1. Work-life balance
I am interested in understand how individuals manage their work-life interface and what strategies enable them to experience greater balance in their lives. Moreover, I am also interested in examining the organisational factors, likewise the presence of a family supportive supervisor or control over the schedule, which can help individuals to experience greater balance and more positive synergies between their work and nonwork domains. Research on this topic has been published in numerous journals, like Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behaviors, Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Managerial Psychology.
2. Diversity
My focus is on accent and language diversity and particularly on the individuals' emotional and behavioural reactions to the condition of listening to and speaking with a non-native accent. A first paper on the topic has been published in the journal: Human Resource Management Review.
3. Job Crafting
Job crafting refers to the changes that individuals can autonomously make to their job to make it more satisfying, meaningful and in line with their personal inclinations, skills, and passions. I am doing research on the antecedents and outcomes of job crafting behaviours and the implications for professional identity and commitment.
4. Newcomers' future work self.
With this project, coordinate by Prof. Massimo Bergami and Prof. Gabriele Morandin, we wish to examine how newcomers' future work self (defined as the mental representation of themselves in the work context) influence their short-term and long-term behaviours at work and implications on organisational performance and intention to remain.