Foto del docente

Patrizia Dogliani

Full Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: HIST-03/A Contemporary History

Curriculum vitae

Patrizia Dogliani is Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) of Contemporary History at the Department of History, Bologna University. She received an Italian Master Degree in Contemporary History at Bologna University and a Ph.D in Social History at the University of Paris VIII. After the Italian degree she has been Fellow at Luigi Einaudi Fondation in Torin (1979-1981) and researcher at Feltrinelli Fondation in Milan, and she received short fellowships by Austrian Government and by German DAAD (1979-1980) before starting her doctoral studies in Paris with a French Fellowship (Ministère des Affaires Etrangères). After having publishes her first book (Einaudi 1983: Winner of the Premio Acqui/Opera Prima), she started her Academic career, as Researcher (Assisting Professor on tenure track-) 1983-86 and as Tenured Researcher 1986-1991 at the Economic School, University of Modena. She was Associate Professor of European Contemporary History at the Schools of Political Sciences and Modern Languages, University of Bologna, campus in Forlì (1992-2005). Since 2006 she is Full Professor in Bologna. Currently she teaches courses on Contemporary European History and History and Media. She is member of the PhD Program on Global History at Bologna university and involved in many co-tutorian PhD programs with French, as well in committees for qualification as university professor in Italy and in France (HDR).

She has been Visiting scholar and Visiting professor in many universities: Jean Monnet Fellow (1985/86) and part-time Professor (1991/92) at the European University Institute. In USA: Fellow at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University (1986/87), Professor of Italian and European History at New York University, campus in NYC (1988/91, and 2019) and in Florence (1999/2003). In Australia: Visiting Scholar and Professor at the Universities of Sydney, and Western Australia (in 1994, 1999, 2013). She has also been invited as Visiting scholar at Freie Universität, Berlin, in 1994, and at BCU in Vancouver, Canada in 2009, and in Paris: Chercheure, French Minister of Researches, in 2001; as Directeur de recherches at EHESS in Paris, in 2003; and as Visiting Professor at ENS-rue d'Ulm in 2005 and in 2022, at Universitè de Paris8 in 2015, and at Centre d’Histoire de SciencesPo in Paris in 2018. She has given lectures in many universities in Spain, France, Tunisia, Norway, Bosnia, Portugal, Estonia, Argentina and Chile, more recently in Vietnam. In Bologna she has given courses for American Universities’ Programs. During the Fall 2024 she has been Braudel Fellow at EUI in Florence.

She is a member of the Scientific Committees of Micheletti Foundation (Brescia), Bruno Buozzi Fondation (Rome), and of DHI: Germanic Historical Institute, in Rome (2017-2024) affiliated to the Max-Weber Stiftung. She has been a member of the Società di Storia Contemporanea, SISSCo since its foundation, and member of its Executive. She is member of SISAm, Italian Society of Environmental History. She is also member of the Scientific Committee of School of historical studies, Republic of San Marino University.

She was and she is taking part in several research programs abroad; among those currently underway, in Spain: 'La democracia y sus enemigos (1918-1931): España, Italia, Portugal y Argentina' (Universities of Girona, Zaragoza and Bologna, 2021-2025); in France: "Ruines. Les usages politiques et sociaux des ruines de guerre entre résilience, commémoration et patrimoine" (2020-2024), ANU (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), and with the University of San Marino Republic: "The emigration of fascists to Spain, 1943-1945".

Dogliani is author of more than 100 essays in Italian and International reviews and collectives works, and several books in Italy and abroad on comparative European history, 19th- 20th centuries, on various subjects: history of generations and youth political movements; European Left; Internationalisms; Italian and European fascisms, History and Memories of Wars; Urban history and local welfare. Recently, she has focused some of her teaching and research activities on Mediterranean history and on social and visual history of contemporary war ruins. She is also member of editorial board of the journal "Storica" (Rome, Viella) and correspondent and consulting editor for several international journals: Quadernos de Historia (Santiago de Chile) and International Labor and Working Class History. She is also editor of the collection of books “Passato Futuro. Collana di Storia contemporanea” (Clueb- Bologna).

She has published essays in Yearbooks of several scientific Fondations: GG.Feltrinelli, Einaudi, Giacomo Brodolini, « Mélanges de l’EFRome”; and articles in journals: like “Rivista di Storia Contemporanea », « Italia Contemporanea », « Passato e Presente”, “Movimento operaio e socialista”, “Storica”, “Memoria e Ricerca”, “Ricerche storiche”, “Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporaines”, “Le Mouvement social”, “Mil neuf cent. Revue d’histoire intellectuelle”, “Cahiers Jaurès” “Contemporary European History”, “Modern Italy”, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, “Ayer”.

Among her books: La scuola delle reclute. L'Internazionale giovanile socialista dalla Grande Depressione alla Prima guerra mondiale, Torin, 1983; Un laboratorio di socialismo municipale. La Francia, 1870-1920, Milan, 1992; L'Italia fascista 1922-1940, Milan, 1999; Tra guerra e pace. Memorie e rappresentazioni dei conflitti e dell'Olocausto nell'Occidente contemporaneo, Milan, 2001; L'Europa a scuola: percorsi dell'istruzione tra Ottocento e Novecento, Rome 2002; Storia dei giovani, Milan, 2003; Romagna 1946, Bologna, 2007; Il fascismo degli Italiani. Una storia sociale Torin (three edition in Italian: 2008, 2014, 2022; and translated in Spanish, 2017, and in French in 2020, and an English edition fothcoming in 2024); Le socialisme municipal en France et en Europe de la Commune à la Grande Guerre (Nancy, 2018); Un partito di giovani. La gioventù internazionalista e la nascita del Partito comunista d'Italia (1915-1926), Florence, 2021; A Political History of the International Union of Socialist Youth 1907–1917, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2023; A Social History of Italian Fascism. The Italians Under Mussolini's Regime, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2024.

She is also editor/co-author of several books; among them: Italian fascism: History, Memory, and Representation, London, 1999; L'Europa dei comuni dalla fine dell'Ottocento al secondo dopoguerra, Rome, 2003; Rimini Enklave 1945-47, Un sistema di campi alleati per prigionieri dell'esercito germanico, Bologna, 2005; Romagna tra fascismo e antifascismo, Bologna, 2006; 1946. I comuni al voto, Imola, 2007; Giovani e generazioni nel Mondo contemporaneo. La ricerca storica in Italia, Bologna, 2009; Itinerarios reformistas, perspectivas revolucionarias, CSIC, 2016; Democrazia insicura. Violenze, repressioni e stato di diritto nella storia dell'Italia repubblicana, Rome, 2017; Internazionalismo e transnazionalismo all'indomani della Grande guerra, Bologna, 2020; 2 giugno. L'Italia del 1946 vista dall'Europa, Rome, 2020; La patria hispana, la raza latina. Politica y cultura entre Espana, Italia y Argentina (1914-1945), Granada, 2021; Continental Transfers. Cultural and Political Exchanges among Spain, Italy and Argentina 1914-1945, Berghahn, London-NYC, 2022.