorescence as a probe for qualitative validation of a homology-based 3D model of alcohol dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus"
SIB 2000 (NAPOLI, 20-23/9/2000) a cura di D'Alessio G et al.
pp. 111-111, Biomedia, MILANO, 2000 53 A0  Ettore Bismuto, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Gaetano Irace
"Tryptophanil fluorescence lifetime distribution of hypertermophilic beta-glycosidase from molecular dynamics simulation: a comparison with the experimental data"
PROTEIN SCI, 9, pp. 1730-1742 (2000)
[ISI: 14; IF: 4,457] 54 E2  Sirangelo I., Tavassi S., Martelli P.L., Casadio R., Irace G.
"Tryptophanyl replacements affect folding and stability of myoglobin"
III Convegno Nazionale INBB: Nuove prospettive in Biostrutture e Biosistemi (Venezia, 26-28 novembre 1998) a cura di Rigo A.
pp. 50-50, Uni Venezia, Venezia, 1998 [cod. 1094098/98] 55 E2  H El-Sherif, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Damiano Gustavo Mita
"Urease immobilization on chemical graft nylon membrane"
Scuola Nazionale di Biofisica, VIII ciclo (Bressanone (BZ), 12-15/9/2000) a cura di Rigo A et al.
pp. 33-33, Universita' di Padova, Padova, 2000 56 B0  H El-Sherif, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio, Marianna Portaccio, Umberto Bencivenga, Damiano Gustavo Mita
"Urease immobilization on chemically grafted nylon membranes. Part 1: Isothermal characterization"
J MOL CATAL B-ENZYM, 606, pp. 1-15 (2000)
[ISI: 29; IF: 1,126]

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