Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Microbiology unit,
Bologna University
Viale Fanin 42, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Place and date of birth: Forli' 09.04.1961
+39 051 2096267
+39 051 2096274
1988-1992: Ph.D. in Microbial Ecology at the “Istituto di Microbiologiaâ€,
Bologna University , Italy. Title of the PhD dissertation:: The
genus Bifidobacterium: relationships between plasmids and
cellular physiology in Bifidobacterium globosum“
Description of three new Bifidobacterium species.
Supervisor: Prof. Bruno Biavati
Initiation of Ph.D. study at the “Istituto di Microbiologiaâ€,
Bologna University, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Scardovi.
1980-1984: Master of Science in Biological Science, Bologna University. Title
of experimental graduation thesis: Plasmids in Leucocostoc
oenos. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Sgorbati
The research focuses on microbial taxonomy and identification,
in particular of anaerobic bacteria, by the use of molecular and
traditional methods. Some of these results lead to the description
of three new Bifidobacterium species. The research
activities include also cell-wall proteins and adhesion mechanisms,
microbial ecology of gastrointestinal tracts of man and animals,
antimicrobial activity of natural and synthetic chemicals,
bacteriocins in the gram positive bacteria, in vitro and
in vivo probiotic and prebiotic studies and their
application in man and animals and in functional
International appointments
Coauthor of "The genus Bifidobacteriumâ€
in the II Edition of The Prokaryotes (1992)
The family of Bifidobacteriaceae" in the III Edition
of "The Prokaryotes" (2001-on line and 2006-paper
"Order Bifidobacteriales", “Bifidobacteriaceae
familyâ€, â€Bifidobacterium genusâ€, â€Scardovia
genusâ€, “Parascardovia genus, “Alloscardovia
genusâ€, “Metascardovia genus†in the vol.5 of the II
Edition of "Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology" (2012).
Member of International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes
(ICSP) - Subcommittee on Bifidobacterium,
Lactobacillus and related organisms
Senior scientist at Department of Agroenvironmental Science and
Technologies, unit of Microbiology, Bologna University, Italy
From 1998
Member of the Italian Society for Agricultural, Food and
Environmental Microbiology (Soc. Italiana di Microbiologia
Agro-Alimentare e Ambientale (SIMTREA), Italy
1998 Member of the Commission of PhD Course in Microbial Ecology and
Plant Pathology, Bologna University, Italy
From 2011 Member of SFAM
Practical and lectures for Agroenvironmental Microbiology for
Agriculture students, Bologna University, Italy (6CFU)
Practical and lectures for Agroenvironmental microbial
biotechnology for Biotechnology students, Bologna University, Italy
(3 CFU)
Practical and lectures for General and Environmental Microbiology
for Agriculture students, Bologna University, Italy (5 CFU)
2009-2010 Practical for Biotechnology laboratory for Science students,
Bologna University, Italy (1 CFU)
2010-2014 Practical and lectures for Applied Animal Microbiology for
Agriculture students, Bologna University, Italy (6 CFU)
2014-today Practical and lectures for Environmental Applicatoion of Microbiology for master degree course in Planning and management of agro-territorial, forest and landscape
Referee for internationally recognized scientific
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary
Microbiology, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Applied Microbiology, Annals of Microbiology, Microbiology, Research in Microbiology, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI
Publishing, Basel, Switzerland), Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience,
(Cambridge Journals), The Open Conference Proceedings Journal (Bentham), Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins (Springer)
MEMBER of EDITORIAL BOARD of International Journal Systematic Evolutionary Microbiology
She/He is part of the Thematic Group(TG) "Plant Health" [] of DISTAL established in October 2020