Foto del docente

Luciano Bononi

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Articolo su rivista
BONONI L., D'ANGELO G. (2003). A novel approach for distributed simulation of wireless mobile systems. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. vol. 2775, pp. 829-834 ISSN: 0302-9743.
Proceedings (atti dei congressi)
BONONI L., D'ANGELO G., DONATIELLO L. (2003). HLA-Based Adaptive Distributed Simulation of Wireless Mobile Systems. 17-th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed SImulation (PADS). June 2003. (pp. 40-49). ISBN/ISSN: 0-7695-1970-9.
Articolo su rivista
BONONI L., CONTI M., DONATIELLO L. (2001). A distributed mechanism for power saving in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. JOURNAL ON SPECIAL TOPICS IN MOBILE NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONS. vol. 6/3, pp. 211-222 ISSN: 1383-469X.
Articolo su rivista
BONONI L., ROCCETTI M., D'ADDONA S. (2001). Distribuzione a Pagamento di Musica sulla Rete Radiomobile via Internet: Aspetti Tecnici ed Economici. ALTA FREQUENZA - RIVISTA DI ELETTRONICA. vol. 13/5, pp. 30-37 ISSN: 1120-1908.
Proceedings (atti dei congressi)
LI A., FAHLEN J., TIAN T., BONONI L., KIM S.Y., PARK J.H., VILLASENOR J. (2001). Generic Uneven Level Protection Algorithm for Multimedia Data Transmission over Packet-Switched Networks. 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). Oct. 2001. (pp. 340-346). ISBN/ISSN: 0-7803-7128-3.
Articolo su rivista
BONONI L., CONTI M., DONATIELLO L. (2000). Design and performance evaluation of a Distributed Contention Control (DCC) mechanism for IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks. JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. vol. 60/4, pp. 407-430 ISSN: 0743-7315.
Proceedings (atti dei congressi)
BONONI L., M.CONTI, E.GREGORI. (2000). Design and performance Evaluation of an Asymptotically Optimal Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. 33-rd IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS). Jan. 2000. (pp. 1-10). ISBN/ISSN: 0-7695-0493-0.
Proceedings (atti dei congressi)
BONONI L., M.CONTI, L.DONATIELLO. (1999). A Distributed Contention Control Mechanism for Power Saving in random access Ad-Hoc Wireless LANs. Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications (MoMuC). Apr. 1999. (pp. 114-123). ISBN/ISSN: 0-7803-5904-6.

Proceedings (atti dei congressi)
BONONI L., M.CONTI, L.DONATIELLO. (1998). Design and Performance Evaluation of a Distributed Contention Control (DCC) Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks. First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WoWMoM). Oct.1998. (pp. 59-67). ISBN/ISSN: 1-58113-093-7.