Luciano Bononi; Sotiris Nikoletseas (a cura di): AA.VV., Resources and mobility management in wireless networks, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030, John Wiley & Sons, 2008, pp. 129 (Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing). [Editorship]
Bononi L.; Di Felice M., A Cross Layered MAC and Clustering Scheme for Efficient Broadcast in VANETs, in: Proceedings of the 4-th IEEE Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2007), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE, 2007, 4, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 1-st IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vehicular Networks (MoVeNet 2007), Pisa, Italy, October 8-11, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Blasi D.; Cacace V.; Casone L.; Rizzello M.; Rotolo S.; Bononi L., Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networking: Challenges and Issues, «ST JOURNAL», 2007, 4, No.1 (May 2007), pp. 19 - 32 [Scientific article]
L. Bononi, Configurazione del Computer e della Rete, in: Fondamenti di Informatica, Vol. 1, BOLOGNA, Zanichelli Editore, 2007, pp. 293 - 344 (Internet, elaborazione di documenti, architetture, sistemi operativi) [Chapter or essay]
Bononi L.; Tacconi C., Intrusion Detection for Secure Clustering and Routing in Mobile Multi-hop Wireless Networks, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY», 2007, 6, pp. 379 - 392 [Scientific article]
Bononi L.; Concer N.; Grammatikakis M.; Coppola M.; Locatelli L., NoC Topologies Exploration based on Mapping and Simulation Models, in: Proceedings of the 10-th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: architectures, methods and tools (DSD 2007), LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE Computer Society, 2007, 10, pp. 543 - 546 (atti di: 10-th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: architectures, methods and tools (DSD 2007), Lubeck, Germany, August 29-31, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bononi L.; D'Angelo G.; Donatiello L., Parallel and Distributed Simulation of Wireless Mobile and Sensor Networks, in: Performance Evaluation of Parallel, Distributed and Emergent Systems, HAUPPAUGE NY, Nova Science Publishers, 2007, pp. 291 - 318 (Distributed, Cluster and Grid Computing) [Chapter or essay]
Bononi L.; Chen H.H., Proceedings of the 3rd ACM workshop on QoS and security for wireless and mobile networks, NEW YORK, ACM, 2007, pp. 1 (ACM Proceedings). [Editorship]
L. Bononi, Reti di Calcolatori, in: Fondamenti di Informatica, Vol. 2, BOLOGNA, Zanichelli Editore, 2007, pp. 1 - 36 (Reti, basi di dati, multimedia, linguaggi, algoritmi) [Chapter or essay]
L. Bononi; C. Tacconi, A Wireless Intrusion Detection System for Secure Clustering and Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, in: 9th International Information Security Conference, ISC 2006, HEIDELBERG BERLIN, Springer-Verlag LNCS, 2006, 4176 LNCS, pp. 398 - 414 (atti di: 9th International Information Security Conference; ISC 2006, Samos Island, Greece, August 30 - September 2, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bononi L.; Bracuto M.; D'Angelo G.; Donatiello L., An Adaptive Load Balancing Middleware for Distributed Simulation, in: Frontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking, NEW YORK, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006, 4331/2006, pp. 873 - 883 (atti di: International Workshop on Middleware Performance (WOMP 2006), Sorrento (Italy), December 4-7, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Bononi; M. Di Felice; L. Donatiello; D. Blasi; V. Cacace; L. Casone; S. Rotolo, Design and Performance Evaluation of Cross Layered MAC and Clustering Solutions for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, «PERFORMANCE EVALUATION», 2006, 63, pp. 1051 - 1073 [Scientific article]
Coordination of a Research Project: Design, Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Network on Chip (NoC) Architectures (edizione 2006).
Bononi L.; Bracuto M.; D'Angelo G.; Donatiello L., Exploring the Effects of Hyper-Threading on Parallel Simulation, in: Proceedings of 10-th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT'06), LOS ALAMITOS, CA, IEEE Computer Society, 2006, pp. 257 - 260 (atti di: Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT'06), Torremolinos, Spain, October 2, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Coordination of a Research Project: NADIR: Progettazione e analisi di protocolli e algoritmi distribuiti e cross-layered per Reti Wireless Mesh multi-hop.