Letizia Caronia is Full Professor at the Department of Education (University of Bologna, Italy) where she teaches in the areas of Philosophy of Education, Epistemology and Methods of Qualitative Research, Communication and Education in Multicultural Contexts. She has been visiting scholar at the Centre of Interdisciplinary Research On Emerging Technologies (Department of Communication, University of Montreal) where she lead research projects on the domestication of information and communication technologies in everyday life.
She has a degree in Education at the University of Bologna and a PhD in Education at the same University. She completed her doctoral curriculum of study at the EHESS (Paris) where she had a background in cultural anthropology, analysis of interaction and discourse analysis. She is co-editor of the Journal of Theories and Research in Education and member of the executive board of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA).Her research deals with the communicative constitution of knowledge in institutional and ordinary interaction, and the role of things as communicative agents in social contexts. Her current projects concern the epistemics of research interaction, interprofessional interaction in medical settings, family interaction and parent-teacher interaction.
She authored and co-authored more than fifty chapters in collective books and articles in national and international peer reviewed scientific journals. She has written, co-written or edited books and special issues in Italian, English and French.
2014-: Full Professor
2008- 2014- Permanent Associate Professor
2005 – 2008 - Associate Professor
1999 - 2002. Researcher. Department of Education University of Bologna
1995-1997. Post Ph.D (University of Bologna) (grant from the University of Bologna)
1994 Ph.D. (University of Bologna and EHSS Paris) (grant from the University of Bologna)
1989 Master degree in Education (summa cum laude).
2005-2011.Visiting scholar Department of Communication , University of Montreal.
2002 – 2003 (winter semester ), Visiting Researcher, CITE' (Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Emerging technologies) Department of Communication, University of Montréal, Montrèal, Québec, Canada.
2000 (fall), Visiting Researcher Center for Youth and Media Studies (Department of Communication, University of Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada)
Top four papers award, Language and Social Interaction Division (International Communication Association) Epistemic trust as an interactional accomplishment: Parents’ resistance to solicited advice in well child visits as performing epistemic vigilance“ Co-authored with Federica Ranzani
Top four papers award, Language and Social Interaction Division (International Communication Association) per il paper: Beyond interprofessional epistemic borders: the agency of informing in nurse-physician interaction, Letizia Caronia, Marzia Saglietti, Arturo Chieregato
Top four papers Award per il paper Assessing a (gifted) child in parent-teacher conference: Participants’ resources to pursue (and resist) a no-problem trajectory , Letizia Caronia and Chiara Dalledonne Vandini
Top four papers award from the Language and Social Interaction division (International Communication Association) for the paper entitled:Voicing a gifted child: reported speech and problem telling as resources for doing epistemic and moral work in parent-teacher conference (con C. Dalledonne Vandini)
Top four papers award from the Language and Social Interaction division (International Communication Association) for the paper entitled: Morality at dinner time: The sense of other as a practical accomplishment in family interaction. (Co-authored with Renata Galatolo (Department of Communication University of Bologna) and Erika Vassallo (Department of Education University of Bologna).
2015 Top four papers award from the Language and Social Interaction Division (International Communication Association) for the paper entitled: Assembling (non) treatable cases: physicians’ epistemic and interactive resources to pursue and resist an “off-label” policy in an Intensive Care Unit
Top paper award from the Language and Social Interaction Division (International Communication Association) for the paper entitled: Talking Objects: the research devices as participants in the research setting.
Top Paper Award from the Language and Social Interaction Division of the International Communication Association for the paper: Camouflage techniques in social science research: ignoring interactional details in telephone surveys as a certainty-building device.
Scholar AAA (Agency of Rating of the University of Bologna on the basis of her scientific activities (publications and projects).
2010 « Venezia Award>> of the Chamber of Commerce for the excellence of scientific collaboration between Italy and Canada.
2006. Finalist Prix Roberval (France) for the book Culture Mobile. Les nouvelles pratiques de Communication. Montreal PUM, 2005
Scientific Positions
Member of the Executive Board of IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis)
Member of the Doctoral School in Education (University of Bologna).
Co-editor: Ricerche di pedagogia e didattica/Journal of Theories and Research in Education.
Member od the Editorial Board: Encyclopaideia. The Journal of Phenomenology and Education.
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Children and Media
Member of the Editorial Board of Convergence. The International Journal of Research into Media Technologies
Reviewer for the following Journals /Scientific Associations
Applied Linguistics
Convergence. The International Journal of Research into Media Technologies
Encyclopaideia. The Journal of Phenomenology and Education.
Journal of Children and Media
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
Management Communication Quarterly
Pragmatics & Society
Qualitative Research
Ricerche di pedagogia e didattica/Journal of Theories and Research in Education.
ICA (International Communication Association)
IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis).
2020- Epistemic and deontic authority in paeditaric visits
2019_ Narrative Care in ICU: Dispositivi comunicativi e relazione con i familiari dei pazienti in terpaia Intensiva (convenzione Ospedale Niguarda, Milano)
2019- Interprofessionalità e cura nelle visite mediche di minori stranieri non accompagnati (fondi BIR Dipartimento)
2016 – In-between home and school: trans-contextual texts, artifacts and discourses (co-researchers: I. Bolognesi, Ph.D., V. Colla, Ph.D.(c), C. Dalledonne Vandini, Ph.D.)
2015-2019 The Interprofessional case construction and decision-making in sensitive health care contexts, con A. Chieragto MD; Ospedale Niguarda, Milano, e M. Sagliatti PhD, (finanziamento, BIR Dipartimento).
2014 – Morality at dinner time: the constitution of moral orders and world visions in family everyday life (co-researchers: R. Galatolo, Ph.D., and V. Colla, Ph.D.(c))
2016- In between home and school: following and analyzing transcontextual texts and talk (with I. Bolognesi; V. Colla, C. Dalledonne Vandini)
2014- Medical Talk-in-Interaction: A study on the implementation of a guidelines-non-conforming policy on antibiotic treatment in an Intensive Care Unit (with Marzia Saglietti, Ph.D)
2014- Morality in Family Everyday Talk (with Renata Galatolo, University of Bologna, Erika Vassallo, Ph.D; V. Colla)
Past research projects 2012-2009
With Luigina Mortari (University of Verona): PHENICE: Phenomenology of Infection Diseases in Intensive Care Units. Funding: GiViTi, Research Institute “Mario Negri” Milano.
With André H. Caron (University of Montreal): Television programming for children: families' attitudes and perceptions (2011-2012). Department of Communication. University of Montreal. Funding Alliance for Children and Television – CANADA)
With André H. Caron (University of Montreal): Television Programming for Children : A Content Analysis (2009-2010) .) Department of Communication. University of Montreal. Funding Alliance for Children and Television – CANADA
« Le Panoscope 360. Appropriation d'une technologie immersive dans le Centre des sciences de Montréal.». Funding Société des arts technologiques (Montréal, Canada), Centre des sciences de Montréal, CITÉ (Université de Montréal).
With André H. Caron (University of Montreal): Étude de la baladodiffusion dans l'éducation : usages et pratiques des étudiants universitaires. Funding Bell.
With André H. Caron (University of Montreal): Improving Public Regulation: the Reception and Use of Film and Videogame Rating Systems in Family Everyday Governance of Children's Media Consumption. Funding Régie di Cinéma – Government agency CANADA.
With André H. Caron (University of Montreal): Mobile communication in everyday life: the use of mobile phone in adolescents' social worlds. Funding Bell Chair Canada.
With Andrè H. Caron (University of Montreal): Television as I would Like You to Be: an International Comparison on Children's Images of Television. Countries: Argentina, Chili, Uruguay, Greece, Canada and Italy. Grants from the framework “Funding for young researchers 2000” , University of Bologna.
Competitively selected papers presented at International confernece (last 5 years)
Competitively selected papers presented at International Conferences (last five years)
Citare l’esperto (a scuola). Pratiche quotidiane di delegittimazione epistemica e deontica [Quoting the expert (at school). Everyday practices of epistemic and deontic undermining]. Conference La competenza esperta: tipologia e trasmissione [Expertise: Typology and transmission]., Centro Internazionale di Scienze semiotiche “Umberto Eco”, Urbino,1-2 Ottobre 2019
Reversing the hypothesis: What if things were dialogic maters?. Keynote lecture, IADA Biannual, International Conference, Milwaukee, 24-27 Luglio 2019
The agency of things: parent-assisted homework as a situated and socio-material learning interaction, Letizia Caronia, Vittoria Colla, Ivana Bolognesi, Chiara Dalledonne Vandini, Anna Pileri, IADA Biannual, International Conference, Milwaukee, 24-27 Luglio 2019
“On the basis of the things that we are told by the experts”: The management of knowledge and expertise in parent-teacher conference, Letizia Caronia and Chiara Dalledonne Vandini, IIEMCA, Mannheim, 2-5 Luglio 2019
Epistemics in an Intensive Care Unit: The practices of informing in nurse-physician interaction, con Marzia Saglietti e Arturo Chieregato, IIEMCA, Mannheim, 2-5 Luglio 2019.
Objects that matter: the hybrid and distributed agency in parent-assisted homework interactions, Paper presented by Letizia Caronia, Vittoria Colla, Ivana Bolognesi,Chiada dalledonne Vandini, Anna Pileri, I Conferenza internazionale, Scuola Democratica, Cagliari, Giugno 2019.
Beyond interprofessional epistemic borders: the agency of informing in nurse-physician interaction, Letizia Caronia, Marzia Saglietti, Arturo Chieregato, ICA 69* Conference , Washington, May 2019.
Assessing a (gifted) child in parent-teacher conference: Participants’ resources to pursue (and resist) a no-problem trajectory , Letizia Caronia and Chiara Dalledonne Vandini, , ICA 69* Conference , Washington, May 2019
L. Caronia and C. Dalledonne Vandini, Voicing a gifted child: reported speech and problem telling as resources for doing epistemic and moral work in parent-teacher conference (con C. Dalledonne Vandini) presented at the International Communication Association.
- L Caronia How 'at Home' is an Ethnographer at Home? Territories of knowledge and the making of ethnographic understanding. Scenes from an Italian Intensive Care. Unit International Communication Association, San Diego (USA), 22-26 maggio 2017
- L. Caronia, M. Saglietti. The management of knowledge in interprofessional care: how nurses contribute to the case-construction in an intensive care unit. International Communication Association, San Diego (USA), 22-26 maggio 2017.
- L. Caronia; M. Saglietti. Struggles over antibiotics: Alignmen and affiliation in doctor-doctor interaction. International Communication Association, San Diego (USA), 22-26 maggio 2017.
- L. Caronia; R. Galatolo. Morality at dinner Time: The sense of Other as a practical accomplishment in family interaction. International Communication Association, San Diego (USA), 22-26 maggio 2017. TOP PAPER AWARD
- Letizia Caronia A. Chieregato. Assembling (Non)treatable Cases: Physicians’ Epistemic and Interactive Resources to Pursue and Resist an “Off-Label” Policy in an Intensive Care Unit. Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Puerto Rico (USA), Maggio 2015 TOP PAPER AWARD
- L. Caronia. “Is there an infection out there?”: The communicative constitution of reality in medical settings. EGOS International Conference, Atene (GR), 1-4 Luglio, 2015,
- L Caronia, A. Chieregato, MD. Polyphony in a ward: physicians’ discursive resources to pursue and resist conflicting therapeutic trajectories in an Intensive Care Unit. IADA Conference. ANTHROPOLOGIES OF DIALOGUE Nancy, August 27-29, 2015
- Caronia, L. Talking objects: the recording devices as participants in the research setting. paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle. 24 Maggio 2014 TOP PAPER AWARD
- François Cooren; Letizia Caronia. Excentering our analytical position: The dialogicity of things. Washington, Annual meeting of the National Communication Association.
- Caronia, L. Quand faire c’est dire: les outils d’enregistrement comme agents épistémiques, Seminario, Paris III La Sorbonne Nouvelle,14 Novembre 2014
- Excentering our Analytical Position: The dialogicity of Things (with F. Cooren), paper presented at the NCA Annual Conference, Washington, November 2013.
- Stance-taking in talking to children about media: A language socialization perspective, Paper presented at the ICAAnnual Conferece, London, 18-22 June 2013
- 2012
- Camouflage techniques in social science research: ignoring interactional details in telephone surveys as a certainty-building device. ICA Annual Conference , 24 -28 maggio 2012,Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Top PAPER AWARD.
- Literature-in-dialogues- Constructing the value of reading through family talk in interaction. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of IADA ( Aprile, 2012,Turku, Finland)
National and international publications
Books and special issues
- Zuckowski and L. Caronia (Eds.) (2014). Communicating certainty and uncertainty: Multidisciplinary perspectives on epistemicity in everyday life. [Special Issue]. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 9 (1).
- L. Caronia (2011). Fenomenologia dell'educazione. Intenzionalità, cultura e conoscenza in pedagogia[Phenomenology of Education. Intentionality, culture and knowledge] Milano: Franco Angeli, 2011 ( pp. 189).
- L. Caronia and J.E. Katz (Eds.). (2010).Between the Subject's Intentionality and the Strength of Things: A Phenomenological Approach to Technologies in Everyday Life. Special Issue. Encyclopaideia. Journal of Phenomenology and education.27 (2), pp.1-200, Bononia University Press.
- L. Caronia and A. H. Caron (2010).Crescere senza fili. I nuovi riti dell'interazione sociale[Growing up Wireless. The new interactional rituals].Milano, Raffaello Cortina. (pp 258).
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2007).Moving Cultures: Mobile Communication in everyday life. Montreal: Mc Gill-Queens University press, 2007 (pp.264).
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2005). Culture Mobile. Les nouvelles pratiques de communication. Montreal: PUM, 2005. (pp 311)
- L. Caronia (2002).La socializzazione ai media. Contesti, interazioni e pratiche educative[Media Socialization. Contexts, interactions and educational practices]. Milano: Guerini, 2002 (pp. 282)
- L. Caronia (1997). Costruire la conoscenza. Interazione e interpretazione nella ricerca in campo educativo, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1997, pp. 309.
- P. Bertolini and L.Caronia (1993).Ragazzi difficili. Pedagogia interpretativa e linee di intervento [ Tough Children: interpretive pedagogy and practices]. Firenze: La Nuova Italia:, 1993, pp. 246.
- 1A.Le Pichon and L. Caronia (Eds.) (1992).Sguardi venuti da lontano. Un'indagine di transcultura[Gazes from Abroad: A trans cultural inquiry]) Milano, Bompiani, 1992. Introduction by di U. Eco (pp 248).
- L. Caronia and V. Gherardi (1991). La pagina e lo schermo. Libro e TV: antagonisti o alleati? [The Page and the Screen. Books and television: Antagonists or allies?] Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1991 (pp. 238)
Articles in scientific journals and book chapters (international only)
Letizia Caronia & Marzia Saglietti (2018) “Knowledge and Agency: How nurse contribute to the case-construction in an Intensive Care Unit”, Journal of Interprofessional Care (2018, with M. Saglietti).
Caronia, Letizia, How 'at home' is an ethnographer at home? Territories of knowledge and the making of ethnographic understanding, «JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL ETHNOGRAPHY», 2018, 7, pp. 114 - 134 [article]
Galatolo, Renata; Letizia, Caronia, Morality at dinnertime: the sense of the Other as a practical accomplishment in family interaction, «DISCOURSE & SOCIETY», 2018, 29, pp. 43 - 62 [article]
- L.Caronia ,, M. Saglietti (2017). Struggles Over Antibiotics: Physicians' Stance-Taking Toward a Nonconforming Policy in an Intensive Care Unit. Qualitative Health Research. DOIPMID: 28810817 DOI: 10.1177/1049732317723316
- L. Caronia, A. Chieregato, M. Saglietti (2017). Assembling (non) treatable cases: The communicative constitution of medical object in doctor-doctor interaction. Discourse Studies (forthcoming)
- L. Caronia and A. Chieregato (2016). Polyphony in a ward. Tracking professional theories in members’ dialogues. Language and dialogue (forthcoming).
- R. Galatolo, E. Vassallo and L. Caronia (2015). "Je m'en mets toute seule". Séquences d'étayage dans des repas de famille. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée No 101, 2015, 117-135 • ISSN 1023-2044
- L. Caronia (2015). Totem and taboo : The embarassing epistemic work of things in the research setting. Qualitative Research, 15(2): 141-165.
- L. Caronia and L. Mortari (2015).The Agency of Things: how spaces and artifacts organize the moral order of an Intensive Care Unit (with L. Mortari). Social Semiotics, Special Issue, Objects and Language in trans-contextual communication, 25(4), pp. 401-422.
- L. Caronia and F. Cooren (2014). Decentering our analytical position: the dialogicity of things. Discourse and Communication, 8, 41-61.
- L. Caronia (2014). The fabric of certainty: Ignoring interactional details as an epistemic resource in research interviews. In A. Zuckoswki, R. Bongelli, I. Riccioni, & C. Canestrari (Eds.)Communicating Certainty and Uncertainty in Medical, Supportive and Scientific Contexts (pp. 249-271). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- L. Caronia (2014). Communicating certainty and uncertainty in everyday life: An introduction. In Zuczkowski A and Caronia L (Eds.) Communicating certainty and uncertainty: Multidisciplinary perspectives on epistemicity in everyday life. [Special Issue]. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education 9 (1):9-33.
- B. Brummans, J. M. Huang, B.H.J.M. Brummans, L. Caronia (2013). Business writing on the go: How executives manage impressions through e-mail communication in everyday work life. Corporate Communication vol.18 pp.1
- L.Caronia (2012) Texts-in-dialogues. The communicative constitution of media ideologies through family ordinary talk. Language and Dialogue, 2(3) pp. 4421 ISSN:2210-4119.
- L. Caronia and A.H. Caron (2011). Family Morality and Cultural Identity in Parents' Use of the Quebec Movie Rating System.JOURNAL OF CHILDREN AND MEDIA. vol.5 pp. 427-448.
- L. Caronia (2011). Representing dialogues-in-the -field: The shared responsibility of scientific aesthetics. Language and Dialogue, 1 (2), 2011, pp. 293-313.
- L.Caronia and A.H. Caron (2010).The Panoscope 360. An Ethnography of the Appropriation of an Interactive and Immersive Technology in a Science Center. In J.E. Katz, W. LaBar,& E.Lynch (Eds.). Creativity and Technology.Social Media, Mobiles and Museums. Edinburgh UK. 2011, pp. pp.162 – 203.
- L. Caronia and J.E. Katz (2010). Between the Subject's Agency and the Strength of Things: An Introduction. Encyclopaideia.Journal of phenomenology and education. 27, 2, pp.4 – 30.
- L. Caronia (2010). Between Scientific Knowledge and Cultural Beliefs.REM. Research on Education and Media,2 (1) pp. 16-26.
- L. Caronia and A.H. Caron (2010). Beyond Mobile Learning: Identity Construction and the Development of Social Awareness. In Wan Ng (Ed.). Mobile Technologies and Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning: Research and Pedagogy. Hersehy PA: IGI Global, 2010. Pp. 45- 57.
- L. Caronia (2010).Rethinking Post Modernism: On Some Epistemic and Ethical Consequences of the Researcher's Committment to Postmodern Constructivism. In M. Tarozzi, L. Mortari (Eds.). Phenomenology and Human Science Research Today. Bucarest, Zeta Books. 2010 (pp.179 - 203).
- L.Caronia (2010). Learning By Messaging: Teenagers' Mobile Phone Writing as a Metalinguistic Practice. In X. Xu, G. Cappello, C. Socol (Eds.) Media Education 'sans frontières': Common Challanges, Shared Solutions for China and Italy. Zhejiang, Zehijang University Press, 2010, (pp.19 - 34).
- L.Caronia ( 2009). The Cultural Roots of Knowledge VS. The Myths Underlying the Contemporary Digital Turn in Education. In Media Literacy in Europe. Controversies, Challenges and Perspectives, pp.25 - 33. Bruxelles: Ed.Euromeduc (2009).
- L. Caronia (2009). Co-viewing in an Italian Classroom: Language, Interaction and Making Sense of Television. Journal of Children and Media. vol 3(3) pp. 267-285. 2009.
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2009).New Screens and Young People's Appropriation of Entertainment Content. In. G. Cardoso, A. Cheong, & J. Cole (Eds.). World Wide Internet. Changing Societies, Economies and Cultures (pp. 296-330). Macau: University Of Macau Press, 2009.
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2009). Mobile Learning in the Digital Age. A Clash of Cultures?. In S. Kleinman (Ed.). The Culture of Efficiency, New York: Peter Lang, 2009 (pp. 190-212).
- L. Caronia (2008). Growing up wireless: ‘being a parent' and ‘being a child' in the age of mobile communication. In P.C. Rivoltella (Ed.). Digital Literacy: Tools and Methodologies for Information Society (pp. 104-135). Harshey, PA: IGI Global , 2008.
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2008). The Cutural Dimension of The Adoption of Ipods in Higher Education. Iadis.International Journal onWWW/Internet. vol.6 (pp.73 – 89), 2008.
- L. Caronia and A.H. Caron (2008). Television Culture and Media Socialization across Countries: Theoretical Issues and Methodological Approaches. In K. Drotner and S. Livingstone (Eds.), The International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture: London: Sage, 2008 (pp. 271-389).
- L.Caronia, A.H. Caron, R. Weiss-Lambrou (2007). La balododiffusion en éducation: mythes et réalités des usages dans une culture mobile . International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education,2007, vol. 4(3), pp. 42 - 57.
- L. Caronia (2005). Mobile Culture: ethnography of cellular phone uses in teenagers' everyday life.Convergence. The International Journal of Research into Media Technologies, 2005.vol. 4, pg 85-100.
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2004). Constructing a Specific Culture : Young People's Use of The Mobile Phone as a Social Performance . Convergence. The International Journal of Research into Media Technologies,2004 Vol. 10, n. 2, 2004, pp. 28-61.
- L. Caronia (2004). Réconstruire l'écoute télévisuelle: enjeux identitaires et production d'une théorie folk de famille. In GRREM, Jeunes et Médias. Éthique, socialisation et représentations, (sous la direction de M. Masselot-Girard), Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 85-106.
- L. Caronia (2003). Langage et construction sociale de l'ethnicité. Une étude sur la mise en discours de l'élève en tant que <<élève étranger ». Spirale.Revue de Recherches en Education. n. numero monografico, Ethnographie de l'Ecole, 2003, n. 30 (pp 123-142).
- L.Caronia and A.H. Caron (2002). Active Users and Active Objects: The Mutual Construction of Families and Communication Technologies). Convergence. The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 2002 , vol 7, n.3., pp. 38 - 61.
- L.Caronia (2001). Educational Ethnography and multiculturaleducation: A study of classroom-talk- in-interaction as an identity making discursive activity. In G. Walford (Ed.),Ethnography and Education, London: Jai Press, 2001 (pp 43-70).
- L. Caronia (2001). Connecting Parents and Children. Internet as a Relationship Building Activity. Encyclopaideia, 2001, vol V, n. 9, pp. 133- 145.
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2000). Contents in Context. A Study on Canadian Family Discourse about Media Practices in the Home'. In Cecilia Von Feilitzen, & Ulla Carlsson (Eds.), Children in the New Media Landscape, UNESCO International Clearing House, Nordicom, pp. 313- 330, 2000.
- A.H. Caron and L. Caronia (2000). Parler de télévision, parler de soi: une étude sur la mise en discours des pratiques médiatiques au foyer. Communication. 2000, vol. 20, n. 1, pp. 123 – 154.