Foto del docente

Irina Marchesini

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: SLAV-01/A Slavic Studies


Irina Marchesini, Lo specchio del tempo. La permanenza del retaggio linguistico-culturale anticorusso nella prosa russa contemporanea, Roma, UniversItalia, 2018, pp. 120 . [Research monograph]

Irina Marchesini, Marco Caracciolo, Jan Alber, Mimesis: The Unnatural Between Situation Models and Interpretive Strategies, «POETICS TODAY», 2018, 39, pp. 447 - 471 [Scientific article]

Irina Marchesini, “We Live Between Horror and Desolation”. Konstantin K. Vaginov and War, in: On the Last Promontory of the Centuries: World War I and Cultural Change, Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies, 2018, pp. 238 - 246 [Chapter or essay]

Marchesini, Irina, A new literary genre. Trauma and the individual perspective in Svetlana Aleksievich’s Chernobyl'skaia molitva, «CANADIAN SLAVONIC PAPERS», 2017, 59, pp. 313 - 329 [Scientific article]

Irina Marchesini, Review of: Garipova, Nailya and Torres Núñez, Juan José (eds). Women in Nabokov’s Life and Art. Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture, 14. Peter Lang, Bern, New York and Oxford, 2016. 272 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliographies. Index. €66.70: £53.00: $86.95., «SLAVONIC AND EAST EUROPEAN REVIEW», 2017, 95, pp. 537 - 539 [Review]

irina marchesini, “Protecting the Russian Cultural Heritage in Times of Historical Change Through the Prism of Literature”, in: Culture and Art: Research and Management, Batumi, The Batumi Art State Teaching University Publishing House, 2017, pp. 484 - 489 (atti di: 2nd International Scientific Conference “Culture and Art: Research and Management”, Batumi, Georgia, 19-20.X.2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Marchesini, Irina*, Russian (1917-1918) and Armenian (1922) orthographic reforms. Assessing the Russian influence on modern Armenian language, «STUDI SLAVISTICI», 2017, 14, pp. 171 - 190 [Scientific article]Open Access

Irina Marchesini, Uchod ot revoljucionnych budnej. Petrograd/Leningrad meždu Pervoj mirovoj i Graždanskoj vojnami v Rossii glazami Kostantina Vaginova, in: “Na krajnem predele vekov”: Pervaja mirovaja vojna i kul’tura, Mosca, Gosudarstvennyj Institut Iskusstvoznanija GII, 2017, pp. 252 - 259 [Chapter or essay]

Marchesini, Irina, Absent yet Present: On the Paradoxical Nature of Characters in Nabokov’s The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, «POLJARNYJ VESTNIK», 2016, 19, pp. 68 - 79 [Scientific article]

Irina Marchesini, Review of: Florian Mussgnug – Matthew Reza (eds.) The Good Place. Comparative Perspectives on Utopia. Proceedings of Synapsis: European School of Comparative Studies XI Bern, Peter Lang, 2014, 264 pp., «BETWEEN», 2016, VI, pp. 1 - 6 [Review]

irina marchesini, “Gli anelli della memoria”, in: Oltre il confine. Europa e Russia dal 1917 a oggi, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2016, pp. 59 - 62 [Chapter or essay]

Marchesini, Irina, “A Retreat From Everyday Soviet Life. Konstantin Vaginov’s Utopian Visions”, in: Utopia: the Avant- Garde, Modernism And (Im)Possible Life, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2015, pp. 275 - 287 [Chapter or essay]

Marchesini, Irina, Review of: “Beyond ‘Mimetic Reductionism’. Exploring Unnatural Narratology”., «DIEGESIS», 2015, 4, pp. 1 - 3 [Review]

Marchesini, Irina, “Lʼincanto dellʼ いき(iki) nella prosa di K.K. Vaginov”, in: Tradizione, Traduzione, Trasformazione, Tokyo, Sanrei, 2015, pp. 103 - 112 [Chapter or essay]