Foto del docente

Monica Bartolini

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Economics and Commerce

Curriculum vitae

Current and past position

  • Since 2019 - Director of the Second Cycle Degree in Economics and Commerce, School of Economics and Management, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.
  • 2021-January 2024 - Member of the Faculty Committee of the Department of Management.
  • Since 2014 - Associate Professor in Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna. 
  • Core Faculty member of Bologna Business School.
  • 2004-2014 - Assistant Professor in Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna.
  • Since October 2002 to Dicember 2003 - Researcher at the School of Economics of Forlì, University of Bologna.
  • Reviewer per: International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications; Management Control; Journal of Accounting and Taxation; International Journal of Business Performance Management; McGraw-Hill; Wiley.
  • Since 2017 - Member of the Quality Assurance Committee for the Second Cycle Degree in Economics and Commerce, Forlì Campus, School of Economics and Management, University of Bologna.
  • 2016-2019 - Vicepresident of the Joint Committee of the School of Economics and Management, University of Bologna
  • Member of SIDREA and RIREA.
  • Member of the SIDREA Group on Management Accounting Systems.
  • 2009-2019 - President of a non-profit organization in the area of educational services.



  • 2002: PhD in Business Administration at the University of Pisa.
  • September 2002: AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economics) Summer School on Research Methodology.
  • June 2001: intensive course on “Value and Cost in the Supply Chain”, at the University Centre of Bertinoro (Forlì).
  • October 2000 – May 2001: visiting scholar at the Cardiff Business School and at the Cardiff University.
  • November 2000: intensive course on “Introduction to Lean Thinking”, at the Cardiff Business School.
  • March 1998 - June 1998: course on “Financial Analysis” held by the CRESEM (Centro di Ricerche e Studi Economico-Manageriali e Giuridici), at the Faculty of Economics of Forlì, University of Bologna.
  • 1998: degree in Business and Economics, at the Faculty of Economics of Forlì, University of Bologna (with full marks and honours - 110/110 "cum laude").


Research Activity and other Grant

  • Erasmus + Programme INTEGRES Integrated Reporting and Education for Sustainability Project – 2020-2023
  • 2019 - Grant for research productivity improvement in 2018, by the Department of Management
  • 2015-2016 – “The role of Business Analytics for Performance Measurement and Management” project financed by the "Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì".
  • 2012 – “The impact of the crisis on the design and use of the management accounting & control system”, CEPRA (Center for Performance Research & Analytics), University of Augsburg (Germany), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).
  • 2011 – "Processi innovativi e piccola-media impresa: quale ruolo prima e durante la crisi? Il caso della Provincia di Forlì-Cesena". This project focuses on the relevance of innovation in small enterprises. In particular, it investigates the role of innovation processes as an opportunity to face the difficulties the world economic crisis has posed. By adopting a longitudinal approach, this study explores the innovation processes of a sample of small Italian companies located in the area of Forlì-Cesena. Specifically, it examines the importance of R&D activities, how these are carried out, the factors that might stimulate or hinder the innovation processes and the role of management control in supporting the latter. The results show that innovation is perceived as a relevant factor in moderating the effects of the economic crisis. In fact, the investigated companies intensified R&D activities, reviewed their innovation processes and modified the way they protect innovations. Besides, the role of support of management control has been considered more crucial.
  • 2007-2008 – three years project titled “Control systems and the local context”, financed by the Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì (prof. Giuseppe Farneti, University of Bologna)
  • 2005-2008 – PRIN project titled “International accounting harmonization and small-medium size companies, between Basilea 2 and the International accounting standards” (prof. Giuseppe Savioli, University of Bologna)
  • Since 2004 - RFO annual project titled “Cost management. Theory and practices”, (prof. Riccardo Silvi, University of Bologna)
  • 2003-2004 – annual RFO project titled “Strategic Cost Management from a benchmarking point of view” (prof. Riccardo Silvi, University of Bologna).
  • 2003-2004 – MIUR ex 40% project, titled “Reporting standards for public entities” ( prof. Giuseppe Farneti)
  • 2000-2001 - International Research Programme titled “3DayCar”, as visiting scholar at the Cardiff Business School, sponsored by the English Engineering and Physical Science Research Council and by more than 20 companies of the automotive industry - Research units involved: University of Bath (GB), I.C.D.P. (International Car Distribution Programme) e Cardiff Business School (GB), together with the University of Bologna


International conferences


2018: Organizing Committee del IX Workshop di Financial Reporting, 14-15 giugno 2018, Bologna



Gardini S., Bartolini M., Silvi R., Digital Accounting through the Lens of Intellectual Capital Studies, 13th EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangible and Intellectual Capital, Value Creation, Integrated Reporting and Governance, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, 21-22 September 2017

Castellano N.G., Corsi K., Bartolini M., Bernini F., Cardoni A., Coller G., Fasone V., Fornaciari L., Performance Measurement and Management Systems and Strategy: a Structured Literature Review, 9th EIASM Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, 13-15 September 2017

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Visani F., Raffoni A., Business Performance Analytics & ICT. Issues and Challenges, 9th EIASM Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, 13-15 September 2017

Castellano N.G., Corsi K., Bartolini M., Bernini F., Cardoni A., Coller G., Fasone V., Fornaciari L., A data-driven Analysis of the current Debate on the Linkages between Performance and Strategy studies, Innovation in Corporate Governance and Performance Management, Sidrea International Workshop (SIW), UNINT University – Rome, 21-22 April 2016

Raffoni A., Visani F., Silvi R., Bartolini M., Understanding the Role of Business Performance Analytics for Performance Management, Management Accounting Research Group Conference, Aston Business School, 19-20 November 2015

Raffoni A., Visani F., Silvi R., Bartolini M., Business Performance Analytics (BPA): a framework and evidence from the field, PMA Symposium 2015 - Performance Measurement in Transition - Moving Beyond Control, Bologna (Italy) 23-25 September 2015

Raffoni A., Silvi R., Visani F., Bartolini M., Business Performance Analytics (BPA): the use of Business Analytics and Big Data for strategic control, 8th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, September 2015

Siboni B., Amadori E., Bartolini M., Non-financial Key Performance Indicators for External Reporting: have they changed in the transition to Integrated Reporting?
A case study from an Australian cooperative Bank
, SIDREA International Workshop Critical Issues in Managing and disclosing Intellectual Capital, Social and Environmental Value, University of Roma TRE, June 2014

Bartolini M., Silvi R., Key Performance Indicators and Enhanced Business Reporting. Evidence from the field, 35th EAA Annual Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11 May 2012, Congress Book – Collected Abstracts, European Accounting Association, p. 342

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Raffoni A., Visani F., Business Performance Analytics: level of adoption and support provided to Performance Measurement Systems, 1st Management Control Journal Workshop, Pisa, February 2012 

Bartolini M., Gianfelici C., Raffoni A., Processi innovativi e piccola impresa: quale ruolo prima e durante la crisi? Il caso della Provincia di Forlì-Cesena, Atti del Workshop Internazionale I processi innovativi nelle piccole imprese. Le sfide oltre la crisi, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bò”, settembre 2011

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Raffoni A., Visani F., Business Performance Analytics: a blueprint for Performance Measurement Systems, 6th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nizza, September 2011

Bartolini M., Sistemi di controllo manageriale e tessuto imprenditoriale locale, convegno “Quale futuro per la media impresa? Il ruolo degli strumenti di controllo manageriale, Forlì, 1st December 2009

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Raffoni A., Visani F., Multidimensional Performance Measurement Systems in theory and practice: a long “random approaching walk”, Workshop on Innovating Management&Accounting Practices, Milan, 1-2nd November 2009

Silvi R., Visani F., Bartolini M., Examining knowledge management in action: Italian ERP uptake and implications for management accounting, 1st Journal of Management and Governance Conference, Venice, 8-10th Octobre 2009

Bartolini M., Savioli G., Gardini S., International Accounting Standards for SMEs: their potential effects on a firm rating according to Basel II. An Italian multiple-case study, 5th Annual Workshop on “Accounting in Europe”, blind review process, Catania, 10-11th September 2009

Bartolini M., L'impatto della transizione agli IAS/IFRS sul rating del merito creditizio delle PMI locali, Incontro sul tema “Accordo di Basilea 2 – La transizione ai principi contabili internazionali (IAS/IFRS) è un'opportunità per le PMI?”, Associazione degli Industriali Forlì-Cesena, Forlì, June 2008

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Raffoni A. e Visani F., Strategic control and management accounting systems in Italian companies: evidences from the field, 4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, September 2007

Bartolini M., Sistemi di misurazione della performance per la gestione dei processi, Workshop AIDEA Giovani “L'evoluzione del controllo di gestione. Modelli ed esperienze”, Forlì, 18th July 2003

Bartolini M., Silvi R., Hines P., Strategic Cost Management and Lean Thinking: A Framework for Management Accounting, XXVI Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Seville, 2-4th Aprile 2003

Bartolini M., Silvi R., Visani F., I sistemi di Cost Management: i risultati della ricerca, Convegno Nazionale “Dinamiche competitive, modelli di sviluppo e sistemi di Cost Accounting: un'indagine conoscitiva tra le medie imprese marchigiane e romagnole”, Ancona, 24 gennaio 2003

Bartolini M., Waller B., What is the Pay-Off from Build to Order, 3DayCar Conference, Warwick (GB), 10-11th December, 2001

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Hines P., Raschi A., A Strategic Framework for Supply Chain Change Management, Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network 6th Annual Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, pp. 203-214, ISBN 1-870214-92-7, 13-14th September, 2001

Hines P., Bartolini M., Silvi R., Raschi A., A Framework for Extending Lean Accounting into a Supply Chain, Research Workshop on Cost Management in Supply Chains, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 24-25th September 2001

Hines P., Bartolini M., Silvi R., Connecting the Customer to the Supply Chain - Integrating Value Stream Management and Strategic Cost Management, Proceedings of the UK Symposium on Supply Chain Alignment, pp. 1-10, The University of Liverpool & Loughborough University, July 2001

Hines P., Bartolini M., Raschi A., Value Added at the Dealer, 3DayCar Sponsor Conference, London, 3Day Car Research Programme, Website:, July 2001

Silvi R., Bartolini M., Hines P., Integrating Lean Thinking and Strategic Cost Management, Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Manufacturing Accounting Research, EIASM, Pisa, June 2001

Bartolini M., Chiucchi M. S., L'utilizzo della contabilità generale per l'ottenimento di informazioni analitiche per la gestione, Workshop , Florence, June 2000

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