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She is Associate Professor in Management Accounting at the School of Economics and Management, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.
In 2002, she obtained her PhD in Business Administration at the University of Pisa, after a period as visiting scholar at the Cardiff Business School.
Since 2019, she has been Director of the Second Cycle Degree in Economics and Commerce of the Forlì Campus; she is currently also an elected member of the Forlì Campus Board.
She teaches in the area of management accounting, specifically Financial and Sustainability Accounting, Financial Analysis, and Performance Management Systems.
She is also lecturer in several MBA, Corporate MBA, and Global MBA programs of Bologna Business School, as well as in the PhD programme of the Department of Management.
From 2020 to 2023 she took part in the Bologna unit of the Erasmus + Programme INTEGRES (Integrated Reporting and Education for Sustainability Project) - https://integres.eu/.
Her main research interests are financial and sustainability reporting, and business performance analytics, and performance management systems.
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