Foto del docente

Giovanni Sartor

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies


Instructions for exams

Notice regarding examinations in Informatica Giuridica (DL-MQ)

The exam consists of a written test and an oral test, both compulsory and to be held on the same day, with the following modalities:

1) Written test:

  • The written test is in presence in the room indicated on the almaesami website for the relevant call.
  • It is a written test of 20 multiple-choice questions on the entire programme. Each correct answer will be given a score of 1.6 up to a maximum of 30 points. Each incorrect answer or answer not given will be given a score of 0. The final grade will be the sum of the points rounded to the closest integer.
  • The duration of the written test is 20 minutes.
  • Only an ID badge and a pen are required in order to take the test.
  • The result of the written test will be made available to students immediately after the correction by the Commission by posting the marks near the exam room. The students are required to remain close to the room where the exam takes place.

2) Oral test:

  • The oral test is in presence on the same day as the written test in the same room, after the posting of the results of the written test.
  • Students who have acquired a mark of 18/30 or higher in the written test of the same appeal are eligible to take the compulsory oral test.
  • Students who have obtained an insufficient mark in the written test are not admitted to the oral test and will have to register for another appeal.
  • It is only possible to take the oral test in the same appeal/day as the written test.
  • It consists of 2 or 3 questions on the entire programme.
  • The oral test starts from the mark obtained in the written test, to which a maximum of three points may be added or deducted. However, the examiners reserve the right to assess the entire examination as insufficient if the questions asked in the oral examination are not answered.

Published on: December 19 2022