Russo, Marcello; Morandin, Gabriele, Day 1: Momento chiave per performance durature, «HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ITALIA», 2017, Marzo, pp. 110 - 111 [Scientific article]
Russo, Marcello, Discretionary time off policy, in: Fundamentals of Management. Management myths debunked!, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited, 2017, pp. 377 - 377 [Chapter or essay]
Russo, Marcello; Islam, Gazi; Koyuncu, Burak, Non-native accents and stigma: How self-fulfilling prophesies can affect career outcomes, «HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW», 2017, 2017, pp. 507 - 520 [Scientific article]
Morandin Gabriele; Russo Marcello; Bergami Massimo, The importance of the future work self for newcomers’ integration and performance, in: Organizing between Reality and Appearance in Times of Change, 2017, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: XVIII Workshop di Organizzazione Aziendale, Pisa, 16-17 Febbraio) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Morandin, Gabriele; Russo, Marcello; Bergami, Massimo, The importance of the future work self for newcomers’ integration and performance, in: Organizing between Reality and Appearance in Times of Change, 2017, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA), Pisa, Italy, February, 16-17) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Guo, Liang; Baruch, Yehuda; Russo, Marcello, Work resources and civic engagement: Benefits to employee physical and mental health, «JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOR», 2017, 100, pp. 56 - 66 [Scientific article]
Carmeli, Abraham; Russo, Marcello, The power of micro-moves in cultivating regardful relationships: Implications for work-home enrichment and thriving, «HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW», 2016, 26, pp. 112 - 124 [Scientific article]
Russo, Marcello; Shteigman, Anat; Carmeli, Abraham, Workplace and family support and work–life balance: Implications for individual psychological availability and energy at work, «THE JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY», 2016, 11, pp. 173 - 188 [Scientific article]
Buonocore, Filomena; Salvatore, Domenico; Russo, Marcello, Fare job crafting crea coinvolgimento e migliora le performance sul lavoro., «PROSPETTIVE IN ORGANIZZAZIONE», 2015, 1, pp. 53 - 62 [Scientific article]
Russo, Marcello, La corruzione e la fiducia nelle competenze, «HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ITALIA», 2015, Settembre, pp. 100 - 101 [Scientific article]
Buonocore, Filomena; Russo, Marcello; Roberson, Loriann, Minaccia da stereotipo e comportamenti organizzativi per gli operatori sanitari, «MECOSAN», 2015, 96, pp. 153 - 158 [Scientific article]
Russo, Marcello; Buonocore, Filomena; Ferrara, Maria, Motivational mechanisms influencing error reporting among nurses, «JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2015, 30, pp. 118 - 132 [Scientific article]
Buonocore, Filomena; Russo, Marcello; Ferrara, Maria, Work–family conflict and job insecurity: are workers from different generations experiencing true differences?, «COMMUNITY, WORK & FAMILY», 2015, 18, pp. 299 - 316 [Scientific article]
Russo, Marcello, Work–home enrichment and health: an analysis of the mediating role of persistence in goal striving and vulnerability to stress, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT», 2015, 26, pp. 2486 - 2502 [Scientific article]
Buonocore, Filomena; Russo, Marcello; Roberson, Loriann, Il diversity training per il superamento degli stereotipi nell'organizzazione, «SVILUPPO & ORGANIZZAZIONE», 2014, 257, pp. 42 - 54 [Scientific article]