Foto del docente

Letizia Caronia

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Pedagogy — Science of education


L. Caronia, The evidence-based cargo-cult and the de-moralization of (educational) decision-making: A critical reflection, «PAIDEUTIKA», 2022, 35, pp. 41 - 53 [Scientific article]Open Access

L. Caronia; N. Nasi, The Communicative Constitution of Epistemic and Deontic Authority: Epistemological Implications of a Second-Order Construct, in: The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization, New York, Routledge, 2022, pp. 148 - 164 (ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOKS) [Chapter or essay]

Letizia Caronia, Chiedere e dare consigli: la gestione della conoscenza nell’interazione genitore-pediatra, in: La responsabilità della pedagogia nelle trasformazioni dei rapporti sociali (Sessioni parallele), Lecce ; Rovato, PENSA MULTIMEDIA, 2021, pp. 407 - 415 (SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI PEDAGOGIA) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

L. Caronia, Dialogues at school, in: Language and interaction at home and school, Amsterdam /New York, john benjamins, 2021, pp. 189 - 192 (DIALOGUE STUDIES) [Preface]

L. Caronia, Evocare l’esperto (a scuola): Pratiche quotidiane di delegittimazione deontica ed epistemica, in: La competenza esperta: tipologie e trasmissione, Milano, meltemi, 2021, pp. 189 - 209 (BIBLIOTECA / SEMIOTICA) [Chapter or essay]

L. Caronia, Language and interaction at home and school, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2021, pp. 388 (DIALOGUE STUDIES). [Editorship]

L.Caronia, Language and Social Interaction at Home and School, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2021, pp. 386 (DIALOGUE STUDIES). [Editorship]

L.Caronia, Language, interaction and culture. An Introduction, in: Language and interaction at home and school, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John benjmains, 2021, pp. 1 - 36 (DIALOGUE STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]

L. Caronia, N. Nasi, Language, interaction, and culture at school, in: Language and Interaction at home and at school, Amsterdam/Philadelphia/New York, John Benjamins, 2021, pp. 195 - 222 (DIALOGUE STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]

Letizia Caronia; Federica Ranzani, L’inatteso pedagogico nella visita pediatrica: le dimensioni epistemica e deontica del chiedere, dare e ricevere consigli = The invisible pedagogical dimension of pediatric visits: epistemics and deontics in sequences of advice, «STUDIUM EDUCATIONIS», 2021, 22, pp. 77 - 86 [Scientific article]Open Access

Letizia Caronia, Vittoria Colla, Galatolo Renata, Making unquestionable worlds. Morality building practices in family dinner dialogues, in: Language and Interaction at home and school, Amsterdam/Philadelphia/New York, John Benjamins, 2021, pp. 87 - 120 (DIALOGUE STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]

L. Caronia, V. Colla, Objects that matter : The hybrid and distributed agency in parent-assisted homework interactions, «LANGUAGE AND DIALOGUE», 2021, 11, pp. 8 - 34 [Scientific article]Open Access

L. Caronia, Part I. Dialogues at home, in: Language and interaction at home and school, Amsterdam/Newyork, John benjamins, 2021, pp. 37 - 45 (DIALOGUE STUDIES) [Preface]

Caronia Letizia; Saglietti Marzia; Chieregato Arturo, Challenging the interprofessional epistemic boundaries: The practices of informing in nurse-physician interaction, «SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE», 2020, 246, Article number: 112732 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]

Letizia Caronia, Federica Ranzani, Vittoria Colla, ‘I see you have an injury there’: Physician’s communicative practices fostering unaccompanied minors’ interactional agency in the history-taking phase of the medical visit, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE», 2020, 2, pp. 45 - 55 [Scientific article]Open Access