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Leonardo Nanni Costa

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Manager of University of Bologna Experimental farm


Zambonelli P.; Davoli R.; Fontanesi L.; Stella A.; Hedegaard J.; Hornshøj H.; Colombo M.; Nanni Costa L.; Russo V., A microarray–based approach for the identification of skeletal muscle genes related to stress in pigs, in: XXXI Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, AMSTERDAM, s.n, 2008, pp. Poster 2131 - 2131 (atti di: XXXI CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ANIMAL GENETICS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20 – 24 July 2008) [Abstract]

Dall'Olio S.; Davoli R.; Nanni Costa L., Analisi di un gene candidato per la variabilità del comportamento nel cavallo: catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), «ATTI ... CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIPVET», 2008, LXII, pp. 453 - 454 [Scientific article]

Nanni Costa L.; Tassone F.; Comellini M.; Ielo M.C.; Lo Fiego D.P.; Russo V., Effect of slaughterhouse on the incidence of defects in raw pig ham destined to the dry-curing process., «VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS», 2008, 32, pp. 351 - 353 [Scientific article]

Pomponio L.; Lametsch R. ; Karlsson A.H.; Nanni Costa L.; Grossi A.; Ertbjerg P., Evidence for post-mortem m-calpain autolysis in porcine muscle, «MEAT SCIENCE», 2008, 80, pp. 761 - 764 [Scientific article]

Russo V.; Speroni C.; Buttazzoni L.; Davoli R.; Nanni Costa L.; Fontanesi L., Identification of mutations in the porcine cathepsin L (CTSL) and cathepsin S (CTSS) genes and association study between meat quality and production traits in Italian Large White pigs., in: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Pig Genomics, Pig Genome II, LJUBLJANA, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, 2008, pp. 57 - 58 (atti di: Second European Conference on Pig Genomics, Pig Genome II, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia, 4-5 June 2008) [Abstract]

Fontanesi L.; Davoli R.; Nanni Costa L.; Beretti F.; Scotti E.; Tazzoli M.; Tassone F.; Colombo M.; Buttazzoni L.; Russo V., Investigation of candidate genes for glycolytic potential of porcine skeletal muscle: association with meat quality and production traits in Italian Large White pigs., «MEAT SCIENCE», 2008, 80, pp. 780 - 787 [Scientific article]

Nanni Costa L., La legislazione europea in materia di trasporto animale, in: , «ZOOTECNICA INTERNATIONAL», 2008, 30 (10), pp. 18 - 25 (atti di: XLVI Convegno Nazionale Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura, Forlì, 27 marzo 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Nanni Costa L.; Sapino M.; Pippione S.; Mattalia G.; Arduini A., La valutazione del rischio nel lungo viaggio su strada dei vitelli da ristallo: il ruolo delle informazioni provenienti dai controlli, «BUIATRIA», 2008, 2, pp. 37 - 44 [Scientific article]

L. NANNI COSTA; P. ZAMBONELLI; V. RUSSO, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig. October 11 – 13, 2007. Messina - Capo d’Orlando (ME), Italy., BOLOGNA, Alma Mater Digital Library - Università di Bologna, 2008, pp. 448 . [Editorship]

Lo Fiego D.P.; Ulrici A. ; Ielo M.C.; Comellini M.; Tassone F. ; Nanni Costa L., Reproducibility evaluation of classification by expert assessors of raw ham red skin defect., in: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig., BOLOGNA, Alma Mater Digital Library - Università di Bologna, 2008, pp. 360 - 365 (atti di: 6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig, Messina - Capo d’Orlando (ME), Italy, October 11 – 13, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

V. Russo; L. Fontanesi; E. Scotti; F. Beretti; R. Davoli; L. Nanni Costa; R. Virgili; L. Buttazzoni, Single nucleotide polymorphisms in several porcine cathepsin genes are associated with growth, carcass, and production traits in Italian Large White pigs, «JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2008, 86, pp. 3300 - 3314 [Scientific article]

Nanni Costa L., Trasporto e macellazione: rispettare la legge, «RIVISTA DI SUINICOLTURA», 2008, 49, pp. 62 - 71 [Scientific article]

Schiavina S.; Colombo M.; Hedegaard J.; Hornshøj H.; Davoli R.; Fontanesi L.; Stella A.; Nanni Costa L.; Bendixen C.; Russo V., Analysis of skeletal muscle tissue expression profiles in pig to identify genes involved in meat qualità traits: effect of stress conditions bifore slaughtering in different pig breeds, in: Proceedings of the 17th ASPA Congress, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2007, 6, pp. 205 - 205 (atti di: Proceedings of the ASPA 17th Congress, Alghero, Italy, May 29 - June 1, 2007) [Abstract]Open Access

L. Nanni Costa; F. Tassone; R. Righetti; L. Melotti; M. Comellini, Effect of farm floor type on the behaviour of heavy pigs during pre-slaughter handling, «VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS», 2007, 31 (Suppl. 1), pp. 397 - 399 [Scientific article]

Liotta L.; Nanni Costa L.; Chiofalo B.; Ravarotto L.; Chiofalo V., Effect of lairage duration on some blood constituents and beef quality in bulls after long journey, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2007, 6, pp. 375 - 384 [Scientific article]Open Access