Foto del docente

Letizia Caronia

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Pedagogia


L.Caronia; F. Ranzani, Epistemic Trust as an Interactional Accomplishment in Pediatric Well Child Visits: Parents' Resistance to Solicited Advice as Performing Epistemic Vigilance, «HEALTH COMMUNICATION», 2024, 39, pp. 838 - 851 [articolo]

Letizia Caronia; Ivana Bolognesi, "Mamma cosa vuol dire foraggio?": spiegare parole sconosciute, in: L. Caronia; V. Colla;, I compiti a casa. Linguaggio e apprendimento quando la scuola entra in famiglia, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2024, pp. 139 - 154 [capitolo di libro]

L. Caronia, v. Colla, Beyond school-related learning : parent-child homework talk as a morality building activity, «LEARNING, CULTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION», 2023, 43, Article number: 100778, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

L. Caronia, Epistemic and Deontic Authority in Parent–Teacher Conference: Referring to the Expert as a Discursive Practice to (Jointly) Undermine the Teacher’s Expertise., «JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION», 2023, 0, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]

L.Caronia, La “comprensibilità esterna” della pedagogia nell’era dell’accountability : costruzione linguistica delle evidenze e neutralizzazione dell’ordine morale della decisione educativa = Making sense of pedagogy in the era of accountability : the linguistic construction of evidence and the neutralization of the moral order in educational decision-making, «cultura pedagogica e scenari educativi», 2023, 1, pp. 12 - 19 [articolo]Open Access

Letizia Caronia, Federica Ranzani, Vittoria Colla, Silvia Demozzi, Giulia Benericetti, Polyphony in the pediatric clinic : parents reporting teachers’ talk as a resource for building deontic and epistemic (dis)alliances among caregivers, «DISCOURSE STUDIES», 2023, 1, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]Open Access

Letizia Caronia, Federica Ranzani, Vittoria Colla, Pursuing understanding or engaging the patient? “Making the body speak” as a dilemma-overcoming practice in triadic primary care visits with unaccompanied foreign minors, in: A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare. Fostering inclusion and active participation through shared understanding., Amsterdam/Philadelphia/New York, Johhn Benjamins, 2023, pp. 144 - 170 (PRAGMATICS & BEYOND. NEW SERIES) [capitolo di libro]

N. Nasi, L. Caronia, Stereotypes and prejudices in the Italian L2 class : a conversation analysis of their emergence in teachers’ talk, «EDUCATION SCIENCES & SOCIETY», 2023, 14, pp. 100 - 117 [articolo]Open Access

Letizia Caronia, The Haunting Question of Values in the Era of Measurement, Assessment and Evidence-Based Education : Towards a Moral Accountability of Educational Decision-Making, «ENCYCLOPAIDEIA», 2023, 27, pp. 29 - 36 [articolo]Open Access

L. Caronia, V. Colla, I. Bolognesi, When school language and culture enter the home : testing children as a ‘school-aligned’ parental activity, «CIVITAS EDUCATIONIS», 2023, 12, pp. 157 - 177 [articolo]Open Access

L.CARONIA, Perché leggere Towards a Phenomenological Axiology. Discovering What Matters di Roberta De Monticelli. Appunti di una volpe che voleva diventare un riccio, «ENCYCLOPAIDEIA», 2022, 26, pp. 81 - 105 [articolo]Open Access

L. Caronia; V. Colla; F. Ranzani, Practices of Inclusion in Primary Care Visits of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors : Allocating Agency as an Interprofessionally Distributed Intercultural Competence, in: Interculturality in Institutions : Symbols, Practices and Identities, new york, Springer Verlag, 2022, pp. 209 - 228 (CULTURE IN POLICY MAKING) [capitolo di libro]Open Access

L. Caronia, Reported speech in problem telling: Doing epistemic and moral work in parent–teacher conferences, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE», 2022, 15, pp. 134 - 159 [articolo]

L. Caronia, Se "il linguaggio non è mai neutro" : i valori inscritti nelle pratiche al tempo dell'accountability in educazione, «RASSEGNA DI PEDAGOGIA», 2022, LXXX, pp. 235 - 255 [articolo]

L. Caronia, F. Ranzani, V. Colla, Shifting addressivity : In/Exclusionary practices in triadic medical interaction with unaccompanied foreign minors, «LANGUAGE AND DIALOGUE», 2022, 12, pp. 285 - 306 [articolo]Open Access