Foto del docente

Luciano Bononi

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics


Keywords: Network Communication Protocols and architectures Wireless networks and systems Sustainable electric vehicular mobility Smart Energy Systems Internet of Things Network on Chip and System on Chip Modeling, analysis and (parallel and distributed) simulation Mobile Applications (iOS, Android) Digital twin Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The research research activity includes: design, analysis and performance evaluation of Wireless and Mobile Systems' protocols and architetures, multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks, cognitive radio and cognitive networks, cooperation-based machine learning technologies for spectrum sensing, TV white spaces, femtocell networks, Quality of Service (QoS) management, multi-hop wireless communication, investigation of adaptation and cross-layering principles applied in wireless and mobile systems protocols' design. Additional research is performed in the field of Networks on Chip design, modeling and simulation, discrete event simulation, parallel and distributed simulation, IEEE 1516 Standard for Modeling and Simulation (High Level Architecture). The research activity in the field of simulation and distributed simulation includes the design, prototype implementation, and testbed evaluation of new parallel and distributed simulation frameworks. Specifically, research activity is performed on modeling an simulation of vehicular mobility scenarios, and Electric Mobility, and realization of mobile services for smart mobility.
The research on Internet of Things architectures, protocols and services and mobile application platforms (iOS, Android) integrates the above research topics.