Foto del docente

Ivana Bolognesi

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-01/A General and Social Pedagogy

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor of Social Pedagogy

Department of Education "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

University of Bologna


*1992 Degree in Pedagogy at the Science of Education Faculty -University of Bologna – with full marks, distinction (110 out of 100, lode). Thesis in The Intercultural Pedagogy, title: “Presenza, identità, cultura dell'infanzia immigrata” – “Presence, identity and culture of immigrated childhood”. Tutor Prof. Antonio Genovese.

*2000-04 PhD in Intercultural Pedagogy, Tutor Prof. Antonio Genovese, at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna . Title of thesis: “Io, in questa scuola, mi sono sempre sentita diversa” - “At this school I always felt different”.

*2004 Visiting scholar at the Laboratory of Sociology (Lames) and at the University Institute of Teacher Training, University of Provence (France).

*2006-2008 Research subvension at the Science of Education Department “G. M Bertin”, University of Bologna.


I realised more professional experiences in the following context: educator of children and adults with disabilities; educator with roma communities; Pedagogist, responsable of kindergartens; teacher of Kindergarten and primary school.


*2008- Professor of Intercultural Pedagogy at Primary Education Degree Course and Degree Course in Social and Cultural Educator of Science of Education Department “G. M Bertin”, University of Bologna.

*2004-2008 Teaching contract of Intercultural Pedagogy at Primary Education Degree Course and director of intercultural laboratories at the Faculty of Science of Education, University of Bologna.

Master Didactic employment

*2019- Professor of Intercultural Pedagogy, Master “International cooperation and educational inclusion: new professional challenges, University of Bologna, directed by prof. da Federica Tarabusi.

*2022- Professor of Intercultural Pedagogy, Master “Educator in the hosting and inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees”, Università di Bologna, directed by prof. Bruno Riccio.


*1994-2024 Formation course in the field of Intercultural Education, as professor and spokeswoman at conferences and seminars that have been involved nursery educators, kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in differents districts of the Emilia Romagna and of other italian regions.

*2011-2012 Collaboration with Istituto degli innocenti (Firenze).


*2023- Projects of major national interest (PRIN) ECCO-Italy “Education of Children of Chinese Origin in Italy”, coordinated by prof. Tommaso Pelli, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures-University of Bologna.

*2022- European project TracerTrasformative Roma Art and Culture for European Remembrance”, coordinated by prof. MariaTeresa Tagliaventi, Department of Science of Education, University of Bologna.

*2021- European project Merging “Housing for immigrants and community integration in Europe and beyond: Strategies, policies, dwellings, and governance”, coordinated by prof. Morena Cuconato, Department of Science of Education, University of Bologna.

*2018-2020 Research “La classe plurilingue. Ricerca sulla complessità linguistica per una didattica inclusiva - The multilingual classroom. Research on linguistic complexity for inclusive education”, coordinated by prof. Chiara Giannollo, Department of Classical and Italian Philology - University di Bologna.

*2017-20 Action-research of european project Justice: RISE (ROMA Inclusive School Experiences) - Towards best practices on inclusive education of Roma Children, coordinated by prof. MariaTeresa Tagliaventi, Department of Science of Education, University of Bologna.

*2016-17 Action research with the kindergartens (FISM) of Bologna and the province focusing on the theme of parental participation in the school.

*2015-2017 Action research conducted in some kindergartens and primary school of Treviso within in project RICE coordinated by Jan Pierre Pourtois (University of Mons) and Anna Pileri (Iusve).

*2015-2016 Research to analyze the somatic representations of the difference in the books for children in some kindergartens of Bologna and of the region Emilia Romagna.

*2015-2016 Action research conducted in some primary schools of Bologna (IC 4 and IC15) about the co-education between teachers and parents, Science of Education Department Research.

*2013-2015 Action research conducted in kindergartens and primary school in Municipality di Bologna within the European project EMPAC (Engaing Migrant Parents and children).

*2012-2013 Action research conducted in kindergartens of the district Navile, within the agreement between Department of Training and the Municipality di Bologna.

*2009-2010 Project studies and research “Pupils with disabilities, children of immigrant parent” in collaboration with the Education and Policies of differences of the Municipality of Bologna, directed by prof. Roberta Cardin, Department of Science of Education, University of Bologna.

*2006-2009 Science of Education Department Research "Children and families as junctions of socio-educational possibilities and criticalities " directed by prof. Mariagrazia Contini.

*2004-2005 Science of Education Department Research “The educational care at the early childhood services in multicultural contexts” directed by Prof. Maria Grazia Contini e Prof. Milena Manini.

*2002-2004 Observation Research that implicated a group of foreign children of the primary school. Tutor Prof. Antonio Genovese.

*1992-1993 Observation Research that implicated a group of foreign children at the Kindergarten school of the city of Bologna with the collaboration of the Science of Education Department, University of Bologna.

*1991-1993 Research to experiment an intercultural Project at the primary school (Quarto Inferiore – Bologna) coordinated by the Science of Education Department.

*1990-1991 Research to experiment an intercultural project at the Kindergarten school of the City of Bologna with the collaboration of the Science of Education Department, University of Bologna.


*2022- Member of International Center “Bilingualism Metters”.

*2015 Member of the SIPED Interculture Group.

*2013- Member of the Scientific Board of CREIF (Centre for Educational Research on Children and Families) of the Department of Educational Sciences -University of Bologna.

*2013- Member of the Scientific Board of CRESPI (Centre for Educational Research on Teacher Professionalism) of the Department of Education Sciences - University of Bologna.


*2023 Co-Director of the series Heuresis. Science of Education (ISSN 1723-8102), publisher Clueb, with prof. Silvia Demozzi, Stefania Lorenzini and Federico Zannoni.

*2023 Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Infanzia.

*2018-19 Collaboration with the journal "Scuola dell'infanzia" of the Giunti Editor for the Intercultural Education section.

*2015 - Member of the Scientific Committee of “La Melagrana”, Franco Angeli, directed by Graziella Favaro and Massimiliano Fiorucci.

*2004 - Member of the editing commitee of Intercultural Education Review.


*2016 Italian Prize of Pedagogy, Siped

I. Bolognesi, Insieme per crescere. Scuola dell’infanzia e dialogo interculturale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2013.


*2006-2023 Participation in the national and international conferences for the presentation of educational research in a multicultural context (selection):


I. Bolognesi, The representation of somatic and cultural diversity in picture books and primary school textbooks: some research data, Seminar for teachers "Can you read without stereotypes? Cultural and somatic differences in illustrated books', Centro Riesco - Municipality of Bologna, Bologna, 15 November 2023


I. Bolognesi, In my classroom the world: growing in differences, Winter Camp “Through the clouds. Challenges in the educational professions in zerosei services”, Bergamo, 3-4 december 2022


I. Bolognesi, C. Dalle Donne Vandini, Explaining homework as a parental activity, University of Bologna, 20 April 2021


Pédagogie interculturelle en Italie. Approche théorique et recherche en éducation dans les écoles, Journée recherche de l’Equipe “Contextes pluriculturels : questions, enjeux, défis en éducation familiale?”, Université Paris Nanterre, 17 gennaio 2020


Every language counts. Knowing and valuing linguistic diversity in pre-school and primary schools, Training seminar for teachers, Metropolitan City and Istituzione Minguzzi, Bologna, 27 November

Skin colours and gender differences in illustrated books, Training seminar for teachers and operators, Centro Riesco- Comune di Bologna, Bologna 18 November 2019


I. Bolognesi, G. Guerzoni, Entering school: some research data on the Bologna context, Seminar "Doing school in a multicultural society. Schools with a high presence of pupils with non-Italian citizenship", University of Bologna, 19 May 2018


School success of children with migrant back- grounds, Conference IAIE -International Association for Intercultural Education, Angers (France), 13-16 june 2017

Multicultural schools: places of encounter and dialogue for building a culture of participation, Conference "Building intercultural communities: challenges in social, educational and health contexts", University of Genova, 27 April 2017

Second-generation adolescents and the school. Education and integration processes, International study seminar "Interculture and the role of educational institutions for human growth. From the compensatory model to the inclusive school", University of Florence, 24 May 2017

Methodology and content of action research, Seminar "Parents at school. Family participation in kindergarten', University of Bologna, 23 September 2017


Inclusion starts with the little ones, National Conference of Intercultural Centres, Piacenza, 21-23 October 2016

Somatic and cultural differences in picture books: teachers' practices and reflections in kindergartens, Conference "Melaninic, somatic and gender differences: which representations in picture books? University of Bologna, 10 November 2016


EMPAC journey in Bologna, Transnational Conference “Engaging children and migrant parents in Schools/Children Centres, Ealing-London, 5 marzo 2015

I. Bolognesi, A. Pileri, Engaging children and migrant parents in the learning process at school: coeducative approch European research project EMPAC, Convegno internazionale AIFREF, Bilbao (Spagna), 10-11-12 giugno 2015

I. Bolognesi, A. Pileri, Diversité de couleur de peau dans l’école maternelle: quelles représentation?, Biennale Internationale de l’Education de la Formation et des Pratiques professionnelles qui s’est déroulée, Parigi, 30 giugno - 3 luglio 2015


*2023 Member of the Third Mission Commission of the Department of Education Sciences.

*2018- Member of the Research Commission of the Department of Education Sciences.

*2018- Referent of the OFA Commission of Primary Education Sciences.

*2018- Member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in Educational Sciences.

*2017- Coordinator of the group of the disciplinary area of Pedagogists.

*2015-2018 Co-Coordinator of the Commission for Apprenticeships in Primary Education.

*2015-2020 Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator of the agreement with Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge, UK).


*2021/ Director of the Master "Management and organization of educational institutions in multicultural contexts", University of Bologna.

*2017-18 Director of the Master "Management and organization of educational institutions in multicultural contexts", University of Bologna.