Foto del docente

Luciano Bononi

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Director of First Cycle Degree in Information Science for Management

Curriculum vitae

Luciano BONONI is Full Professor  INF/01 INFORMATICA at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of BOLOGNA, and Deputy head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), phone: 051-2094972, Fax: 051-2094510, Email:
He received the laurea in Computer Science (Summa cum laude) in 1997 and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Bologna in 2002.
In July-October 1997 he cooperated with CNR Istituto CNUCE in Pisa to the modeling and simulation of wireless network and system architectures and protocols. In 2000 he was visitign researcher at the ImageLab of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). In March-September 2002 he was a post-doc researcher at the Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Università di Bologna. In November 2001 he won a selection for a research position, since October 2002 he was Researcher, since October 2005 he was a senior researcher, since April 2011 he was Associate Professor, and since September 2020 he is Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna. He has got the national scientific habilitation (ASN) for full professor position in the sectors 01-B1 (Computer Science) and 09-H1 (Information Systems). In April 2012-2015 he was elected as a representative member of the Technological Area in the Academic Senate of the University of Bologna.

He is listed in the "World's top 2% of scientists of their main subfield discipline” (Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators, V3 August 2021).

He cooperated to many research projects, with different roles, including the coordinator and task leader roles for  EU projects Arrowhead (2013-2017), Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility (IoE), 2011-2013, and Smart Objects for Intelligent Applications (SOFIA), 2009-2011, project EIT ICT 2014 (SES): Planning Tool for Electric Vehicle deployment and User Centric Mobility Services, and national projects, including PNRR-Mobility-Spoke 7 (CCAM Connected Networks and Smart Infrastructure), House of Emerging Technologies (CTE-COBO), Digital Twin of the city of Bologna (GDB), the project PRIN 2006: NADIR, design and performance evaluation of distributed algorithms for mesh networks with QoS, 2007-2009,European project Program Eureka (Medea+): A511-ToolIP “Tools and Methods for IP”, 01/2000-12/2002, research project FIRB-PERF “Performance Evaluation fo complex systems: techniques, methodologies and tools”, 2003-2006,research project “Design, modeling and analysis of network protocols over Spidergon-based networks on chip (NoC)” with STMicroelectronics (STM), 2005-2006, research project “Adaptive Protocol Framework and Applications for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks” with STMicroelectronics (STM), 2002-2005, research project “ESOV: Enabling Services on Vehicles”, 2006-2007funded by the Università di Bologna,  and the FIT Project "Innovative e-ticketing service for mobile terminals”, Italian Innovation Technology (FIT) Funds project, 2003. Moreover, he participated to a number of projects in 1998-2004 (without coordination roles).
He leads the laboratory of WireLess networks and Mobile Applications (WiLMA lab) now extended to the IoT Prism Lab at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and the CoInnovation Lab of the ALMA-AI centre of the University of Bologna.

In June 2005 he received a Certificate of Appreciation by the IEEE Communications Society, and in March 2006 he received a Recognition of outstanding service by the IEEE Computer Society, as well as other Recognition of Service Award and Certificate of Appreciation for chair activities in international conferences and workshops, and for guest editor activities for research journals.

He authored more than 160 publications on refereed  journals and conferences, and he is co-author of 7 book chapters in the area of wireless mobile systems, protocols, modeling and simulation.
He was recipient of 4 Best Paper Awards:  10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWAC 2012), Oct. 21-25, 2012,  12th IEEE Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (IEEE Med-Hoc-Net 2013), IEICE Second International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2014), INFOCOM Workshop on Hot Topics in Social and Mobile Connected Smart Objects (HotSALSA 2019). He also was a runner-up for the best paper award for the 5th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (Simutools 2012).

Since 2008 he received Class A (top 15%) stable evaluation for the research activity by the Nucleo Valutazione Ricerca of the University of Bologna, Top evaluation 1.00 in the VRA Area 01-09 2017 and 2018, and class AAA (top) evaluation in the last individual VQR 2011-2014 by ANVUR.

Since 2008 he is continuative editorial board member for 7 international scientific journals: Wiley's Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal (WCMC), Elsevier's Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Wiley's Security and Communication Networks Journal (SCN), Elsevier's Ad Hoc Networks (AdHoc), Elsevier's Computer Communications (ComCom), Elsevier's Performance Evaluation (PEVA), SERSC International Journal of Smart Home (IJSH), and he has been guest editor for 7 pecial issues.
He served as reviewer of national research projects  (PRIN 2007-2009), International projects (Israel Science Fundation (2006), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (2006),Cyprus Research Foundation, Qatar National Research Foundation and he regularly serves as a reviewer and expert for the EU commission for the evaluation and review of european projects in the area of  ICT for Transport (FP6), ICT for Intelligent Vehicle and Mobility Services for People and Goods (FP7), and ICT for Cooperative Systems (FP7), H2020 Low Carbon Economy (LCE) e Smart Cities and Communities (SCC).
He served as Chair in more than 15 International Conferences and Workshops: General Chair of IEEE CORAL (2012 and 2013 editions), Vice-General Chair for ACM MSWiM 2009, Program Chair of IEEE WoWMoM 2015, ACM MSWiM 2011, ICDCN 2012, IEEE MobiWAC 2005, IEEE MobiWac 2006, ACM Q2SWinet 2007, IEEE MASS 2008, ACM PE-WASUN 2008, EPEW 2010, Demo Chair of the IEEE PerCom 2006, Workshop Chair of the IEEE MASS 2007, IEEE WoWMoM 2011.
He served as TPC member in more than 150 international conferences and workshops mainly in the area of network protocols, wireless systems, parallel and distributed simulation.  He served as reviewer in more than 25 international journals and in more than 90 international conferences and workshops.
He attended the Scuola nazionale dei Dottorati di Informatica delle Facoltà di Scienze, May 1998, Bertinoro, Italia and the Third European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems, Spring School and Workshop, Aprile 1998, Madeira, Portugal .

Didactic Activities

He served as lecturer for classes in Informatica Generale, Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione and Architettura degli Elaboratori, Corso di Laurea in Informatica,  Architettura di Internet (58423) 2003-2005, Simulation - 9234 (2006-2010), Algorithms and Data Structures - 11929 (2012-2013) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna, and Algorithms and Data Structures for Computational Biology (66554, 2011-2017) at the International Master of BioInformatics of the University of Bologna. He is currently professor for Wireless Systems and Networks (77808, 2005-2015 in italian, 2016- in english), Laboratory of Mobile Applications (66860, since 2012-), Computer Networks (11145, since 2018), and Internet of Things (since 2018).

He created 3 didactic modules for e-learning projects Web Based Learning System (WBLS) for the Università di Bologna on the topic of computer and network architectures and operating systems, and on IT Administration, Level 4: Expert Network User in the project framework EUropean Certification of Informatics Professionals (EUCIP) sponsored by AICA and the Università di Bologna. He is member of the S/T committee for the University of Bologna, Faculty of Sciences, for the design of high level technical courses (IFTS) funded by Regione Emilia Romagna.

He is member of the PhD board (collegio docenti) in Computer Science and Engineering, and he serves as advisor for PhD students in Computer Science: Alessandro Ghibellini (PhD 38 cycle with Ferrari s.p.a), Giorgio Tsiotas (PhD 38 cycle with FAAC s.p.a), Omair Ashraf (PhD 38 cycle with ONIT srl), Federico Montori, XXXI cycle Dottorato in Informatica (2015-2017), Angelo Trotta, XXIX cycle Dottorato in Informatica (2013-2015),  Luca Bedogni, XXVII cycle Dottorato in Informatica (2012-2014), Marco Di Felice, XX cycle Dottorato in Informatica (2005-2007) and Nicola Concer, XXI cycle Dottorato in Informatica (2006-2008), at the Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. Università di Bologna. Moreover, he was member of PhD commissions both for national and international universities.
From 1999 he served as advisor in more than 120  laurea thesis at the Corso di Laurea in Informatica and Corso di Laurea in Scienze di Internet, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. dell'Università di Bologna.
He has served as tutor for students' training activities at the Corso di Laurea in Informatica and Scienze di Internet and Informatica per il Management, Dept. of CSE, faculty of Sciences, University of Bologna.

He served in institutional activities in his Department (Computer Science until 2012, Computer Science and Engineering from 2012 on, University of Bologna), including membership of executive committee of the Department (Giunta, from May 2015-), (2001-) member of commissions for Laurea Triennale and Specialistica of the CdL in Informatica and CdL in Scienze di Internet, (2007-) member of  Laboratory commission, (2007-) member of the Training commission, and (2009-) responsible for students' counseling at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna. From October 2018 he is elected Graduate Program Coordinator for the Degree in Information Science for Management. He serves as coordinator (2011-) for the activities of training and support of undergraduate students participating to international selections for Computer Science and Problem Solving Olimpics.
He served as member in more than 15 Commissions for national evaluation and selection of personnel in difefrent roles: Full professor, Associate professor, researcher, postdocs and technical staff.